Chapter 530 Dealing With The Monkey

In the end, Athena turned into a maid and learned about Asahi's terrifying powers from Pandora, which completely ignoring the rules.

He even forcefully entered the Netherworld and intercepted the power of gods, being able to artificially create Campione. This revelation left Athena stunned. After all, meeting a human with such terrifying experiences was unprecedented.

Now, she finally understood why Asahi had so much confidence in suppressing her earlier. He simply didn't take her seriously. In response, Athena had no choice but to temporarily give up. However, it seemed like an acceptable outcome.

According to Pandora, there wasn't much for her to do while staying with such a powerful individual. Once she took care of her necessary duties, she could do whatever she wanted.

Recently, Pandora had developed a liking for TV dramas, particularly those heart-wrenching love stories. She would cry her heart out during each episode. Athena found this taste rather shallow. Given her superhuman intelligence, she couldn't help but think that such shows were brainless, but it was something Pandora enjoyed.

Athena preferred to read more substantial books instead. At least books were much better than some of the TV dramas out there.

There is still a big difference between the two maids, one is silly and sweet, and the other is intelligent. As for Erica's maid, to be honest, she is under a lot of pressure now. Ever since she found out that both of them were Heretic Gods, she felt awkward.

She refrained from speaking her mind and was careful with her words, after all, in this place, it is either Heretic Gods or Campione, not to mention Asahi, who is more terrifying than those. She was just an ordinary person, and it was genuinely uncomfortable for her. But she dared not voice her concerns, making her situation somewhat pitiable.

Asahi contemplated whether, in the future, he should find a god to deal with and turn this little girl into a Campione as well. This way, everything would be neat and tidy. His subordinates would either be Campione or Heretic Gods. There wouldn't be anyone else left to question.

After dealing with Athena, Asahi went to the place where Sun Wukong was sealed. He had already instructed Ena and Yuri to notify the people there to evacuate in advance.

Of course, they could choose to resist, but the consequence of resisting was death. After all, when the battle began, although Asahi will not intentionally harm anyone, but if they were caught in the crossfire, it wouldn't be his fault. He had already shown considerable restraint.

If it was changed to Voban, he wouldn't bother with all these concerns and would just confront the situation head-on. It must be known that this was the person who had the capability to flood an entire coastal city just because he was unhappy, displaying a level of ruthlessness that knew no bounds.

"Damn it, why did they target the Monkey King? The seal cannot be broken, not even by that legendary martial king. Why are they fixated on this guy?!"

At this moment, the high-ranking officials of a certain country were in complete disarray.

They have lost contact with Susanoo, moreover, according to Ena's statement, Susanoo has been killed.

Even though they knew that Susanoo's power had transferred to Ena after he died, they couldn't voice their anger.

After all, the current Ena is already different from normal person. It must be known that the Campione is not such a simple existence. In the past, even when they had powerful backers, they didn't dare to provoke such individuals, let alone now when they had lost their support.

What frustrated them even more was that Yuri has also become a Campione.

While having more Campione in their country was undoubtedly a good thing, it depended on the circumstances.

Ena had killed those backing them, which made her transformation into a Campione somewhat awkward. Additionally, Yuri has been used as a pawn by them several times. Although she will not retaliate against them just because she turned into a Campione, she also wouldn't be inclined to help them.

Furthermore, after becoming Campione, they seemed to be associating with Erica and Liliana, two individuals who were intertwined with their nation. This was driving them to the brink of despair.

What was even more frustrating was that they now intended to eliminate their last trump card.

Their last trump card is Sun Wukong, whom they could release to drive away external enemies when needed. Afterwards, the Monkey King would return due to the seal, which made him a very effective tool.

However, they had now set their sights on this last trump card, and without it, they would face difficulties in the future. But they had already been warned that if they couldn't deliver, they would be at their own risk, so they didn't dare to delay.

It was important to understand that God Slayers were not reasonable individuals, and that's why they acted swiftly to evacuate the people from the seal and its surroundings.

This included Yuri's younger sister, Mariya Hikari. In fact, as soon as they learned that Yuri had become a Campione, they had already planned to reunite her with her sister, as they didn't dare to mistreat the family members of a Campione.

But due to the limited time, they hadn't had a chance to reunite the two sisters yet. As a result, this time, they were all collectively evacuated.

"Sister, you actually became a Campione, it's very incredible. How did you manage to do it?"

Compared with Yuri, Hikari was an admirer of Campione and could be described as a devoted fan. Upon that her own sister had become a Campione, she couldn't contain her excitement.

So right now, she was practically sticking to her sister.

"Enough, Hikari-chan, there are other people here too!"

Yuri said helplessly. Her sister's personality truly left her exasperated.

But now, their goal was the Monkey King, who was a Heretic God, so nothing else mattered.

Since the people around have already been evacuated, Asahi naturally didn't wait any longer and went straight to the inside of the seal.

The sealed monkey, which looks like an ordinary wild monkey, to be honest, it was a bit of an embarrassment for Sun Wukong's name.

However, the monkey had a wide variety of abilities and could even summon Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing. (T/N: Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing are Sun Wukong's companions in Journey to the West.)

It could be said that, in terms of techniques, the Monkey King's methods were much more powerful than most of the Heretic Gods.

"Hmm, someone has come inside the seal. But it seems that you're not one of those Miko… So who are you?"

The Monkey King asked with some confusion upon seeing Asahi.

"The one who came to kill you, but you're really disgracing the name of Sun Wukong. You'd rather be sealed than give up your clone!"

Looking at this monkey, Asahi shook his head, feeling disappointed.