Chapter 519 Helpless Higher-Ups

"Hahahaha, that guy is so funny. I didn't show him a good look, and then his face looked like pig liver!"

Erica thought it was very funny. When Amakasu Touma walked away, his expression as if he's eating shit is really funny.

"Those guys think they have everything in their hands, but they don't know that they are the ones being controlled."

"After this time, they probably won't dare to have any thought about you anymore, but when he left, he forgot to ask you why you came."

"He will come over again later, and then, we'll ask him when the old Voban plans to perform the ceremony."

"Then, we'll pay a visit to old Woban when he performs the ceremony!" Asahi smiled and said.

If you want to slap someone in the face, then do it thoroughly. He'll go over and cause trouble at the critical moment. First, he wanted to take care of Voban, then deal with other guys. As for Athena, he'll just wait for her to come to his door.

However, since Voban is still here, it is estimated that Athena will not dare to come out.

If she's in the state of Trinity, she might be able to fight against Voban, but since she's not, then she can just run away.

As for Kusanagi Godou, he's a cheater. Just the golden sword and some knowledge are enough to bring bad luck to all the gods.

His power perfectly explains that knowledge is power. If he knows others background, he can dig out their roots.

Sure enough, Amakasu Touma soon returned. Whether it was to answer the higher-ups, or to ensure that Erica didn't go crazy, he has to come back and ask clearly, otherwise, he would be derelict in his duty, and it is not good to provoke a Campione for this.

And Erica also told him her purpose. Her purpose is very simple, that is, Sun Wukong.

This made Amakasu Touma helpless. He wondered what is going on. He didn't expect that Sun Wukong was targeted by several Campione.

Especially the Holy Cult of the Five Mountains next door, who is watching with eager eyes. If they didn't know that destroying the country would not be able to release the monkey, their country might have been destroyed directly.

To be honest, Amakasu Touma is very speechless, and wondered why did those experts seal such a hot potato here.

Although Sun Wukong can be used to resist foreign enemies, he is also stared at by such a group of people.

"King, there is nothing we can do about that monkey god. Several Campione have tried it before, but there is no way to unlock the seal!"

Amakasu Touma said helplessly.

"I'm just letting you know. As for whether it can be unlocked or not, I will go there and try it myself. Also, tell me the time when Marquis Voban will summon the god!"

Erica didn't say much, but asked about Voban's situation, which directly made Amakasu Touma's heart skip a beat.

"King, you have just become the new king. You should not have a conflict with the Marquis at this time!"

Amakasu Touma feels that his scalp is numb. Wouldn't it be a disaster if two Campione fight? It's not like every Campione is like Kusanagi Godou. Those people can easily destroy the country. As for Kusanagi Godou, even destroying a forest will make him guilty.

"Just answer my question directly, I don't need to hear your nonsense!"

As Erica said, the magic power in her body was suddenly released, and Amakasu Touma felt as if a large mountain was pressing on him.

Although his ability is indeed very outstanding, there is nothing he can do when facing Campione.

Amakasu Touma was immediately crushed to the ground.

"Three… three days from now!"

Amakasu Touma, who had some difficulty breathing, finally spoke out. After that, Erica directly withdrew the magic power, and Amakasu Touma felt that his body was much more relaxed.

The gap between humans and Campione is indeed very big, and there is no way to easily make up the gap.

"Remember what to say in the future. Don't say what shouldn't be said! Next time, I won't be so lenient!"

Before Amakasu Touma left, Erica's words frightened Amakasu Touma again.

He suddenly discovered that Campione, no matter their age, are all ruthless. Each one is more cruel than the other.

He almost died just now, but when he thought of what happened afterwards, he started to panic again, so he immediately passed the message he obtained to the higher-ups.

After the History Compilation Committee got the information passed by Amakasu Touma, they are also frightened. Now that there's a chance two Campione will fight, although one is a new king and she is basically bound to lose, she can still release some powerful power.

This is a big problem, as it means that a city may be destroyed, and even the whole country can be destroyed.

In desperation, the group of higher-ups can only pass the message to Susanoo, who is also speechless.

He didn't expect the two Campione actually planned to use his territory as a battlefield, which made him very unhappy.

But there was nothing he could do. He then said to those people that they should wait and see for the time being. If it really didn't work, he would take action.

As a Heretic God, once he is exposed, he will be targeted by the Campione.

When Campione saw the Heretic God, they are like hungry wolves seeing fresh meat, and they will directly pounce on it, which is why he hides behind the scenes.

Why was he driven into the Netherworld by the King of the End? To put it bluntly, isn't it because he is cowardly? If he is not cowardly, he won't hide there.

The gods hiding in the Netherworld are like this, all of them are cowardly.

In this era, the lives of gods are not very good. After all, they just want to have fun in mortal world, but just after coming here, they would be sent back to the mythology by the Campione.

Even if they don't do anything evil, after Campione find them, they will definitely be killed.

It's because they have power and Campione can become stronger if they kill them, so in desperation, they can only hide.

Hearing Susanoo's instruction, the History Compilation Committee are helpless, and could only evacuate the surrounding people as much as possible.

Speaking of which, this battle is also necessary. After all, once a god descend, Voban and that god will also have a battle, but now, it has become a three-way battle, so the situation is definitely worse.

But there are no Campione from their country, so they don't have the right to speak. Although there are Heretic Gods, they are useless.

If it is just Heretic God, they can just release Sun Wukong, but there's nothing they can do about Campione.

This is the combat power of the human side, so if they used Heretic God to fight them, it means they are not on the human side.

So they can't let Sun Wukong out casually, and can only watch it.

In this way, time flew by, and three days later, the night when Voban summoned the god is here.