Chapter 514 Surprised Pandora

"Who are you? Where are we?"

Erica spoke first, and her words also stunned Pandora, who was asking questions.

"Ara, it's all because of what happened before, I forgot to tell you…"

Pandora was about to explain about herself, but suddenly, she realized that there is another person in front of her.

"She is Pandora, who is responsible for the reincarnation of the Campione. She claims to be the mother of all Campione, but it seems that no Campione would like to suddenly have an extra mother, so she is just a self-proclaimed mother…!"

The speaker is naturally Asahi. Others can't enter here, even Pandora can't leave this place, but he can come here so easily, which Pandora's eyes widened.

"You… Who are you? Why do you take away what I want to say? What do you mean self-proclaimed mother? I am obviously the mother of all Campione? But those bad kids, none of them recognize me. I am also very distressed… No, that's not the point, who are you!"

Pandora was stunned after being robbed of what she wanted to say. She only reacted after a while, maybe it's because she is a natural airhead.

She actually immediately explained the issue of her identity as mother and complained that all Campione are bad kids.

Only after she finished complaining that she came back to her senses, and focused on Asahi.

In this closed dimension, even other gods can't come in casually, so she wondered how this guy suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Although the blockade in this place is relatively strong, but for me, it is equivalent to nothing at all. Since I want to, I can naturally come here."

"In addition, the two of them are my subordinates, so quickly help them complete the reincarnation ceremony!"

Asahi is a bit amused. His appearance is indeed a huge impact for Pandora, so now, Pandora is in a state of confusion.

"Oh, I'll just… wait… What do you mean you can come here whenever you want? Who the hell are you!"

Pandora is about to collapse, as she was being led by the nose by the other party, while Erica and Paolo are a little speechless when they saw this.

They didn't expect that the god responsible for reincarnation turned out to be someone like Pandora, and they also didn't expect that Asahi would actually come here directly.

Even Campione can't come here casually, but now, Asahi come here easily, as if it is his own home.

"My name is Asahi. Even if I tell you, you won't recognize me. As for how I got in, I've already told you. I came here because I wanted to. As long as someone has strong enough spatial ability, they can come here easily!"

Asahi said with a smile, as if it's not a big deal.


Pandora is really helpless. She didn't know what to say about Asahi.

As for the ability that the other party said, only the existence of the Divine King-class gods can come in, which means that the person in front of her has the Divine King-class combat power. Upon thinking of this, Pandora doesn't want to think about it anymore.

"Forget it, let's start the reincarnation. By the way, you two will recognize me as a mother, right?"

Suddenly, Pandora looked at Paolo and Erica expectantly.

"Mother or whatever, with all due respect, I don't have any thoughts of having multiple mothers suddenly, so let's just forget it."

"Me too. Besides, I don't think that I want a mother who is not as tall as… No, a god!"

Erica glanced at Pandora's poor body, and finally shook her head.

Pandora, who had been severely damaged by Paolo's word, was directly killed by Erica's words and couldn't say anything anymore.

But this is Erica's nature, so it is normal for Pandora to be defeated.

In the end, Pandora helped the two of them complete their reincarnation, and then sent them away. However, Asahi kept their memories.

It must be known that other Campione can't retain their memories here.

"Why haven't you left yet? Your subordinates have already left! But then again, you are really amazing. To be able to make Campione become your subordinates, it must be your doing that they can become Campione, right?"

Pandora looked at Asahi and asked. This is the first time she saw such thing.

"Yes, it was indeed my doing. After all, I already have such power, and absorbing it again will not do me any good."

"Instead of doing that, it's better to use it to strengthen my subordinates. Just think about it carefully, wouldn't it be very cool to have Campione as my subordinates?"

Asahi said with a smile, but in Pandora's eyes, this smile is full of evil taste.

"What a vicious and powerful guy. Your methods are so incomprehensible. You have to know that there has never been a precedent for artificially making Campione!"

Pandora curled her lips and said speechlessly.

Since ancient times, all Campione have succeeded in killing gods by accident.

There are also Campione who planned to help create Campione, but they all failed in the end.

After all, not everyone can directly intercept the power of gods like Asahi.

"Well, precedent is precedent. Someone has to set a precedent, right? Let's not talk about this anymore. Pandora, are you bored here?"

Asahi looked around, and saw that there was nothing here. If he was left here to stay alone, he wouldn't be able to stay unless he had a research project in hand.

"It's boring, but I can't leave this place. After all, I have to preside over the reincarnation ceremony of the Campione."

Pandora is also helpless. She also wanted to leave, but there is no way to leave.

"Then, what if I can help you leave? Be my maid, and I will take you away, how about it?"

Asahi said with a smile. With Campione as his subordinates, and god as his maid, it will be very amazing.

"Maid… Maid?! Are you kidding me?"

Pandora pointed to herself. Of course she wanted to leave here, but to be a maid or something…

"Don't be so anxious to give me the answer, I will come again later, so let's talk about it then. By the way, I can let you travel between the two worlds at any time, so there will be no problem in hosting the ceremony."

"Next time I come, I hope you've already figured out your answer!"

After that, Asahi disappeared directly and returned to Sardinia in the human world. As for Pandora, she just stood there blankly.

Freedom or being a maid, she can only choose one of the two. She can also travel back and forth, so there will be no problems because of leaving.

In truth, being a maid is not a big problem, as the biggest problem for Pandora is to host the ceremony. But now that Asahi said that she can travel back and forth, it seems to be very good, so Pandora fell into contemplation like this.