Chapter 521 Voban VS Erica

"I've lost contact with my undead servants, is it your backup plan?"

As the undead servants disappeared, Voban naturally sensed it, so he looked at Erica with some doubts.

Among the three people there, only one he didn't recognize, and the other two had no ability to eliminate his undead servants.

However, all of his servants had lost contact now, and even his own abilities couldn't summon them back.

This left Voban somewhat puzzled, unable to understand what was happening and suspecting it might be Erica's backup plan.

"With that lord around, but I don't need to do much. To be honest, I also know I'm not your match, but before you face your true opponent, let me test my own strength first!"

After saying this, Erica directly took out her weapon and used the Bull Incarnation and Raptor Incarnation, charging towards Voban.

"My real opponent, interesting. Do you possess abilities that enhance your strength and speed? Who is the god you killed?"

After easily blocking Erica's attack, Voban asked curiously. Erica and Paolo becoming Campione was quite sudden, and he had no idea how they had accomplished it.

Moreover, the god they had slain had only been a rumor on Sardinia.

Once they confirmed it, they went there on their own, so the information didn't leak out.

There was only one witch there, and there are hardly any people from the magical side. As a result, there's no news about Verethragna and Melqart spreading out before they were dealt with by Asahi.

In addition, the time when Erica and Paolo became Campione are different from the time those gods disappeared, so he is quite curious about it.

"Don't you know if you experience it yourself"

Seeing that her close combat was ineffective, Erica directly summoned a white stallion burning with the flames of the sun descending from the sky.

At the same time, Voban also activated his own power related to the sun. This ability is the Legion of Hungry Wolves, allowing him to not only summon giant wolves to fight for him, he could also transform into a fifty-meter-tall giant werewolf with the protection of light, granting him maximum defense against sun-type attacks and resistance.

Before the white stallion descended, Voban had already transformed into a fifty-meter-tall giant werewolf, and then he collided with the white stallion.

The tremendous impact of the white stallion descending from the sky shattered the surrounding ground, and flames scattered everywhere, as if a fiery meteor shower had descended. Anything that came into contact with the flames immediately ignited, after all, this is the flame of the sun. Such a big movement was naturally seen by Asahi and the others.

"Has the battle begun? Let's go and take a look. As for that young lady over there, you can come along. Maybe you'll get to see Voban getting a beating!"

After saying this, Asahi took Liliana and headed to the battlefield. As for Yuri, after a moment of hesitation, she followed suit.

She had just tried to use her Spirit Vision to observe Asahi's situation, but all she saw was mist and nothingness.

If it weren't for the fact that she could see this person with her naked eyes, she wouldn't even know if someone was there.

This is the first time she has failed to use Spirit Vision, after all, her talent is very amazing.

Even the gods and Campione couldn't escape her gaze once observed. Of course, they wouldn't easily spare those who spied on them.

The peeped gods and the killing of gods will not let those who peeped at them casually.

Lucretia Zola in Sardinia had been a clear example.

In short, she couldn't see through Asahi at all, and there was no use in staying here, so she felt it's better to follow along.

At this moment, the place where the two are fighting is not the downtown area.

The choice of location is chosen by History Compilation Committee's people here, therefore, in order to avoid the aftermath of the battle, they not only chose a relatively deserted place, but also evacuated the surrounding people.

So there was no one present now, but Erica's attacks were quite devastating.

After the white stallion and the giant wolf collided, the white stallion shattered, and flames of the sun rained down everywhere, as if a fiery meteor shower had started.

"Little girl, you've only just become a Campione, and you're still quite unfamiliar in using your abilities."

"But your power is indeed impressive - sun flames, speed, immense strength, what else can you take out in one go? Let me see!"

Voban is a little curious. Abilities like Verethragna'swere indeed quite rare, where one ability could be used as ten, each with different effects.

"After all, you're an old-timer, but like this, I can find you a good opponent!"

As she said this, Erica directly threw out a giant boar. Against a giant werewolf, she naturally would use huge creature to fight.

After the tens of meters high boar appeared, its red eyes stared fixedly at the giant werewolf in front of it.

With a kick, the giant body charged forward like a massive, heavy tank. The charging force of a boar so powerful that even a tiger would have to retreat when facing it, let alone such a giant boar.

The giant werewolf was directly thrown hundreds of meters away by the charging boar, but Voban's two huge claws also grabbed the boar.

"Eyes of Sodom!"

Voban activated another power. Once this power was activated, everything he saw would turn into salt.

Against Campione and gods, only part of them would be affected, but the huge boar directly turned into a pillar of salt.

As for Erica, sensing that something was wrong, she immediately used her superb speed to evade, and along the way, she sent a bolt of lightning from Goat Incarnation towards Voban.

The sudden arrival of the lightning caught Voban off guard, however, his eyes are indeed very lethal, and Erica did not dare to let him see her, so she could only keep seeking cover to conceal herself.

Voban, who was struck by the lightning, reverted to his original appearance, giving up the use of his two abilities. Since there is a cover, his ability is useless.

However, he activated the Red Punishment, and a large amount of flames spread across the entire earth.

Of course, the powers he used have been copied by Asahi, but others still required Voban to use them before it could be copied.

Liliana and Yuri were brought into the air by Asahi and they were well protected, but the aftermath of the battle of between two Campione has destroyed the entire forest here, and the aftermath continued to spread outward. It had already affected some houses, but the people. inside had already evacuated, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

At most, the houses would be damaged and could be rebuilt later. After all, there were History Compilation Committee to support them.

At this moment, Erica, who was forced to come out by the flames, was also helpless. There was too much of a difference in the number and strength of their abilities.