Chapter 526 Pandora’s Choice

"Here…Where is this?"

At this moment, all three of them were a bit confused. Just now, they saw Asahi Yang give each of them a small ball, and then the spheres had entered their bodies. Now, they found themselves here, and they couldn't understand what had just happened.

"Ara, three cute little girls all arrived at once this time, but it's all because of that person, right? He actually sent three people at once this time? It's really scary."

Pandora began to sigh again, but just as she finished speaking, Asahi appeared behind her.

"Talking bad behind people's backs, are you serious?"

There was a slightly sinister tone in the carrier's voice, which startled Pandora.


With a scream, the mysterious atmosphere created by Pandora completely disappeared. She was really frightened this time.

"As a god, you shouldn't be scared like that. You are bringing shame to the reputation of gods!"

Asahi couldn't help but comment, wondering how a god could be so easily frightened.

"You, you scoundrel! It's obviously you who did it. This is the Netherworld, and it's the place where Campione are reborn, how would I know that you will suddenly appear here? It is normal to be scared in such a situation!"

Pandora complained speechless, and she couldn't maintain the demeanor of a god anymore. As for the other three girls, they were also shocked by the key part of the conversation: the place where Campione are reborn.

"Okay, stop complaining. Tell me, have you considered it? This is your only chance."

Asahi didn't waste any time and directly asked for Pandora's decision.

Hearing this, Pandora pouted her lips.

"I… I agree, but remember, I'll only be a maid!"

To leave this place, Pandora dared to do anything. As for the three girls, they are shocked again, 'Turning a god into his own maid. Isn't this too shocking?'

Asahi already has Campione as subordinates, and now that they are here, they have a certain guess about what is going on with them.

"A wise decision, if there's no accident, there will be another god who will do the same job as you later. But before that, let's complete the rebirth of the Campione first!"

Asahi said and pointed to the three girls. Although Pandora was curious about who is another god Asahi was talking about, she still has to do the work now, so soon, she completed the reincarnation of the Campione, the three girls also disappeared directly.

As for Pandora, she returned with Asahi to the human world.

"I've set up the marker in the Netherworld for you. Now, you just need to activate it with your own power to return there."

"In addition, I've placed a type of mark on the Netherworld. Once someone appears there, this mark will automatically notify you!"

At this moment, there was a hexagram mark on the back of Pandora's right hand.

Knowing that she had left the underworld and could travel back and forth, Pandora was excited at this moment.

"Pandora-sama…? You've brought Pandora out?!"

Erica said speechlessly. She thought that Asahi was just joking before, who knew he would actually do it for real.

And the most important point, Pandora really followed him. After all, if she remembers correctly, Pandora needs to be his maid.

"Have your maid get her some clothes. Also, teach her what to do in the future!"

Asahi didn't waste any time and left it to Erica to handle. At the same time, the three people lying on the sofa woke up.

"This… I have become a Campione!"

All three of them found it unbelievable. This is a Campione, the world's top existence.

It took a few years for one to appear, but now, they had become Campione just by lying down.

"This is a benefit I'm giving you, and it can be regarded as a meeting gift for you to become my subordinates, but remember, don't try to betray me. I won't be so lenient. You can do whatever you want now, but when I need your help, don't talk back to me!"

Asahi said lightly, and when the three girls heard this, they nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, fully aware of their new status as Campione.

"My lord, I will follow you with Erica. After all, I was a great knight before. Now that I have sworn allegiance to you, I naturally need to follow you!"

Liliana spoke directly, as she planned to follow Asahi like Erica.

"Ena, too, Ena will follow my lord and help you overcome all obstacles!"

Ena also spoke directly. As for Yuri, she naturally follows the flow. After all, now that they have become Campione, then their identity becomes the most noble, and no one dares to touch their relatives.

"If you want to follow me, just follow me, but for now, you can go back and announce your new identity to get some benefits. I'm curious about the world's reaction to the sudden appearance of several Campione at once!!"

Asahi was a little expectant. First, two Campione had appeared in a row, and then the news of Voban's death came. After that, three more Campione appeared at once. It was like one explosive revelation after another, enough to completely shock everyone. Even Luo Hao probably couldn't continue to stay in seclusion this time.

"My lord, you really have a wicked sense of humor!"

Erica couldn't help but comment. The world will likely go berserk this time. Last time, when two Campione appeared. Now, with three more Campione, it was like throwing a super nuclear bomb into the world.

In response to this, Pandora couldn't help but keep making comments in her mind. She felt that Asahi is a super nasty guy, however, she didn't say it out loud.

She quickly joined Erika's maid in her duties. Although she is a divine being, Pandora maintained the mentality of a young girl and didn't carry any airs. She was quite down-to-earth.

She began learning what a maid should do, and she quickly got into the role. However, she didn't have much work to do most of the time. In particular, with Pandora's abilities, she could easily handle many tasks on her own.

For example, cleaning a whole villa might take others a day or two, but for her, it was a matter of minutes. This was her advantage. When there was nothing to do, she naturally took a break and got absorbed in the world of internet.

As for the outside, the world was in turmoil. With three consecutive appearances of Campione, even fools knew that something was amiss. But the fact remained that they were Campione, and there was nothing they can do.

They knew that the other party must have mastered the method of mass-producing Campione, or so many wouldn't have appeared all at once.

Yet, no one dared to inquire further, as they are all afraid of death.