Chapter 535 Crushing Luo Hao

"What does it matter when your defense is so astonishing?"

Luo Hao couldn't help but roll her eyes at this comment. Was that supposed to be a mockery? She had indeed used her martial skills to unleash the power of her abilities, but what good was it if she still couldn't break through his defense? Every strike had hit Asahi, but it hadn't even torn his clothes. This left Luo Hao feeling extremely bitter.

When the gap becomes too great, it can crush one's spirit. Luo Hao may be a strong-willed woman who doesn't give up easily, but even she couldn't help but be disheartened by the fact that her punches and kicks had no effect on Asahi.

So, when she saw that her attacks weren't affecting Asahi's defenses, Luo Hao took a deep breath and shouted loudly. Adding a touch of her magic power, she unleashed the Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl, a genuine authority.

Due to the influence of her abilities, even a slight addition of magic power in her attacks could create shockwaves like those from a heavy truck collision. This showcased the true terror of her power.

And this time, she used the greatest power she could release. The sonic carrier gusts directly tore the island into two pieces, and the surrounding sea water was directly washed away, causing the sea level to fall crazily.

"She's indeed worthy of being called the king of martial arts. She can produce such power by just using one authority. It's really abnormal!"

Erica and the others couldn't help but take a deep breath when they saw the effects of Luo Hao's attack. They found that if it was them, they wouldn't have been able to withstand Luo Hao's Twelve Divine Palm Strikes of the Phoenix from earlier, let alone her Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl now.

The power of this ability was not something they, as newcomers, could compare to.

It was like playing League of Legends. Everyone is a player, you have charged up, and I have charged up too, and they all had everything they needed, like hero skins and runes.

But is could Bronze players compare to the Master? Of course not. Right now, they were like a group of Bronze players, while Luo Hao was undoubtedly a Master. The gap between them was immense, and with the same equipment, the other side could easily crush them.

"She's truly a monster!"

After using the Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl, Luo Hao couldn't help but feel her eyes twitch. It's because at this moment, Asahi was still standing motionless in place, the island was torn apart, but the ground under his feet remained unchanged.

Without the shockwave from her attack, seawater began to rush in, and the force was so great that the island should have been submerged in an instant. However, Asahi simply stomped on the ground. And at the next moment, the entire island began to rise, and the sea couldn't flood it.

"Do you have any other attack, or should I start attacking?"

Asahi asked with a smirk. Looking at Luo Hao's expression as if she were looking at a monster, he also thought it was very good.

In desperation, Luo Hao released the Divine Might of Vajrapani and summoned two Vajrapani's avatars. The strength of Vajrapani's avatars is extremely powerful, and they could even overpower Kusanagi Godou's white stallion and boar.

Their power was terrifying, and their bodies could reach heights of up to three thousand meters, but Luo Hao wouldn't use this form because it was completely useless. The bigger they got, the more fragile they became. When it came to real combat, Luo Hao kept them at a size of around twenty meters, where their destructive power was at its peak. They could also be combined with her Dragon Roar for even greater power.

"Those Vajrapani were pretty good, but now, it's my turn!"

Asahi didn't use any other methods, but simply threw a punch.

The tremendous explosive force generated by his fist shattered the two Vajrapani's avatars summoned by Luo Hao. The power of his punch extended beyond Luo Hao, directly smashing into the sky. In an instant, the sky was split down the middle, just like when Saitama threw his serious punch.

"I… I lost!"

Luo Hao said while stuttering. She was genuinely shocked by this punch.

If that punch had been aimed at her, it would have undoubtedly reduced her to nothing.

However, Jin Yang's punch had bypassed her, so its final impact had only resulted in the sky being split down the middle.

Of course, Luo Hao didn't know the true extent of the destruction caused by this punch, otherwise, no matter how composed she was, she would have been left speechless.

Of course, that doesn't mean no one knows about it. After all, all the satellites had captured the image of the sky being split in half by Asahi's punch, so the following people were all trembling with fear.

This is really too exaggerated. As this kind of power can easily blow up the Earth.

They really couldn't imagine that if this kind of power directly hit the Earth, would everyone be doomed? This scene caused a shock, and they immediately sent the captured scene to the magical side's people.

The people on the magical side couldn't sit still, and quickly handed the footage up the chain of command, and ultimately reached the hands of several Campione.

Even Luo Hao, who had just returned to the hotel, received news from Lu Yinghua. It was then that she learned the real power of Asahi's punch.

This is no longer something that Campione and Heretic Gods could accomplish. Although they are powerful, it is only limited to destroying a city, an island, or even a country.

But what Asahi had done was on a completely different scale, It's as if he could casually blow up an entire planet, demonstrating an insurmountable gap.

"I can't believe it. I was actually fighting against such a terrifying entity like you before!"

Luo Hao looked at the image of the sky splitting in half and couldn't help but mutter. She even started to make comments, showing just how shaken she was.

"It really doesn't matter whether you knew or not. Oh, by the way, what are you planning to do next? Will you continue staying in your place?"

Asahi asked casually. He plans to recruit Luo Hao into his group, which meant that he couldn't let her just go back.

"I think I'll go look for new gods. Upon learning that there are still terrifying beings like you in this world, I also intend to become stronger. The old me was too narrow-minded, like a frog in the bottom of the well!"

For Luo Hao to describe herself like that, it showed that she had been profoundly affected.

Now that she knew she could continue to grow stronger, she couldn't sit still. She planned to challenge more gods and continue on her path to becoming stronger.

As for how Asahi became stronger? She didn't know. And although she was curious, she didn't dare to ask, as that was the most basic rule.

So she can only take the path of Campione, accumulate a lot of magic power, and then try to integrate the authorities. This is the only thing she can do right now.

"How about becoming my subordinate? I can offer you ways to become stronger, even surpass all the deities and also let you witness a broader world!"

Asahi extended an olive branch, and Luo Hao turned silent.

It wasn't that she couldn't become someone's subordinate, but rather, she had been dominant for so long that suddenly becoming someone's underling felt uncomfortable.