Chapter 536 New Energy Source

Luo Hao was not a Campione at first, she only became one by chance after joining a faction. Before that, she was also under someone else's command. So she didn't have an aversion to being someone else's subordinate.

However, for hundreds of years, she had stood at the pinnacle, so suddenly becoming someone else's subordinate was a bit hard for her to adapt to.

Now, the temptations before her are too great, which is the opportunity to become stronger and witness new worlds.

After seeing Asahi's horrifyingness, Luo Hao was well aware that this world was filled with numerous powerful beings. However, those powerful beings were definitely ones she hadn't encountered yet. At least the existence of someone like Asahi was terrifying beyond measure.

So after thinking about it for a few minutes, Luo Hao finally made a decision: to submit to the stronger. This is not a shameful thing for her, as Luo Hao's character tends to be similar to Esdeath of Akame ga Kill. As long as someone could defeat her, everything else could be negotiated.

Fortunately, Luo Hao's personality was not like Gilgamesh, otherwise, it would be really troublesome. Even if someone defeated Gilgamesh, it wouldn't make much of a difference, as he was a super hard-headed character.

On the contrary, Luo Hao was much easier to deal with. Once defeated, she would naturally not have much more to say.

She feels that it is no big deal to surrender to the strong. If Asahi is just a little bit stronger than her, then she will definitely not surrender, but Asahi had surpassed her by a considerable margin…

To put it bluntly, crushing her was as easy as squashing an ant for Asahi. With such a vast difference in power, Luo Hao didn't see any shame in submitting because the other party was just too overwhelmingly strong. Once the gap reaches a certain point, it ceases to matter.

After Luo Hao surrendered to him, Asahi gave her a task, which is to bring all the Campione in this world under his banner.

With the help of Erika and others, this task was too simple. Two Heretic Gods, and a total of six Campione including Luo Hao, but Paolo did not count, formed a very formidable team.

This lineup would easily overpower other Campione, especially that there were only six Campione in total before.

Now that Voban is dead and Luo Hao has joined the lineup here, there are only four Campione left. And here, there are nine Campione-level combat powers, moreover, Luo Hao is known as the strongest Campione.

Furthermore, when they acted, the opponents wouldn't immediately team up unless one of them was defeated. At that time, it will be ten against three, and there was no way for the remaining three to win, leading to a complete defeat.

As for the King of the End, it is useless if he comes out. Even if he was powerful, the people here are stronger, and Asahi plans to strengthen them before entering the mythology.

He also needs to study the Energy Source, but he didn't take them to Dangai imediately, but went to Dangai by himself first, leaving the others to wait for his message…

This time, Asahi spent more than a hundred years in Dangai to integrate Campione's magic power into the Energy Source. After all, the further he went, the more variables there were, making it increasingly difficult.

Even so, Asahi succeeded in the end, although he had spent over a month outside while spending over a century in the Dangai. This is the longest time Asahi has been in Dangai. In order to perfect the Energy Source, Asahi didn't care about the time he spent. Fortunately, he didn't sense the passage of time much due to being busy, and undoubtedly, he became even stronger because of the Limiter's presence.

As long as the limiter exists, it will infinitely strengthen him, even strengthening the abilities he had copied.

After completing the research, Asahi brought Luo Hao and others directly into the Dangai, and helped them activate the Energy Source.

They were all formidable in their own right. The reason the King of the End was terrifying was due to his immense and unparalleled magic power, something other Campione couldn't compare to. The gap was simply too vast.

After all, when someone had almost unlimited energy at their disposal, it was near impossible to challenge them. Therefore, when facing the King of the End, other Campione seem weak.

However, things are different now. After having the Energy Source, their magic power will be continuously strengthened. In this case, as long as they are given time, they could easily overpower the King of the End.

However, this time, Asahi wasn't accompanying them. He had spent over a hundred years inside, so when he finally came out, he took some time to enjoy himself.

After Luo Hao and the others spent fifty years in Dangai, Asahi brought them all out. In fifty years, their magic power, even Luo Hao's, had increased by nearly a hundredfold. At this level of magic power, the King of the End couldn't be compared at all, even with the Holy Grail in hand. And Luo Hao undeniably became the strongest in this world, of course, not including Asahi.

Originally, there was supposed to be a limit to how much they could enhance their magic power, but now it seemed limitless. The level of improvement was truly terrifying.

"In these fifty years, the gains I made have been much greater than those I made in the past few hundred years. Now, I can even easily slapped the Divine King-class Heretic Gods to death with a single hand!"

Luo Hao exclaimed in emotion. It was safe to say that this time, the Campione had made enormous gains, and even Pandora had improved, but Athena had not.

After all, it's Pandora's real body that has descended to the human world, but Athena is just a clone, and a clone does not need to be stronger. And this fact annoyed Athena quite a bit.

But there is nothing she could do even if she is upset. Who makes her real body not in this world.

In this world, even the gods used magic power, which was essentially a general term for various forms of power. Whether you called it divine power, magic, or witchcraft, they all fell under the category of magic power.

Pandora had become significantly stronger, and can now easily defeat the Olympian gods, including the twelve major gods, which included Athena herself.

That's why Athena was very displeased, especially considering that her real body was not present in this world, making it an awkward situation.

"Alright, I'll leave the matters here to you all. I'm going to enter the realm of mythologies. By the way, Athena, when the time comes, I'll help you deal with those gods. You can come along with me!"

Asahi looked at Athena and said. If he remembered correctly, the Athena of this world had quite a few rivalries with other gods.

This would be an opportunity for Athena to confront those rival gods and eliminate them if necessary.

In fact, Athena's biggest source of frustration was probably the other main gods. Most likely, Olympus will be in for a tough time.

Leaving the matters in the hands of Luo Hao and the others, Jin Yang took Athena with him as they headed straight to the realm of mythologies. It was a massive seal, but for Asahi, it was almost as if the seal didn't exist.