Chapter 516 A Certain Country: Who The Hell Did I Provoke?

"It's better if you don't dare, otherwise there will be another collection among my servants!"

After the aura of death disappeared, Voban's voice came again, which made Liliana breathe a sigh of relief.

"Go and find the reason, otherwise, you didn't have to go back!"

After Voban finished speaking, Liliana left with a sad expression on her face. She is very sure that she will die this time.

Investigating the secret of a Campione, first of all, it is not easy, and she will die, and secondly, although Erica has teased her many times and likes to make fun of her, it is impossible for her to target Erica.

But if she couldn't find the reason, according to the old Marquis, she didn't have to go back, which meant she had to die.

In order not to implicate the Copper-Black Cross, she must die, so her face is not good. After all, who would want to die without being able to do anything?

But now, it was no longer up to her. As for whether Erica would stand up for her, she didn't even think about it.

With Erica's character, she would really stand up for her friend, but it would also hurt Erica.

She knew that a new king would definitely not be able to beat the hundreds-year-old Voban, so she already thought of giving up her own life and saves the others.

After she left, Woban was not idle either. Since the number of Campione continued to increase, he is naturally unhappy.

He eagerly wanted to kill the gods, so he directly announced that he was going to a certain country, and the Miko in this country was his target.

At the beginning, this guy gathered a large number of witches and mikos, and then in order to summon the Heretic Gods, there were only one or two of them survived.

It can be said that wherever this old thing goes, there must be chaos. Sometimes, the disaster caused by Campione is more serious than the ones caused by the gods.

Especially for Woban, his style of behavior is very villainous, and it is not much different from a Heretic God.

But after killing so many Heretic Gods, no one dared to cause trouble to him, so he could do anything he wanted.

It is unknown how many people are now expecting Voban to make a blunder and die in the hands of Heretic Gods.

And the certain country that received the news is helpless. There is no Campione in their country, so when the Campione comes, nothing good would happen.

Especially Voban, as they have basically guessed what the other party is going to do, but are helpless to do anything about it.

The news of the birth of the two new kings also reached the ears of other Campione, but most of them initially had an indifferent attitude.

However, since there are two Campione appearing in one go and they successful in killing Heretic Gods at the same time, and they are even a relative, it is a problem.

Therefore, the other Campione, including Luo Hao, could not sit still and sent their servants out to investigate the news.

At the same time, the news that Woban went to a certain country naturally spread.

"It seems that this old guy has been waiting to get the Miko to summon the gods. He is really free and unrestrained. Isn't he afraid that the country will jump over the wall in a hurry?"

Asahi is a little amused. Voban has been bullying others all this time, but he felt that although that country looks weak, they still have hidden combat power.

There are those three gods in Netherworld, and there's that monkey outside. Although Voban is strong, but if he faces those four at the same time, he is just sending himself into a pit of fire.

Of course, just some Mikos will not let this country jump over the wall.

But Asahi doesn't care about that. He already plans to go over, one is to deal with the old wolf as he went there, and the other is to deal with the monkey, of course, he will take care of those guys in the Netherworld.

'Since you are acting so weak, then just continue to be weak and don't ever reveal your strength.'

"It turns out that that country has so much hidden fighting power, they are really hiding it very deep, my lord, what shall we do next?"

Paolo asked. He no longer calls Asahi king, after all, Asahi doesn't think it sounds good.

And Paolo and the others are also kings, so they might as well just call him 'my lord'.

"Of course I'm going there too. You stay here, while Erica and I will go over there. I am very interested in the monkey and the hidden power behind them. If there's no accident, I can make more Campione!"

Asahi said with a smile, while Paolo was a little embarrassed. He felt that his boss is really terrifying. He just casually said about making more of terrifying existence like Campione.

But as someone he made too, he didn't say much, but immediately nodded and sent someone to call Erica.

As for Asahi's identity, Asahi did not let them announce it. Only the insiders of the Copper-Black Cross knew about him.

Outsiders don't know about Asahi's existence, as Asahi also plans to have a good time, thinking that the expressions on others' faces will definitely be wonderful at that time.

Soon, Paolo released the news that Erica, the new king, was also going to seek a certain country, which caused the certain country to explode.

They never expected that they would be targeted by two Campione in one go.

One of them is Voban, which makes them almost crying, but after asking Susanoo for instructions, they no longer panicked.

They had learned of Voban's purpose, and at most, they will just find some Mikos for him, which will not hurt them.

Of course, to be honest, it still hurts a little.

As for Erica, the new king, with Susanoo behind them, they naturally don't have to worry.

Moreover, their plan is to support and control a Campione. It can be said that they are quite ambitious.

But this time, it is estimated that they are going to be in trouble again. Thinking that a little girl is easy to control is probably their biggest mistake.

However, it is still a bit troublesome for having two Campione coming over at the same time. Right now, that certain country has directly become big news in everyone's eyes.

Everyone is waiting to see a joke. They felt that country is really unlucky, after all, where the Campione goes, that country will have a headache.

And now that the certain country got two Campione coming at the same time, the others can't wait to watch the jokes.

But they also admire Erica very much. They didn't expect that a new king would dare to fight against an old monster like Voban. The original Kusanagi Godou is a person from that certain country, so no one said anything, but now, Erica is not a native of that certain country.

For her to come at this time, it is obvious that she is going to cause trouble for Voban.

It can only be said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

Of course, before Asahi and Erica set out to a certain country, a person came to them, which is Liliana of the Bronze-Black Cross.

Her purpose is to die in Erica's hands. In this way, the force behind her can also be preserved, and it will also prevent others from following her into misfortune. It can only be said that this girl is very open-minded and have a spirit of sacrifice, completely worthy of being a protagonist.