Chapter 532 Calling For Help When You Can't Win

"Who is that guy? Is he one of the new Campione?"

The size that Asahi transformed into was too massive, so the hidden observers from various factions around them were left perplexed.

Previously, they knew of the new kings, which included Erica and Paolo. Later additions were Liliana, Ena, and Yuri. However, they really hadn't seen Asahi before, and they only knew that he was someone who followed the new king, Erica.

They haven't paid much attention to this person, but now, as he made his move, it was explosively powerful, leaving even Sun Wukong stunned.

"I can't see anything! I can't see anything at all with my Spirit Vision! What exactly is his existence!"

People who used Spirit Vision started doubting their existence, as they couldn't see what Asahi was.

Spirit Vision was supposed to reveal the essence of even gods and Campione, but now they can't see Asahi. The huge body that is ten thousand meters high can be seen easily with the naked eye, but after using Spirit Vision, there is indeed nothing. It is as if there is no such person in front of them. Everyone who possessed Spirit Vision was left baffled.

"How can this be? It's impossible! What kind of existence is he? Could there be secrets behind him and the new kings…"

Suddenly, someone realized the problem and pointed it out. Five more Campione suddenly appeared one after another, so even a fool could tell that something was amiss.

But can Campione really be artificially created? This is something they can't fathom. But now, it seemed that some beings, those who they couldn't see clearly at all, might possess unexpected methods.

"No, apart from Sun Wukong, there are two other unregistered gods!"

Suddenly, the person who had Spirit Vision jolted, having seen Pandora and Athena.

At the same time, Pandora and Athena, who were observing the battle, sensed that they were being spied on and instantly retaliated.

Humans are fragile, especially when they indiscriminately spied on gods. Even a top witch like Lucretia Zola had been nearly ruined because of this.

Moreover, this was all happening because two gods were fighting and didn't have the time to care for her.

But now, whether it's Pandora or Athena, both were top-tier beings, so being spied on naturally enraged them.


The people who had activated their Spirit Vision and saw the two gods collectively spurted blood and their eyes rolled.

Because there were no powerful individuals among those who had activated Spirit Sight here, after the collective backlash, none of them survived.

It could only be said that they were somewhat unlucky. They knew that spying on Campione would lead to retaliation, so they didn't dare to target them.

But who could have known that there were two gods hidden among the Campione? After witnessing this scene, they naturally met their doom.

"Damn it, they suffered a backlash. Besides Sun Wukong, there are actually other gods. What's going on?!"

Those who had used Spirit Vision to see Athena and Pandora were all gone, with one person remaining. If it weren't for the results, the others would have fled long ago.

But now that there is such a level of battle between Sun Wukong and Asahi, they really don't want to leave here without taking a look, even if it meant risking their lives.

Sun Wukong itself is a top-tier Heretic God, but now, Asahi's terrifying combat power is simply too exaggerated.

At this moment, Asahi moved first. He lifted his enormous foot and then stomping it down towards Sun Wukong.

The difference in size between the two was now more than five times, so Sun Wukong was directly flattened by Asahi's foot.

Although he had used all his strength to resist this pressure, he still felt like he was having an existential crisis. The gap in their strength was just too vast.

This stomp from Asahi used a force that Sun Wukong couldn't possibly endure. It was somewhat reminiscent of the Five-Finger Mountain, except now it was a foot.

In the end, Sun Wukong fell directly to the ground, with Asahi's foot pressing down on his back, causing his massive body to sink into the earth.

However, Sun Wukong is very smart. After knowing that he was no match in this regard, he immediately dispersed his Law of Heaven and Earth and reverted to his smallest form. This way, Asahi's foot stomp wouldn't cause him significant harm, but it did leave him somewhat worn-out.

After all, the ground wasn't very hard, so even though Sun Wukong was pressed into the earth by Asahi's foot, he wouldn't suffer too much damage.

Seeing that he couldn't easily harm Sun Wukong this way, Asahi also returned to his original size. At the same time, Sun Wukong called for assistance.

Of course it was not those monkey army, but Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.

"Calling for help when you can't win? That seems to be quite in line with your character. It's the same in mythology!"

Asahi was somewhat speechless. After all, calling for help when he can't win was a tactic Sun Wukong frequently used in his later adventures.

To put it bluntly, when Sun Wukong wreaked havoc in the Heavenly Court, it was merely a farce. Others were just playing along with him. He had only been practicing for a few years and was directly challenging the Heavenly Court, overpowering those formidable gods so easily, could that be possible? Even the Jade Emperor, who was a disciple of the Supreme Pure One, was not to be trifled with.

So, after Sun Wukong experienced the eighty-one trials, he couldn't even defeat ordinary monsters and had to seek help.

And it just so happens that he found some gods who could easily handle these monsters with a casual magic item. During the previous Heavenly Court incident, where are these guys? It was likely that they used their avatars or clones and not their true self.

Calling for help when he can't win became one of Sun Wukong's most common actions later on. Now, he had called upon his two companions.

However, it was a pity that these two were just summoned by Sun Wukong using his inherent abilities, not complete divine beings descending. So there is no power to get from them if they are killed. Of course, Asahi can still copy their abilities.

This was still not bad, as Sun Wukong had given him quite a few good things.

However, after calling out his companions, it was of no use. In desperation, Sun Wukong could only fuse with the other two. But even after merging, it was still of no use.

Sun Wukong was on the verge of collapse, as Asahi seems to have no upper limit, and doesn't take him seriously at all.

Regardless of the means or abilities Sun Wukong used, no matter how powerful he became, Asahi effortlessly broke through them all.

This severely damaged Sun Wukong's confidence, leaving him in a state of despair. In the end, the now worthless Sun Wukong was slapped to death by Asahi.


This is the last word left by Sun Wukong's clone before disappearing.

To make a god call someone a monster, Asahi truly had a unique status. He had taken Sun Wukong's power, and now he can create another Campione, which he would save for the little maid.