Chapter 531 Dealing With The Monkey

"What qualifications do you have to speak to me like that?"

The monkey responded indignantly. He couldn't stand being ridiculed like this, as he is indeed just a clone.

If it's his real body, he might not be so arrogant, as he will be afraid of dead, different from other Sun Wukong.

In mythology, Sun Wukong was known as the fearless type, unafraid of death. Otherwise, he wouldn't have dared to cause trouble in the Heavenly Court.

After being crushed under Five-Finger Mountain, Buddhism didn't want him dead. After all, Sun Wukong was not even afraid of being sentenced to death by the Heavenly Court, nor was he afraid of being thrown into the alchemy furnace. How could he willingly accept being suppressed? This monkey was truly a disgrace to the name Sun Wukong, as couldn't even give up a clone.

Logically speaking, the seal could only restrict him here, and once he wanted to die, this seal couldn't stop him from killing himself.

So this Sun Wukong's timidness disappointed Asahi.

"Qualifications? I'll show you what qualifications mean right now. Someone who can't even break free from a seal dares to talk to me about qualifications?!"

Asahi had already sensed the seal on his way here. It was indeed tricky, but it was only a limitation for beings from this world. If it wants to be tricky before him, it was no longer a creation of this world.

Therefore, the tremendous power within Asahi burst forth in the next moment, and this tremendous power directly shattered the seal.

The seal couldn't be broken by force because of those who did that are too weak, but Asahi is different, as the seal of this world could not resist his power.

Even the seals in mythologies couldn't stop him. If a Heretic God wants to break away from the mythology, it is not something they could do directly. It only happened due to fortuitous circumstances, otherwise, this world would have been full of gods.

Mythology, on the contrary, is a form of seal, sealing those gods within their respective worlds. Unless someone summoned them or some divine artifacts were activated due to special conditions, they can't descend into this world.

But even those mythology's seals couldn't resist him, let alone this small one. He treated it like it didn't exist, as opening this seal was as easy as bursting a soap bubble, something effortless.

"The seal has been lifted?! How is this possible?!"

The monkey was startled at first seeing the seal was lifted so easily. But then, he felt overwhelming joy because he could finally leave this place. After all, he had truly had enough of this place.

So, without paying much attention to Asahi, he directly rushed out. However, just after leaving the seal, he was immediately intercepted.

A transparent barrier in the sky pressed down on him, preventing him from leaving this place.

"Until you get my permission, don't even think about leaving from here!"

Asahi, who followed behind him, said. He had come here to take down the monkey, and although the monkey had several abilities, Asahi didn't care.

In truth, among the monkey's abilities, the most useful one was summoning. If But as for summoning his companions like Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing, it was impossible for Asahi. Sun Wukong can summon them because this world had such gods.

Although Asahi could copy others' powers, he couldn't replicate a whole person, so summoning was out of the question.

As for Verethragna's boar, it is a beast summoned based on magical power formed by spells.

Sun Wukong could summon his monkey army, and this power could also be copied by Asahi, but the specific summoning of Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing couldn't be replicated.

Realizing he couldn't break through the barrier, Sun Wukong shifted his focus to Asahi. He knew that today would be a big battle.

Without defeating Asahi, he won't be able to leave this place, so without further thought, Sun Wukong began to summon his monkey army.

Their combat abilities were quite impressive, roughly half that of human Erica and the others, and Sun Wukong can summon a large number of these monkeys.

The monkey's summoning ability was considered quite strong among the gods who could summon.

After all, his summoned monkey army is not weak at all, and later he could even merge these monkeys in later stages of summoning. Such beings could only be dealt with by great knights at the very least, and he could summon up to nine of them in one go.

The small monkeys summoned by the monkey quickly fused together, forming nine monkeys that were over ten meters tall and look like the giant king kong, but it is a pity that they are of little use.

After these monkeys appeared, Asahi waved his hand, and a group of boars appeared. The number of boars was exactly twice as many as the monkey, with nine monkeys on one side and eighteen boars on the other.

This power has actually been copied by Asahi, and with his ability, there is almost no upper limit for summoning, but it is better to summon the boars, as the power of the boar is still higher than that of the great knight.

After all, Verethragna can only summon one boar, but Asahi is cheater, who can summon a large number of them.

These monkeys are only a dozen meters tall, but the boar's height is more than 50 meters. When the two sides stood next to each other, not only the difference in quantity is huge, but the difference in quality is also very large.

"Monkey, do you have any other tricks up your sleeve? I remember that you can summon Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing, right? Just call them out together!"

Asahi didn't pay much attention to how the boars annihilating the monkeys below. His attention was still Sun Wukong, whose face is now very dark. After all, his monkey army is truly in a miserable situation, as they are clearly being overwhelmed by the boars.

In short, Sun Wukong is not optimistic about his monkey army. How could he know that the other party is so perverted? The strength of the boar itself is strong, and to make matters worse, the other party summoned over a dozen of them at once, leaving him speechless.

"The Law of Heaven and Earth!"

However, Sun Wukong quickly activated another one of his abilities, the Law of Heaven and Earth.

In mythology, this was a divine ability that allowed him to increase his size immensely. Sun Wukong now used it to grow larger, not just by a few dozen meters or a few hundred meters, but he shot up to a towering 2,000 meters high.

He had truly become a colossal figure.

At this moment, Sun Wukong's eyes burst with fierce light, and he intends to deal with Asahi directly, but Asahi flickered and also transformed into a being over 2,000 meters tall. And the most important point is… since he has copied this ability, his size is not limited to just 2,000 meters.

After reaching a height of over 2,000 meters, Asahi continued to grow, quickly surpassing 10,000 meters in size.

At this moment, Sun Wukong was struggling to breathe, almost suffocated after seeing the enormous difference in size. The gap between them had become insurmountable.