Chapter 520 Interrupting Voban

Today, Voban is very happy, because if there's no accident, he will have a god to kill.

The ritual this time is different from the past. In the past, many people performed it together, and a lot of people died as a result.

But this time, there was only one person in the ceremony, Mariya Yuri. It can be said that this girl is pretty good.

But because of her kindness, she was exploited in various ways by the people of History Compilation Committee.

Yuri had a very bad impression of the Campione because she had performed the god summoning ritual.

Many people died because of it, they were all lives, so she naturally felt that the Campione are a group of monsters.

She has never felt that Campione are good people, but speaking of those people, they are indeed not good people.

If it was Asahi, when he was fighting those gods, he would try his best not to affect ordinary people, and he would fight them in places where no one was around.

But the other Campione are different. Most of them don't care about anything and just start fighting.

The result is all kinds of natural disasters. If there is a fight in or near a city, then that city will basically be destroyed. This is the Campione.

So for the sake of other people's lives, this time, Yuri came alone. After all, her talent is good enough to complete the ritual alone.

But once the ritual is completed, all the backlash will be on her. Back then, with the others sharing it, she didn't die, but without anyone else, she is basically bound to die.

She also has a younger sister, Mariya Hikari, but now, she is serving Sun Wukong, her personality is completely different from Yuri, as she worships the Campione very much.

"I remember you, the person who survived that ritual back then. I did not expect to meet you again, but to actually come alone, are you ready die?"

Voban found it a bit amusing. Such kindness was worthless in his opinion, but he didn't bother to care. As long as he could summon god, it was fine. As for who died, that wasn't something he needed to care about.

In this regard, Yuri only responded with a few symbolic words, but Voban didn't bother to care about it.

In his opinion, Yuri is already a dead person, and a dead person does not deserve his attention, even if she offends him, it doesn't matter, after all, she is going to die.

"Go ahead, summon the god I need!"

Voban didn't talk nonsense and ordered Yuri to start directly. He is too lazy to care about other things.

But just as Yuri planned to start, a terrifying magic power poured in directly.

"This magic power, is my kin here? There is only that little girl from Copper-Black Cross here. For you to release your power so unscrupulously on my territory, are you planning to declare war on me?"

Voban frowned, as what Erica did was the same way as Doni back then. After becoming a Campione back then, he went to find other Campione to fight.

Of course, Voban is included, but Doni was easily defeated by him.

Among the Campione, if there is no deadly vengeance, it is just a spar.

He severely wounded Doni, which was regarded as punishment, but regarding that sword idiot, Voban was speechless.

In addition to finding trouble with him, he also found trouble with other Campione. At that time, he knew that Doni was really a sword idiot, and he didn't want to step on him. With a superior position, Voban is too lazy to take care of such people.

And now, Erica is also coming to provoke him, which makes him quite unhappy.

"You can't say that. I recalled that this is not your territory, and you were the one who declared war on me first."

"You were the one who ordered Lily to find out about me, so if you are saying about declaring war, you are the one who declared war first!"

Erica, Asahi and Liliana walked in, but Liliana looked a little panicked.

Even though she knew that Erica and Asahi had a trump card, it was unclear who would win, so she is a little panicked.

"I see, your relationship is indeed very good, but, Liliana, you seem to betray me, right!"

At this moment, Voban opened his eyes, and a murderous intent filled the surroundings, and Liliana and Yuri also felt a great deal of pressure.

"Old man, just because you have the ability, don't think you can bully a junior so wantonly. Come and fight me!"

Erica's words stopped Voban's murderous intent.

"Well, in that case, let's just treat you as an appetizer before the god. Newcomers really need a good education!"

"As for her and your subordinate, since they are here, don't even think of leaving. They can have fun with my servants!"

After saying that, the old marquis activated his undead servant, and this power was naturally copied by Asahi in an instant.

These servants are the people punished by Voban in the past. After death, they could not leave directly, but were imprisoned by him.

After being controlled by the old marquis, they can only be his puppets and their soul will never be at peace.

And these people are basically the same level of great knights and great magicians as Erica was originally.

Their strength is much stronger than that of Erica, who was a novice at the time, even if they are dead now.

Erica, who saw this scene, did not say much, but left directly and led Voban away. Since Asahi is here, these servants are of no use.

If it's just Liliana, then she might really be killed by these guys.

At this moment, Liliana is still a little calm. As for Yuri, she is completely confused.

She really couldn't understand what was going on, 'Didn't you want me to summon god? How could it turn into a battle between Campione?'

And seeing the undead servant, she looked a little frightened. Even so, the kind-hearted girl looked at Asahi and Liliana with some worry.

She knows that these were very powerful characters when they are still alive, in this case, it seems that Liliana and Asahi are not their opponents.


However, just when she felt that the two would die, she saw Asahi snapped his fingers, and then the bodies of the dead servants began to collapse, and then turned into ashes. As for their souls, they also appeared in front of everyone.

After collectively bowing to Asahi, they disappeared completely.

Since Asahi has copied this ability, he can also control these guys and directly release their souls.

In this way, Voban couldn't use his undead servant until he collects the new ones.

"This… What is going on?"

It is very simple for Asahi to do so, and Liliana also feels that it is normal, but Yuri can't understand it. Subconsciously, she activated her Spirit Vision.