Chapter 527 Campione's Reactions

"That old guy was killed by someone, and when did Campione become so cheap that they're appearing in such large numbers all at once?"

A certain super Hikikomori was starting to doubt her own ears. She, Luo Hao, was also a Campione herself, so she knew how difficult it was to become one, but now, Campione were appearing in groups, which was just bizarre.

However, what Luo Hao was more concerned about was another person, Voban. She and Voban can be said to be arch-enemies, and their rivalry had no resolution in sight. Now that Voban was gone, Luo Hao was somewhat happy, but she was also curious about how he met his end.

Although she didn't like Voban, she knew he was powerful, and she couldn't believe that a newcomer had taken him down so easily.

The use of abilities, quantity, the magic power and experience, all these factors set Voban apart from others. If not for that, Voban wouldn't have earned his reputation as one of the oldest and most powerful demon kings. Luo Hao could barely contend with Voban, and now someone new had supposedly taken him down.

Moreover, in addition to Erica, three more Campione had appeared in that area, so Luo Hao suspected that Voban might have been overwhelmed by multiple opponents, which was highly possible. While it might not have been a group attack, she didn't believe that Voban would have been defeated so easily in a one-on-one battle.

Of course, despite her complaints, Luo Hao had no intention of going to investigate. Even with Voban's death and the sudden appearance of multiple Campione, she had no interest in getting involved. It just wasn't worth it.

As for her disciple, well, he's currently lying on the ground, staring at the ceiling blankly. It was all because of Luo Hao's temper, which was rather peculiar.

Her disciple, Lu Yinghua, was originally quite powerful, just below the level of a Campione, but he was beaten to doubt life by Luo Hao.

As a result, Lu Yinghua would be scared when seeing beautiful women. It was all because of Luo Hao's actions, which was truly baffling.

Just now, when Lu Yinghua came to tell Luo Hao the news, he had been slapped for talking too much earlier.

It had taken a lot of effort to finally convey the information, and then he had simply collapsed. He was indeed quite unlucky.

However, while Luo Hao could remain unfazed as a Hikikomori, it didn't mean others could. For example, Doni, who had just given Paolo a thorough beating.

He likes to challenge the strong, so after learning that a new Campione had appeared, he came directly to Paolo.

However, Paolo had only recently become a Campione, and his ability was controlling the sea, not particularly suitable for direct combat, so the result was a sound thrashing from Doni.

"The news is so exaggerated, but An, why didn't you tell me about all this…"

Doni inquired. Because he was still a member of the Copper-Black Cross, he believed he should have been informed about the death of Voban and the appearance of the group of Campione.

After defeating Paolo, Doni just obtained this news from Paolo, so Doni looked at Andrea with a tinge of sorrow. After all, this is his friend and also his butler, and he is responsible for telling all foreign affairs to Doni.

"Actually, I was planning to tell you, but the members of the Copper-Black Cross had already done so, so I thought there was no need for me to repeat it!"

Andrea replied calmly. Although he was calm on the surface, his heart was somewhat depressed. He originally planned to hide it for a while. Dealing with Doni's impulsiveness had pushed him to his limit, so he had kept this information hidden, planning to reveal it when he had no other choice. After all, he couldn't guarantee Doni's safety after Voban had met his end.

It wasn't that Andrea was overly attached to his backer, but mainly because he regards Doni as his friend. In this case, he does not want Doni to die, so he chooses to hide it. But he knew it's impossible to hide this kind of thing, and Doni himself will know it soon.

"Is that so? I understand. Prepare the plane, we're going to that country to have some fun. There are four Campione over there now!"

Doni, who was fearless, decided to go and stir up trouble. He chose to ignore the news of Voban's death, as he treated Campione as problem children, even bordering lunatic. And he had both qualities himself, having recently become a Campione and having challenged both Voban and Luo Hao in succession. If recklessness were a competition, he would surely be at the top.

"You idiot, can't you stop being so reckless? Marquis Voban has already died there. Do you want to die too? If you want to die, just go and die on your own. The sooner you die, the more relieved I'll be!"

Andrea instantly erupted. He had accommodated Doni in the past, but this time, it was a matter of Doni's life.

As a result, he couldn't contain his outburst, leaving Paolo dumbfounded. He didn't expect that as subordinate, Andrea actually scolded his master, which was akin to a minister pointing at the emperor's nose and scolding him.

If Paolo remembered correctly, in history, the emperors who could endure such scolding without punishing the minister could be counted on one hand.

Furthermore, those emperors are not the same as Campione, and Campione are considered above them in status.

However, in this peculiar situation, Doni, a Campione, was being scolded by Andrea, and Doni showed no signs of getting angry. Instead, he looked at Andrea with indifference, as if he were accustomed to such reprimands. This left Paolo with nothing to say.

Doni and Andrea were friends from the beginning, and when Doni became a Campione, Andrea chose to support him. He became Doni's butler, managing all aspects of his life. He was the only one who dared to scold Doni to his face, despite not being a Campione himself. Others who attempted such a thing would have met a grim fate.

"An, at most, can't we just skip going this time?"

Doni, though unfeeling, recognized that Andrea's concern was for his own good. He also noticed that this time, Andrea's anger was more serious than ever before. Although he has been mad before, it is not as exaggerated as this time. While Doni wasn't afraid of death, he also had his friends. Accommodating his friend for once wasn't a big deal, and he could choose not to go this time and reconsider later.

"Are you serious?"

Andrea was also very surprised. This time, Doni wasn't playing it cool as he usually did, putting Andrea at ease but also leaving him perplexed.