Chapter 537 Entering The Mythology

The Campione World is actually very huge, and any god system will form its own realm within the mythology.

These realms were different from the main world. In the primary world, development followed a natural course, with technology and civilization continually progressing. However, in the mythological realms, things were different. They were bound by the fixed nature of their myths, unable to break free from the constraints.

To use an analogy, if humans in the myth were depicted as ancient humans, they couldn't advance technologically in their world, as the mythology itself imposed restrictions on progress.

In other words, they were forever stuck in one place, unable to overcome any limitations. Even if they wished to advance technologically, the world would not allow it. This limitation applied not only to humans but also to the gods themselves. Despite being gods, they couldn't reach greater heights due to the constraints of the mythologies. This was why many gods sought to break free from the control of their respective mythologies.

These mythology realms were like individual little worlds, each sealed and confined like a cage.

And now, Asahi had brought Athena to the Olympus mythology. This particular mythology was quite vast, with twelve major gods. However, it was extremely chaotic, even more so than human's desires. It was difficult to comprehend just what kind of gods these Olympus gods were.

The gods in this mythology seemed like a group of people who had suddenly acquired power and turned into nouveaux riches. So the chaos and disorder in this world were beyond imagination.

Olympus in this world is not the original Olympus. The gods in this mythology had many conflicts, including Athena's rivalry with Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.

In this particular mythology, Athena wasn't originally Zeus's daughter, and she was even a Divine King-class existence from the beginning.

However, changes in the mythology over time led to her being demoted and eventually becoming Zeus's daughter.

"By the way, Athena, is there a guy named Kratos in your mythology…"

Asahi asked with curiosity. After all, the tales of God of War was too iconic, and it would be interesting if he truly existed in this world.

"Kratos seems to be someone in our mythology, and he's one of Zeus's children. Is there something you want to know about him?"

Athena asked curiously. Zeus was known for his prolific offspring, and as the goddess of wisdom and strategy, Athena had her own views on the reckless behavior of both Zeus and Hera, the queen of gods.

It can be said that whoever Zeus set his eyes on would find themselves in a rather unfortunate situation, given no one dare to provoke the king and queen of the gods.

But someone had to bear the brunt of Zeus's infidelity, and he was far from a responsible father, often getting into trouble all over the place. Dealing with Zeus was a challenging task for Hera, as this powerful king of the gods had a knack for stirring up trouble.

"So he's real. Then, your mythology is quite lucky to have him alive!"

Asahi couldn't help but shook his head in amusement, 'This Kratos, though not exactly a God of War, had the potential to wreak havoc upon Olympus. If Kratos ever lost his temper, the entire Olympus pantheon would be in serious trouble. There would be nothing left of the gods if Kratos decided to unleash his fury.'

"Why do you say that?"

Athena was puzzled by his response. As they continued walking toward her temple, Asahi explained some of the stories and legends surrounding Kratos. Athena's expression changed as she listened to the tales.

"So, this Kratos is actually that formidable? He actually managed to slaughter almost the entire Olympus pantheon!" She was astonished by the incredible feats attributed to Kratos in the stories.

Athena was starting to find the stories about Heracles quite intriguing. She couldn't help but be curious about this 'mythology' that wasn't native to their world.

If only this mythology had originated in their world, Asahi might have had the opportunity to witness Kratos's feats firsthand, which would have been truly spectacular.

Soon, both Asahi and Athena arrived at her temple, and Athena merged her divine form with her counterpart, bringing them back together as one.

As Athena reunited with her clone, she became aware of the experiences her clone had undergone.

In fact, to put it bluntly, there is not much difference of the division between a god's real body and their clone. When a god chose to divide their essence to leave the realm of mythology, their consciousness went along with the clone, while the real body fell into a state of deep sleep.

Therefore, the decisions of the clone were essentially the decisions of the real body. The only difference was the transfer of consciousness into a different body.

"The strength of a god's main body is indeed somewhat superior to that of their clone. At least, it's significantly stronger than those clones!" Asahi remarked as he looked at this scene.

The gods of the Campione World were actually once called the weaklings among the gods. Among many worlds, the gods of the Campione World cannot be considered high, and may even be considered below average.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were some world like Noragami and the like at the bottom, the gods of this world would also have fallen to the bottom.

However, the main body of the gods did possess greater power than their clones, often exceeding them by a factor of two or more.

Unfortunately, these godly original selves were bound to their respective mythologies and couldn't escape.

"Let's go find Zeus first. Once Zeus is defeated, the other gods will naturally come after us, and we can deal with them one by one at that time!"

Asahi knew that Athena didn't care about the so-called Olympus, because after Athena could leave the mythology, there was no need for her to stay here. But before leaving, she wanted to collect some interest.

So now, they were planning to take care of Zeus first. Finding Zeus was simple because, apart from seeking companionship, he spent most of his time in his temple.

So to find him, they only need to go directly to his temple.

The temples of the twelve makor gods have different locations, like Hades, whose temple was in the Underworld, and, Poseidon, whose temple was in the ocean. In Olympus, they only had temporary residences. And strictly speaking, Mount Olympus was under Zeus's control.

Soon, the two came arrived at Zeus's temple. At this moment, Zeus was still enjoying a very leisurely rest. After all, if they don't seek to escape from the mythology, their days here would be quite comfortable.