Chapter 524 Reverse Honey Trap Plan?

"It's really surprising that the new king has dealt with that tricky fellow Voban." Said Susanoo, who is in the Netherworld.

There are two other people beside him, a woman and a monk. The three of them have always been hiding in the Netherworld, but now the situation now was incredibly surprising to them.

Their presence here wasn't solely out of fear of the Campione, as they didn't care about some simple Campione. But when it came to Luo Hao and Voban, they couldn't ignore them.

Luo Hao is manageable since she usually stayed in her territory and focused on the monkey.

But Voban is different. He was like a hungry wolf, and once he targeted a god, he would relentlessly pursuit them.

That's why they hid here, primarily to avoid Voban's attention and remained behind the scene.

"It's indeed quite surprising. The new king seems to possess incredible power. So, what should we do now?"

The monk asked. To this, Susanoo pondered for a while.

"I remember that the new king is a woman, right? Then, let's use this to our advantage!"

Susanoo suddenly smiled, as he knew what this country is best at.

So his order was passed on quickly, similar to how they dealt with Kusanagi Godou in the original, which is to send beautiful girls to Kusanagi Godou.

But now, they don't even think about sending a girl, after all, Erica is a girl, so they plan to send handsome men.

Simply put, it is reverse honey trap plan.

After this order was passed on, the others exchanged glances and began searching for high-quality men. They eventually selected several so-called 'fresh meats' and sent them to Erica.

"Hahahaha, this country is really full of surprises, they really know how to play. Erica, aren't you going to accept them?"

Asahi couldn't help but laughed after knowing this. They are really ghosts. These people were all geniuses, dealing with men using the beauty girls and women with handsome men. He had nothing else to say, they truly lived up to their reputation!

"My lord, can you please stop teasing me? And Lily, too. Holding back your laughter must be quite uncomfortable for you!"

Erica looked at Asahi with a resentful expression. It's kind of embarrassing to be teased by Asahi, so she can't help but complain.

As for Liliana, her face is already flushed. She hadn't expected this country to come up with such a method, so she was struggling to hold back her laughter. Her shoulders were shaking as she suppressed her laugher.

There is really nothing to say. Regarding to what happened to Erica, she could only say, 'You did a beautiful job.'

In the past, Liliana had often been teased by Erica, so now that she saw Erica in such a situation, she couldn't help but feel a bit satisfied.

"Alright, alright, I won't laugh at you anymore. Just send those guys back"

Although Asahi didn't laugh unscrupulously anymore, there was still a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth, which left Erica feeling helpless.

Afterward, these handsome men were naturally sent back, and their hearts felt quite conflicted at the moment.

To be honest, if many of them had the opportunity to get close to a Campione, they would be willing to do anything. However, now that they were not even given a second glance and were sent back, it was disheartening.

This scene also left the higher-ups feeling a bit helpless, and they didn't dare to continue with their antics.

The reverse honey trap plan was abandoned, but later, someone came up with a new idea: What if the new king doesn't like men?

Instantly, others began to speculate again. Erica and Liliana had grown up together, and they had also saved Yuri, which seemed to suggest something. So, their peculiar thought processes started running again.

In the end, Amakasu Touma went to find Yuri, and then the Seishuuin Clan also dispatched Seishuuin Ena to meet Erica.

After those men disappear for a while, the two of them appeared before Erica.

Erika's eyes widened in surprise this time. Her interest was quite normal, but she already had someone in her heart. Now, these guys were suspecting that she liked women, leaving Erica completely baffled.

"My lord, can we resolve the matter as soon as possible and leave sooner? I've had enough of this country!"

In desperation, Erica can only ask Asahi for help. This country's actions were full of surprises, and she didn't know what it would turn into if she stayed here any longer.

"This country is indeed peculiar. Originally, I was waiting for my prey to come to me, and I have indeed been waiting, but I've ended up with someone different."

Asahi said as he looked at the knife in Ena's hand. He had initially been waiting for Athena to come, but now, he had Ena in front of him for a rather strange reason.

But this didn't matter, as he could deal with the few guys in the Netherworld first.

While Ena was still processing everything, Asahi had already taken the sword from her hand.

And at this moment, Ena is still immersed in the incredible way Erica calls Asahi 'my lord'.

"My lord, is there something wrong with this sword?" Erica asked curiously when she saw Asahi take the sword in Ena's hand.

"This sword is Susanoo's weapon, it's also a demigod with its own consciousness. Holding this sword allows the user to let it possess their body, but there's a risk in this possession, as this sword might end up completely controlling the person's body. Little girl, I'll help you destroy this sword!"

After saying that, Asahi's hands began to exert force, and the Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi started trembling wildly, trying to break free from Asahi's grasp, but Asahi's power is not strength was not something it could break free from. So Asahi effortlessly snapped the sword into two pieces.

After breaking it into two pieces, Asahi squeezed the sword again and directly kneaded it into a ball.

This sword was completely destroyed, and it didn't even have a chance to reveal its true form.

Originally, when this thing encountered Kusanagi Godou, Kusanagi Godou needed to use boar incarnation to defeat this thing. However, this time, it was destroyed by Asahi directly.

After Asahi destroyed the sword, the original owner, Susanoo, who was in the Netherworld, naturally sensed it, and immediately after, the surrounding area was full of murderous intent.

After all, that sword was his weapon. Although it was used by others now, destroying it was a different matter.