Chapter 538 Killing Zeus

"Athena, what brings you to me, and why have you brought a mortal with you?"

Zeus couldn't help but frowned when he saw Athena had brought a mortal into his domain.

The gods of Olympus are exceedingly arrogant, and always looking down on others. In fact, most of the mythologies are like this. Due to their immense power and status, which they considered unmatched, mortals generally were not allowed to enter their domains, as it would be seen as an insult.

Of course, when Zeus went out to pursue mortal women, he didn't care about such matters. In his philosophy, mortal women could hardly be called mortals. They are simply women.

"It's nothing big, I'm just coming here to collect the debt you owed me. Although I don't care about it anymore, it's better to settle the score now!"

After Athena finished speaking, she took a step back and handed this matter to Asahi. She wasn't a match for Zeus herself, which was why she had asked for Asahi's help.

Zeus is powerful, and he had many supporters, but even he couldn't sense Asahi's strength, only thinking that he's a human.

"Asking for a mortal to deal with me? Athena, aren't you regressing more and more? Can't you accept your identity honestly?"

Zeus found it somewhat amusing. After all, he is Zeus, the king of the gods of Olympus. But now, Athena had actually brought a mortal to challenge him.

He didn't know what to say. It felt like a joke.

"Sure enough, you are just as arrogant as the myths say. Zeus, apart from your power which can be called a god, other aspects are really unsightly."

Asahi complained, dropping a harsh comment on Zeus directly. If Zeus is stripped of his godly power, he was nothing more than a philanderer, a type despised by everyone, and his death won't be regretted by anyone regardless of the era.

"A mere mortal actually dares to criticize me? Accept my divine punishment!"

Hearing a mortal actually criticizes him like this, Zeus is furious and unleashed his thunderous power.

Zeus is the master of thunder and lightning himself. A bolt of lightning surged from Zeus's eyes and thundered toward Asahi. However, with a slight shift of his body, Asahi managed to dodge it.

The speed of the lightning was too fast for a human to react to, but now, Asahi had evaded his lightning easily, leaving Zeus somewhat bewildered.

He could be certain that Asahi was indeed a human, as Zeus couldn't perceive any trace of power from his opponent. However, after a thorough scan, his thought changed.

He believed that Asahi is definitely not a simple human being, because he found that in his perception, there was only Athena, and he couldn't perceive even the slightest trace of Asahi, which was an unprecedented situation for a chief god like him.

"Tit for tat, Zeus, you should taste some lightning too!"

Asahi directly activated Zeus's power he copied and amplified its strength. At the next moment, a colossal column of lightning descended from the sky, engulfing the entire Olympus. However, since the main target was Zeus, most of the lightning struck him.

Zeus swore it was the first time he had been struck by lightning, and to make matters worse, he was actually injured by it.

He, who wielded the power of thunder and lightning, was actually struck by lightning. It was something he couldn't believe, but it had just happened.

Moreover, thunder released by his opponent is already the limit of what Zeus could release. This meant that the power of lightning he controlled was inferior to that of an outsider.

"Who are you, and why are you helping Athena? Athena can't offer you anything, but I can give you anything you desire. You could join us on Olympus, and I would even share my position as the king of gods with you."

Zeus found that his chances of winning didn't seem to be great, as the lightning used by the other party had already pushed him to his limits. So, if Athena joined the fray, he might be in real trouble.

In a situation like this, it was necessary to relinquish a portion of his authority. By sacrificing some of his authority, the situation would become more manageable. Otherwise, if he died, there would be nothing left. It can be seen that Zeus was surprisingly pragmatic.

He is afraid of death, which was why he decided to share a portion of his authority as the king of the gods with Asahi.

Of course, this guy had no intention of permanently giving up his authority. After dealing with Athena, he would find an opportunity to regain control.

The gods of Olympus shared a common trait, that is, cunning and deceitful in their actions.

Whether it was Zeus, Hera, or other gods, many of them considered humans as their playthings. And the impression they gave was that humans are their toys.

So now, Zeus intends to temporarily stabilize Asahi, and once he gathered the other major gods, he would deal with Asahi.

However, Asahi had already figured out most of his intentions.

Furthermore, Asahi didn't value the power and authority of Olympus. To him, the world of mythology was a small, insignificant place, so he had no intention of staying and guarding it, let alone sharing it with Zeus.

With the power of lightning converging in his palm, Asahi created a lightning spear. The lightning gathered on this spear was so intense that it even frightened Zeus.

However, Asahi didn't give Zeus time to speak this time, and directly threw the lightning spear at him.

The spear transformed into a streak of lightning, heading straight for Zeus. It locked onto him completely, leaving Zeus with no option to escape. He could only passively defend himself.

However, his defense was as fragile as paper in front of this lightning spear, and the lightning spear pierced through his body, directly piercing Zeus's core.

These gods were different from humans. While humans had many vulnerable points, gods had only one weakness, their core, or which can be called their divinity. This core is exceptionally tough, and it's typically impervious to most forms of attack.

However, faced with Asahi's attack, the core shattered directly, and the spear passed through Zeus, piercing not only him but also the entire Olympus.

Even the Chains of Balance, which connected the Underworld to Olympus, were utterly shattered.

Although this myth wasn't a canonical part of the God of War series, there are indeed Chains of Balance here, which connected the Underworld and Olympus.

Now that these chains were also broken and Zeus was defeated, the entire Olympus plunged into chaos, which is similar to the events in the God of War series.

With the god who wielded the power of lightning and thunder no longer in control, the thunder began to rage uncontrollably, and the entire Olympus was engulfed in a thunderstorm, leaving most of the gods in a state of extreme fear.

In addition, the Chains of Balance was also severed, so the entire Olympus experienced a major earthquake, descending into utter chaos.

This is the price of Zeus's death.