Chapter 528 Athena: I Seem to Have Accidentally Entered The Den of Campione

In addition to Doni and Luo Hao, other Campione had also received the news. They were curious and wary, but they didn't dare to rush here rashly, after all, now that a Campione is dead, they don't want to be the second.

So, even though they were curious about why so many Campione had suddenly appeared, they didn't dare to come here. Other people were rational, quite different from Voban and Luo Hao.

This disturbance gradually subsided, and a new guest arrived on Asahi's door.

Just after the news had spread, Asahi planned to take action against the Monkey, and the seal on the Gorgoneion in his hand broke. After that, Athena, a Heretic God, naturally came to pay a visit.

But, the situation at the moment was a bit awkward. The group of people just stared at Athena, and Athena was also staring directly at them. At this moment, both sides were feeling somewhat speechless.

In their hearts, Erica and the others were puzzled. They wondered if this god had some issue with them, or else, why would she come to the den of Campione?

Although they were newcomers, they are still four Campione. Even if a Divine King-class Heretic God came, they would be defeated and regret their life choices. And yet, this God of Non-Obedience chose to come here.

This place had already become the center of the world at this time, and even Campione didn't dare to come here.

Of course, while they found it strange, Athena was also having her own 'what the heck' moments. She had sensed the aura of the Gorgoneion earlier, but she didn't dare to get closer because Voban was nearby. She didn't know that Count Voban had died, and could only feel his aura disappearing.

She was not human, so she couldn't receive news like the other Campione did, and had assumed that Voban had gone back. Normally, she would have been more cautious, but Asahi had concealed all their auras, including Erica and the others', just to lure her in. Moreover, the aura of the Gorgoneion was not concealed.

Sensing that the Gorgoneion's seal was broken, Athena couldn't sit still any longer, and decided to take a risk.

As long as she regained her Trinity form, she would become nearly invincible, and she won't be afraid of any Campione or Heretic Gods.

That's why she couldn't help coming this time, planning to directly restore her Trinity form with the help of the Gorgoneion.

However, when she entered the hotel, she was completely in shock. There were four Campione here, and she even saw Pandora.

Athena was quite familiar with Pandora, but she can't understand why there are four Campione here. Moreover, Pandora should have been presiding over the Campione reincarnation ceremony, so she wondered how did she end up here like this? Although she seemed calm on the surface, she was actually quite anxious. Even if she regained her Trinity form, she might not be four Campione's opponent, let alone now.

"Athena, did you come here for the Gorgoneion?"

After seeing Athena, an old acquaintance, Pandora, in her naturally clueless manner, greeted her.

"I should be asking you that. Shouldn't you preside over the Campione reincarnation ceremony in the Netherworld? Why did you come here?"

"Also, how did you come out? With your ability, you can't leave the Netherworld!"

Athena responded with a tinge of frustration in her eyes. She had originally planned to buy some time and figure out an escape plan, but Pandora's words broke the deadlock, leaving her at a loss for what to do.

"Of course I have my ways, but I also need to pay the price. As you can see, I'm working as a maid here now!"

Pandora said somewhat helplessly, completely ignoring Athena's pitiful expression.

"Maid, You're working as a maid for these… Campione?"

Athena was shocked immediately, 'The Campione had become this audacious now? They weren't even killing the Heretic Gods now, and instead treating them as maids?'

'And how did they pull Pandora from the Netherworld? Such thing is impossible.'

"Athena, is this what you want?"

At this moment, Asahi spoke up and took out the Gorgoneion, immediately attracting Athena's attention. After all, this is her target.

"Gorgoneion! Human, give me the Gorgoneion, and I can avoid a conflict with you!"

Athena said. She knew that this is not the time to pay attention to Pandora, as her purpose is the Gorgoneion.

"Well, it's okay if you want it, but this thing is mine now, so it's not good for you to take it away from me without a price, right?"

Asahi replied with a sly grin at Athena. In the original story, she could be considered one of the main characters. She even voluntarily gave a power to the Kusanagi Godou and made a return appearance later.

"What do you want?"

Athena looked at Asahi and asked, knowing that there must be a price for Asahi's offer.

"I really like talking to intelligent people." Asahi replied with a smirk, "It's very simple. I can give you the Gorgoneion and help you restore your Trinity form."

"After you recover, you will fight with me. If I defeated you, you will be like Pandora, serving as a maid here, and if you defeat me, then you can leave directly you can leave without interference from the others, how is it?"

Asahi threw out the bait and waited for Athena to bite. In response, Pandora couldn't help but look at Athena with a hint of pity.

'Sure enough, this guy had some ulterior motives towards Athena.'

But Pandora didn't bother to intervene, after all, another friend as a maid seemed like a good idea, at least they would have common ground.

"Human, you are too arrogant. You're not even a Campione, so how do you plan to challenge me?"

Athena asked, feeling that this offer was too good to be true. After all, in her opinion, Asahi, who is not even a Campione, is practically giving her Gorgoneion for free.

"You don't need to worry about that. You just need to answer yes or no!"

Asahi shook his head, feeling that Athena had basically fallen into his trap.

As for Athena, naturally, she couldn't resist the temptation of the Gorgoneion, so she immediately agreed, for fear that Asahi would take back his words.

In this regard, Pandora couldn't help but pat her forehead, shocked by the obvious trap.

Hearing that Athena agreed, Asahi directly threw the Gorgoneion over without hesitation. The next step is to defeat Athena and take her as his maid.