Chapter 513 Campione Subordinates

"Erica, you better not lie to me, otherwise, I can't bear the consequences this time, even if I am the commander-in-chief of Copper-Black Cross!"

At Sardinia Airport, the commander-in-chief of Copper-Black Cross, Paolo Blandelli, has arrived.

Looking at his niece in front of him, Paolo can be regarded as taking a gamble, as he felt that his niece would not deceive him about such thing.

He just received the news yesterday, and after confirming it again and again, he came here directly with special plane.

"Don't worry, uncle, I saw this with my own eyes, and it's not just me, even the Witch of Sardinia can testify for it!"

Erica has explained it many times, but even now, she still continues to explain patiently.

Although she also felt a little annoyed, she could understand his uncle's thought. After all, without seeing it with her own eyes, she would think that it is just a story from the book.

When Paolo first learned about the artificial Campione, he almost thought that his niece was being controlled by someone.

Otherwise, how could she say such nonsense?

"Forget it, you will know when the time comes, let's go!"

Paolo could only nod his head and followed Erica away.

"Uncle, please don't mess around after we meet. Although that person is not a Campione, his strength has long surpassed that of a Campione. You haven't seen the tragic situation of the two gods, so don't be disrespectful!"

Erica warned him once again, for fear that her uncle would not regard the other party as a big boss because he is not a Campione.

"Don't worry, your uncle knows this better than you. I won't be so reckless!"

Paolo said speechlessly. The situation that Erica said would basically not happen with the higher-ups of these Mage Associations.

Those who can reach such level are not idiots, and they naturally won't be arrogant, after all, arrogant, those who are arrogant have basically said goodbye to this world, as the water in this world is also quite deep.

If they are not careful, they may go directly to the bottom of the abyss. Paolo is considered a small legend, so naturally he cannot do such a stupid thing.

Soon, the two came to Lucretia Zola's house and met Asahi.

When he first saw Asahi, Paolo was a little surprised, and he believed a lot of Erica's words, as he couldn't sense anything.

The person in front of him is like a solid mist. If he couldn't see him with his naked eyes, he wouldn't even be able to know that he's in front of him.

"Paolo Blandelli, commander-in-chief of the Copper-Black Cross, pays respect to the King!"

Paolo did not kneel down, after all, he is still the leader of a powerful force, but he still bowed directly, which is more than ninety degrees…

"Okay, there is no need to be too polite, I don't like such thing. Erica has pledged her allegiance to me, and made the decision on behalf of your Copper-Black Cross. Now that you are here, as the commander-in-chief, make your decision!"

Asahi looked at Paolo and said.

After Paolo saw Asahi, he did not hesitate too much, so he naturally agreed directly.

So now, the Copper-Black Cross becomes a force under Asahi.

"Very well, you are as smart as your niece. Then, I'll give these two things to you!"

Asahi said with a smile, and then, he threw the two small balls in his hands directly. The small ball representing Melqart's power flew to Paolo, while the small ball representing Verethragna was thrown to Erica.

To him, these small balls is like a dollar in the hands of a billionaire. Throwing it away didn't make him feel anything.

There are too many gods in this world, and they can come down repeatedly, so it is very simple to obtain more gods' powers.

And having two Campione under his command is a very awesome thing, isn't it? Others are Campione, but he regards Campione as his subordinates, which gives him a lot of face.

Paolo doesn't know what these two balls are, but Erica and Lucretia Zola are shocked.

Especially Lucretia Zola. Her face is full of envy and jealousy, but she knows that she has no part in it, so she just stopped watching it, lest her heart ached too much.

"This is…"

Paolo, who didn't know what this was, was a little confused.

"Uncle, these are the powers of the two gods which have been sealed. Once absorbed, you can directly become a Campione. Thank you for the King's reward!"

Erica directly knelt down on one knee and said with great respect. And after Paolo heard this, without any hesitation, he no longer cared about his position and also directly knelt on one knee.

What is dignity? Can he eat it? He doesn't care about dignity anymore. He only knows that he has to kneel down to thank Asahi now.

"Since you are my subordinates, you can't be too weak. Of course, remember that since I can give you strength, I can take them away from you. Don't forget how the two gods died."

"I am a very tolerant person, but if someone dares to betray me, then I don't need to say more about the consequences!"

Asahi looked at the two of them with a half-smile, but the two of them were so frightened that they broke into cold sweat.

Others usually use stick before carrot, and Asahi gave the carrot first before using the stick, but the effect is also very significant.

The two made an oath directly. Although they didn't know if there was any binding force, Asahi is not worried.

It's just a force and subordinates. As long as they are not stupid, they will not betray him, and even if they betray him, he will just clean them up, it's as simple as that.

If they could still betray him after already being like this, Asahi would have to wonder if there was any external force having a hand in it.

After the two finished speaking, Asahi shattered the ball, and two powers blessed the two people.

With the blessing of this power, Pandora directly pulled the two people's consciousness into the Netherworld.

"Hmm, interesting… I'll go and take a look too!"

Asahi directly disappeared, while Lucretia Zola helplessly put the unconscious two people into the guest room.

She kept sighing as she carried them, after all, she didn't get to have a share of such a good thing.

But thinking about it carefully, it's not a loss for her. At any rate, she is familiar with a few big bosses, so no one would dare to trouble her in the future.

At the same time, Erica and Paolo were directly dragged into the Netherworld. Because the balls shattered at the same time, the two came to the Netherworld together.

"After waiting, they finally come. But it's strange… why did two children appear at once? What happened to you two? Why does the power of the gods take effect for so long after killing them?"

Pandora asked as she looked at the two of them with a confused face, while Erica and Paolo also looked at Pandora with a puzzled face at this moment.

After all, they still haven't figured out how they could have appeared here.