Chapter 525 Coming To The Netherworld

"This… Ena's sword…"

Ena looked at this scene in confusion. She knew exactly what her sword was.

So now the question arose: why was her weapon, a divine weapon, destroyed by someone else so easily?

And most importantly, the person who destroyed this weapon was not a Campione, but someone else, which is very surprising.

She can't understand it at all, breaking someone else's weapon so simply, was it really necessary to be so exaggerated! After all, it was her thing, so she wondered if it is necessary to destroy it so ruthlessly? Could he at least show some respect?

But Asahi did not answer Ena. Instead, he entered the Netherworld directly, leaving the few people looking at each other.

After entering the Netherworld, Asahi saw Susanoo, who is losing his temper. After all, his weapon was destroyed, so there's no way he won't be angry.

"Detestable, that girl is so ungrateful, she even destroyed my weapon!"

At this moment, Susanoo was sulking and furious. The other two tried to console him, but it didn't help much. After all, anyone whose weapon was destroyed would get furious, right?

"Excuse me, you are Susanoo, right? Your delivery has arrived!"

After Asahi appeared here, he directly threw the metal ball his hand to Susanoo.

However, Susanoo's group of three others are a little confused.

'What's going on? How could there be a delivery here?'

When Susano'o instinctively caught the object and saw it clearly, his anger flared even more.

This object was none other than his weapon, which had turned into a metal ball, so he is stunned in an instant.

"You bastard! My weapon, who are you?"

Suddenly, a person appeared in the Netherworld and brought his destroyed weapon to him, isn't this a provocation?

But another question arose. Who is this person and why did they destroy his weapon? After calming down a little bit, Susanoo and the other two discovered that they could not see through Asahi at all.

They didn't know what kind of being he was. He looked like an ordinary person, but there were no traces of him in their perception, which is a big problem.

"The one who killed you!"

Asahi didn't reveal his identity and acted directly. He summoned a large number of boars and giant wolves, and they surged towards the three Heretic Gods. Well, these Heretic Gods are just clones, so killing them didn't matter. But even so, he can create some Campione with it.

The powers of the other two guys are somewhat inferior to Susanoo. One focused on physical combat, and the other on support. In short, they were weaker than Susanoo.

However, the boars and giant wolves are both summoned by Asahi, so under the attack of many boars and giant wolves, they naturally couldn't withstand them.

The tremendous impact caused the three Heretic Gods to begin counterattacking rapidly.

Susano's power is better, as it was a steel-based ability, which was effective against dragon attributes, so he quickly chopped down several boars.

However, without his weapon, his attack power was greatly reduced, and soon, the three Heretic Gods were overwhelmed by the boars and giant wolves.

"No wonder they like to hide in the Netherworld. It seems that these three Heretic Gods are just counterfeit versions!"

Asahi held the three Heretic God's orbs, feeling somewhat exasperated. These three individuals were indeed lacking in strength, which was why they were hiding in the Netherworld. While the other Heretic Gods, even at the Divine King-class, were not timid. It seemed that all Heretic Gods became fearful once they arrived here. Several of them hiding in the Underworld, along with one subjugated clone, seemed to have lost their will to resist.

But at any rate, now that their power is in his hand, he can create three Campione, which is quite good. It happens that there are a few girls outside whom he could recruit under his command. If there's no accident, they most likely would not refuse.

Returning to the human world after a quick round trip to the Netherworld, Asahi had taken only a few minutes. Given the large number of boars and giant wolves he had summoned, they easily overwhelmed the three Heretic Gods, that's why he can finish it so quickly.

"My lord, where did you go just now?"

Erica asked curiously. As she is a Campione and also Asahi's subordinate, she is the only one who dared to ask such questions here, while the others could only remain silent.

"I went to the Netherworld and took care of the three Heretic Gods who were hiding there. By the way, your Historical Compilation Committee's boss was there too, so your backers no longer exist now!"

Asahi looked at Ena and said. This time, Ena was stunned again. She had lost her sword earlier, and now Asahi had taken care of the backer of her organization. Wasn't this too excessive?

"Alright, there's no need to dwell on these matters now, Liliana, Seishuuin Ena and Mariya Yuri, three of you, are you willing to become my subordinates and be loyal to me?"

Asahi asked, and then the expressions of the three girls changed.

Liliana was the first to kneel down and pledge her loyalty. After all, who wouldn't want to follow such a powerful figure?

As for Yuri, she had developed some goodwill towards Asahi previously. Moreover, she felt like she was just a pawn in the hands of others, and she didn't want to be treated as a tool. Besides, she had a younger sister she couldn't abandon, so she pledged her loyalty as well.

Finally, Ena, with no one left behind to support her, eventually agreed to pledge allegiance. With the backer of Historical Compilation Committee gone, their true strength was now the same as their apparent strength. In this situation, finding a powerful backer like Asahi was undoubtedly a good choice.

As for whether Asahi was lying or not, Ena didn't think that's possible. Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi being broken and turned into a metal ball was still fresh in her mind, so she didn't dare to think about anything else.

"Very well, now that you're all my subordinates, I'll give you these three sets of powers. Remember, no matter what benefits you can gain, never betray me, or your fate will be dire!"

Asahi handed over the three sets of powers he obtained in the Netherworld to the three women, and they immediately fell unconscious.

Asahi also once again entered the Netherworld. Last time, he promised to give Pandora time to consider, so this time, he came to Pandora for the answer.

Having a deity serve as a maid did indeed sound quite appealing.