Chapter 518 A Certain Country Is Seeking Death

At first, Liliana was still a little worried, and planned to leave so that she didn't affect Erica, however, after Erica told her that if she dares to leave, Erica will cause trouble for the Bronze-Black Cross, she became obedient.

At this moment, Erica perfectly explained what bullying means.

In the past, she only teased Liliana because the other party was too upright and pure. But that was only done with some small tricks, and now, she was doing it blatantly, but Liliana couldn't do anything about it.

Because Erica is a Campione at any rate, which makes Liliana unable to antagonize her.

Soon, they set off. As a Campione, Erica would be greeted by countless people wherever she went, and they did not dare to neglect her, so there is no need to pack things. However, when everyone left, Paolo gave them something.

"Gorgoneion… this is a good thing!"

Asahi looked at the box in his hand. He saw that there was a seal on it, but the seal would not last long.

This thing is what Athena is looking for. In order to restore the state of the Trinity, this thing is indispensable.

And now, Athena seems to be in conflict with Voban, but this thing is something that attracts Athena, so it's good to keep it with him.

He is considering making Athena as his maid, and then convinced Pandora again next time. He doesn't believe Pandora didn't want to leave that place.

Unless something unexpected happens next time, Pandora will definitely agree to his conditions.

At that time, Asahi will be really amazing. He got Heretic Gods as his maids, and Campione as his subordinates. Just thinking about it makes him feel aamzing.

As for prophecies and the like, Asahi directly ignored them. The so-called prophecy was just for Kusanagi Godou, and it was useless to him. The same was true for the King of the End, as he didn't care at all.

Speaking of which, this is one of the rare times when Asahi takes a plane. In the past, wherever he wanted to go, he could just teleport there directly.

But now, he takes a special plane to go to his destination.

After flying for some time, the plane finally landed in a certain country. At this moment, the airport in that certain country has been directly closed.

It can't be helped, this is a Campione, if they let other people come along them, isn't this just courting death? If they bump into someone, they might throw a few attacks, at that time, there won't be any room to cry.

Therefore, the airport was emptied in advance. Even so, there are many people waiting for the plane here. The scene was magnificent.

"Sure enough, Campione is a symbol of power. Look at this ostentation, it is really huge!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Asahi felt a little emotional. Strength is power, so strength represents everything.

Campione are treated like this by these people because of their big fists, and he can be said to be the strongest in this world.

"Well, this is the first time I can enjoy such treatment. I have only seen the formation to receive the Campione, but I didn't expect it to be my turn this time. Then, my lord, shall we go!"

After Erica finished speaking with a smile, she waited for Asahi to leave, but Asahi asked Erica to go first and he followed behind her.

He planned to give and others a surprise, so Erica is now the leader on the surface.

After Erica took the lead and got off the plane, a few people directly came to Erica.

"History Compilation Committee's member, Amakasu Touma, greet the new king!"

The person who came was none other than Amakasu Touma, the man who had deceived Kusanagi Godou in the original work. Therefore, Asahi did not hesitate to read part of his memory.

In this part of the memory, he saw the conversation between their higher-ups and Susanoo.

Because Kusanagi Godou's accident did not happen, and he did not become a Campione, they planned to support another one.

Although Susanoo is in control of everything, he was always behind the scenes and could not be exposed…

If he exposed himself, then other Campione will come here unscrupulously to make trouble. So he plans to support a person to be in power, in other words, a puppet.

Currently, he is eyeing Erica. It's because Erica is too young and ran here as soon as she became a Campione.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he won't let it go.

After reading this part of the memory, Asahi couldn't help but feel happy, 'These guys are really seeking death to the extreme.'

Since the other party is seeking death so openly, Asahi won't be polite.

Asahi directly told Erica of the part of the memory he had read through voice transmission, which made Erica stunned.

She is a little speechless at this moment, as she didn't expect these guys would seek death like this. However, if it is someone who doesn't know anything, they might have been really tricked.

Of course, with the exception of Kusanagi Godou, the other Campione are basically problem children, especially Doni…

After all, he doesn't care about any forces at all, so supporting him is useless. But this time, Susanoo has his mind set on Erica, and this is the stupidest choice he makes.

After knowing this, Erica didn't show them any good looks, but directly put on a bad expression.

Regardless of what the other party said, Erica's expression didn't change at all, showing a complete contempt.

This also made Amakasu Touma and the others a little confused, and it was not until Erica came to the hotel that Amakasu Touma couldn't help but start complaining.

"What on earth is going on? Is that girl really the new king? Are you sure that she's not an old king?"

Amakasu Touma didn't know what to say to her, as whatever he said, Erica was just like a piece of wood, showing no reaction. Moreover, after a while, Erica's eyes are filled with murderous intent which made him dare not say any more nonsense.

Originally, Amakasu Touma planned to test Erica's abilities. After all, a new king who is still young should be easy to control.

But she gave him the same feeling as an old king, unable to be seen through at all.

In desperation, Amakasu Touma could only pass on the news.

After the higher-ups learned about this, they were also a little speechless. In this way, their plan has basically failed.

However, the probability of success itself is very small, after all, she is not from their country.

However, Amakasu Touma also passed on the news that Liliana was also following Erica, which made those people had some idea, thinking that maybe they could even cause conflict with the other Campione.

Of course, they suppressed this idea as soon as it came out. After all, if a fight broke out, their country would basically be doomed.

After these people asked about Erica's reason for coming, Amakasu Touma couldn't help but slapped his forehead, as he forgot to ask.

Because he was suppressed so miserably before, Amakasu Touma didn't say much until the end, and was only filled with depression, so he didn't ask Erica clearly about her purpose.