Chapter 515 The World Shakes

"Just now, that was… wait…, my power!"

After waking up, Erica still retains that part of her memory because of Asahi.

But now, her attention is attracted by the power in her body, and she finally knows why she is so weak in front of the gods.

'Against the gods and Campione, the gap is indeed too big.'

The magic power in her body has increased exponentially, and her physical fitness has also improved a lot. It can be said that she has a completely major transformation.

Moreover, she obtained the ten incarnations of Verethragna, just like Kusanagi Godou.

However, obtaining this kind of power, which is equivalent to multiple powers, naturally comes with a price, that is, it can only be used once a day.

As for Paolo, he now has the power of Melqart to control the sea, second only to the power of storm and thunder.

The powers are randomly selected, so it can only be said that Paolo's luck is neither good nor bad.

The two left the room immediately and saw Asahi again.

"My lord, what happened just now…"

Before Paolo could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Asahi.

"Just now was Campione's reincarnation ceremony, but you two are a little different from others. After leaving the Netherworld, the other Campione will lose the memory of Pandora and Campione's reincarnation ceremony, but because of me, you two retained that memory."

Asahi explained a little bit, making both Paolo and Erica shocked.

Even though they have become Campione, when facing Asahi, they still can't detect what level the other party is.

This made the two inevitably feel a little frustrated. After all, they have become the so-called Campione. Although they are only new Campione, they are still Campione, but even so, they can't detect Asahi's depth.

"Now, you can announce your identities, so that few people will dare to cause trouble for you."

"Your strength is not enough to deal with other Campione, unless you join forces. However, against Luo Hao and Voban, you still can't do anything even if you worked together. Luo Hao will not trouble you casually, as for Voban, remember to tell me if he troubles you."

Asahi didn't think too much about it. His next trip is much simpler, as in a certain country here, a monkey was sealed.

This monkey is really embarrassing. As the top god of the Dragon Kingdom, he was sealed. (T/N: China Numbaahhhh ONE)

It was fine if he was sealed, but he actually accepted the seal honestly.

Even if he can't escape from the seal, he can just commit suicide. After all, it's just a clone.

He would rather be sealed than return to mythology. This really makes people speechless and put down other Sun Wukong's face.

No wonder Luo Hao has always thought that this guy is really embarrassing. Of course, he still has enough capabilities, and it can be said that he is much more powerful than the ordinary Heretic Gods.

However, strength and character are two different things. There is a huge gap between Sun Wukong in this world and Sun Wukong in other worlds.

Although Sun Wukong in other worlds are also sealed by the Five-Finger Mountain, they have only one life, and their souls are still there after death, so they can't choose to commit suicide.

But this world is different, as he is just a clone. However, he can't bear to let go of a clone, so he just got sealed here.

The seal is indeed very complicated, and many methods are needed to unblock it, otherwise it will be useless even if the country is destroyed.

This is why Luo Hao can't release this monkey until now, but Asahi doesn't care.

He has exceeded the scope of this world by a lot. Other people, even Luo Hao, need to meet the conditions to release Sun Wukong.

But he is different. No matter what kind of seal it is, there is a common way of releasing, that is, to use brute force to destroy it, so Asahi intends to use this method. As for the others, he doesn't bother to care. He only needs the power of the other party, and then throws this shameful monkey back into the myth.

In this way, Paolo and Erica, and also Asahi, returned to the headquarters of the Copper-Black Cross, and Paolo and Erica directly announced their identities as Campione.

The seventh king and the eighth king were born together, and they are also Mage Association's members, making the entire magical side shocked.

Although many people are skeptical about it, there are many ways to determine whether the other party is really a Campione or not, as many people with Spirit Vision can see their true essence.

So after they released the news, the surrounding Mage Association directly determined their identities.

Without much trouble, a large number of Mage Association immediately surrendered to Copper-Black Cross. It can't be helped, two Campione appeared in a row, and they are also relatives, which has never appeared in history.

This news soon reached the ears of other Campione.

"Killing Verethragna and Mekal? When did gods become so easy to kill? Two were actually killed in one go!"

At this moment, in the dark hall where Voban was, he was in a bad mood. After all, he is not the one who killed these gods.

Moreover, the addition of two more Campione in one go means that he will have several more competitors in the future. The number of Heretic Gods is not large in the first place, now that they are divided by these people, it will be strange if he can feel comfortable!

"I remember that one of the new kings is a good friend with you, right? Find out how she became a Campione."

"Although that Paolo kid is young, he has extraordinary aptitude and good strength, so it's not impossible for him to be a Campione. As for that little girl, there must be something wrong with her!"

Voban said coldly. At this moment, below the hall, there is a girl kneeling on one knee. This girl is Liliana, and like Erica, she is known as a prodigy.

She has a very serious personality and abides by the rules of knighthood, but she is also a bit silly and was often bullied by Erica in the past.

She likes to call Erica the female fox and has been teased by her many times.

She also likes fantasy. For example, she also has a hobby of writing novels. But when she writes love novels, she uses herself as a template. She is a very cute girl.

"King, isn't it bad to go and find out the other party's information like this!"

Liliana was a little hesitant. After all, this is her friend. She was happy but also bitter that the other party has become a Campione.

The other party has already reached the apex, but she still has to serve the old wolf in front of her.

"Are you questioning my decision?"

Voban narrowed his eyes, and Liliana felt the aura of death coming towards her in an instant.

"This subordinate doesn't dare!"

Liliana, who broke into a cold sweat, immediately replied, and then the aura of death disappeared.