Chapter 534 The Only Way to Deal With Strong-Willed Women

"My lord, the king of martial arts has arrived in this country, and she is on her way here!"

Based on the intelligence, Erica had already learned that Luo Hao had arrived. Luo Hao was quite fast, as she left immediately after receiving the news.

Moreover, the two sides are not very far apart, so in less than a day, Luo Hao has already arrived here.

"In that case, let's prepare to welcome this… the king of martial arts. If there's no surprise, she will also become one of you."

Asahi said with a smile. He wasn't afraid of Luo Hao causing trouble. After all, when dealing with such strong-willed women, there was only one method, which is, give them a beating.

Just like Esdeath in Akame ga Kill. After she was defeated, she naturally wouldn't cause any more trouble, and Luo Hao was the same.

As a strong-willed woman, once she was defeated, she wouldn't say much anymore.

Soon, Luo Hao, accompanied by Lu Yinghua, arrived at their location… Luo Hao had a completely calm demeanor as she sat down on the sofa. As for Lu Yinghua, he has an expression of discomfort.

Not because the people here weren't Campione or Heretic Gods, but because everyone in the room is beautiful women.

Except for Asahi, the entire room was filled with stunning women from top to bottom. And this made Lu Yinghua extremely uncomfortable.

It must be known that Luo Hao had traumatized him to the point where he was scared of beautiful women. Now that he was surrounded by a group of high-quality beauties, any other man would have felt like they had entered heaven, however, for him, it was like entering a deepest-level hell.

It might be even more terrifying than hell itself. So now, Lu Yinghua was feeling extremely uncomfortable.

But soon, he became happy. It's because Luo Hao asked him to go out first.

It wasn't because she was concerned about her disciple, but because she was surprised to find that there were so many god-level characters here. Even the maids are Heretic Gods and Campione. This made her shocked.

Although she didn't show any reaction on the surface, her heart was in turmoil. That's why she let Lu Yinghua go out, because this is not where Lu Yinghua should stay.

But for Lu Yinghua, this relaxed him a lot. As long as he didn't have to face so many beautiful women, everything was fine.

He was truly in a tragic situation now. With his current situation, he could only marry an extremely ugly woman or resort to other means.

With his strength, status, and everything else, there were plenty of women available to him. However, Luo Hao had just ruined everything.

"I didn't expect to find five Campione and two Heretic Gods here. So, what is your identity?"

At this moment, Luo Hao was feeling somewhat sentimental at this moment, but she wasn't naïve, so she directly asked.

No matter how many enemies she faced, Luo Hao wouldn't be afraid. People like her couldn't be frightened. Even if you can easily defeat them or crush them, it wouldn't make them back down. Their personalities couldn't be completely suppressed by their opponents' strength.

"I am their boss. You are here for Sun Wukong, right? But unfortunately, he has been dealt with by me!"

Asahi replied, waving his hand to indicate that there was no point in coming now. He has already dealt with Sun Wukong, and his power has been used to make the little maid into a Campione, so there wasn't a single trace of him left.

"Sun Wukong was killed by you, right? Then, fight me!"

Luo Hao knew she couldn't get Sun Wukong back, so she could only fight Asahi. Whether she won or lost, she had to fight him. Asahi was somewhat speechless when he heard this, but he found it normal.

Sun Wukong's death had made Luo Hao restless, and now that she had arrived, she couldn't do anything, so regardless of the outcome, she could only fight against Asahi.

This is what Asahi expected from the beginning, and it's not surprising at all. It's just that Luo Hao's character is what impresses him the most, which is really easy to understand. Compared to those who like to play mind games, strong-willed women like her are much more straightforward.

"A fight? Alright, let's go!"

With a move of his thought, Asahi and the others disappeared. When they reappeared, they already arrived at an unknown desert island. Here, they wouldn't affect anyone, so they could fight without any worries.

"Completely ignoring my intentions and even bringing me here against my will, you're quite terrifying. By the way, I haven't asked your name yet!"

Luo Hao was a little stunned, and suddenly thought that she didn't seem to have asked for Asahi's name.

"My name is Jin Yang!" (T/N: Like I said at the beginning, his real name is Jin Yang. I only make it Asahi so that he won't sound strange in Anime World.)

"Are you from Dragon Country or somewhere else?"

The name Jin Yang surprised Luo Hao a bit, but it wasn't exclusive to the Dragon Country, so she felt the need to clarify.

"I'm from the Dragon Country, but my situation is a bit special!"

Asahi explained. He was originally a traveler, and his soul had always been from the Dragon Country. As for his body, it wasn't the key point. (T/N: Like usual, shameless Author and China Numbaaaahhhh One.)

However, it wasn't the Dragon Country of this world, so while he could be considered a person from the Dragon Country, he also couldn't be considered one.

But this answer made Luo Hao very happy. For a long time, she didn't want to see her gods be killed by outsiders because of her domineering nature, however, if Sun Wukong was killed by someone from Dragon Country, it would be much easier for her to accept.

Of course, they still had to fight. There was no way she could let this slide.

"Let's start! Don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

Asahi said, signaling that Luo Hao should make the first move. Luo Hao was somewhat dumbfounded when he heard this. Throughout her life, she had always been the one to let others have the first move. This was the first time someone had told her to attack first. Moreover, it was accompanied by such an attitude.

Even though she knew the other party was very strong, Luo Hao couldn't help but feel a bit irritated. But since the other party had said so, she naturally wouldn't be polite.

She immediately used her extraordinary speed to instantly appear in front of Asahi and unleashed a set of Twelve Divine Palm Strikes of the Phoenix.

These were not authorities, but rather pure martial skills. However, even without god's power, in Luo Hao's hands, they are incredibly formidable.

Luo Hao herself was well-versed in various martial arts. Compared with Doni, who is called a sword idiot, she is completely on different level. Although in terms of swordsmanship, Doni is still the strongest among Campione, he was rubbish in everything else compared to Luo Hao.

It can be said that she has already practiced all kinds of martial arts to the limit. As a result, Doni, a Campione who relies on swords for living, could only be a little better than Luo Hao. So it can be seen the terrifyingness of Luo Hao's martial arts.

"Impressive, you are wielding the power of your abilities without actually using them. This was truly incredible, no wonder you managed to outclass Voban!"

Asahi couldn't help but admire her. He understood why Voban had been suppressed by Luo Hao. The gap between the two sides was undeniable, and it was impossible to make a general comparison.