Chapter 510 Using Powers Against Powers

"Melqart's storm and thunder's power?! How on earth did you do it?"

As someone who had fought against Melqart, Verethragna's eyes widened upon seeing this. Although he is a god, the impact this time was a bit too big that he can't ignore it anymore.

It was completely beyond expectation that Melqart was actually attacked by his own power.

"The power of the gods is not unattainable, even yours, Verethragna, don't you remember your white stallion?"

Asahi pointed to the sky as he said that. Then, the dark clouds were pushed away, revealing the sun. Above the sun, the flame burned and a white stallion was formed by the flame. Carrying the flame of the sun, the white stallion crashed down.

Because Asahi has the power of the sun itself, the white stallion has become stronger. Compared with Verethragna's white stallion, it is more than ten times larger, and its power is also very terrifying.

"The white stallion has become so powerful? What the hell is going on?"

Verethragna used his own power to resist, but he couldn't stop it at all. The white stallion still fell, but he didn't panic too much, as he has another power that could resurrect himself once, the resurrection coin.

However, he was still blasted out by the white stallion once.

"Human, what is going on? How can you use our powers? You are not a fool, and you don't have the aura of a god, and the most important thing is, you are actually using our own powers! What is going on?"

Melqart finally defeated the storm and thunder, and looked at Asahi in disbelief.

As soon as he broke through the storm and thunder, he saw the white stallion directly kill Verethragna, which is very impactful.

Even if the other party can use their power, the power shouldn't have been so huge!

"Yeah, what is going on? You can actually use our power, and the power is much stronger than ours!"

The resurrected Verethragna was also dumbfounded, completely unable to understand how the other party did it.

This is not an ability, not even simulated, but a real power.

"Just treat it as if I can copy your powers, besides, you can return to the mythology now!"

Asahi didn't mention Migeiko's ability, and only said that he could copy others' power, but even this is already scary enough.


After that, Asahi stopped talking nonsense and directly summoned the boar. Of course, he didn't summon only one, but twenty boars.

The twenty boars about the size of the giant Melqart stared eagerly at the two gods opposite.

Even though the power of the boar belongs to him, Verethragna still feels a little scared.

He is better, as he can fly. Although Melqart can do it, his size is too big, and he has been surrounded, so he has no time to fly into the sky.

"Copy the power of the gods? And you can copy multiple powers without limit? This is a completely mobile, and optimized Prometheus' Grimoire!"

Erica was dumbfounded upon hearing Asahi's words. She didn't know why, but she suddenly despised the stone tablet in her hand. She wondered why was the gap so big. Although the stone slate is already powerful to be able to steal one of the god's power, it is completely incomparable to Asahi's power.

As for how Asahi did it, there's no way she would know about it. Her imagination is not enough to answer this question.

"No wonder you are so disdainful about obtaining god's power. It turns out that you have such ability. In this case, if you encounter other Campione…"

Lucretia Zola also started talking to herself. After saying this, her face couldn't help but turn pale, 'Doesn't it mean that this lord will be the strongest in the world from now on? What other Campione can do against him?'

'If he copies their powers and optimizes it, what else can those Campione do?'

The same is true for the gods. Just look at the current situation, one is entangled by his own power, and the other is already killed once. And now, there's twenty boars appearing here.

If there's no surprise, even Melqart, as the Divine King-class Heretic God, will also be killed by a pig this time.

This is no longer a normal shame. As a Divine King-class Heretic God, he actually died under a pig.

Even if this pig is a divine beast, it's still very shameful. After all, Melqart is not an ordinary Heretic God.

At this moment, the twenty boars rushed over one after another. With them like this, dealing with Melqart is very easy. Just this charge alone can make Melqart helpless.

Melqart has no way to dodge, so he can only defend himself in place, but after a few hits, Melqart was injured by the boars.

After all, there are too many of them, and none of them are weak, and he can't beat them at all.

"My servants…"

In panic, Melqart summoned his servants, the locusts, which he could also control.

Countless giant locusts swarmed over the sky, but Asahi didn't give him to make a comeback, and also summoned the locusts.

Moreover, the locust army he summoned was not only larger in number, but also larger in size, so they soon suppressed the situation.

Seeing Melqart being overwhelmed by the locusts and boars, Asahi focused his gaze on Verethragna.

"Now, you should know the result. You hope to be defeated, and this time, I can also defeat you!"

Asahi's words are very clear. He is basically saying that Verethragna is not comparable to him at all.

"I know you are strong, but losing without a fight is not my style!"

After saying that, Verethragna activated the three incarnations of bull, raptor and goat.

They represent great strength, speed, and thunder respectively.

But against Asahi, they are all useless, as he can just use the same three power, moreover, the one Asahi used is more powerful than Verethragna's, so he simply can't stop it.

In this way, Verethragna was directly killed by Asahi again, but this time, he did not recover.

At the same time, Asahi sensed a force was burrowing into his body. For normal humans, it will give them power beyond imagination. But Asahi just regarded it as a curse.

After all, once god sees someone with this force, they will immediately see through their identities.

It is equivalent to a mark, and except for a few ones, all gods will basically fight them when they see it.

It might give some power, but Asahi doesn't need it either. After all, he can directly copy the gods' powers, and he's much powerful than anything in this world, so he doesn't need this curse.

Therefore, there's no way he would become a Campione. This power is directly controlled by him, which means that he can create a Campione.



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