Chapter 539 Obtaining A Large Amount of Divine Power

"For Olympus to be in chaos, is Zeus dead? But how is this possible?!"

At this moment, almost all the gods of Olympus knew that Zeus had perished, but the idea that Zeus could die was inconceivable. After all, in the world of Olympus mythology, Zeus was considered invincible at the moment, with a vast number of supporters.

Under such circumstances, who could kill Zeus? It sounded like a joke, but now, Zeus is truly gone.

After Zeus's demise, Hades emerged from the Underworld, and Poseidon left the depths of the sea. Many gods are hurrying towards Olympus because Zeus's authority is now vacant.

Asahi obtained a part of Zeus's power after his death, which can be used to create a Campione. As for most of his power, it will be left to the next generation of chief god, as this is the nature of mythology.

Asahi had no intention of taking it all, as having obtained a portion of it was already significant.

And now, the other gods are coming, and whoever receives the power of Zeus will be Olympus's next king of gods.

"You really don't want to try taking in this power? You used to be the ruler before, can you really give it up?"

Asahi looked at Athena and asked. With Zeus gone and Athena is the closest major god here, she can completely accept this part of the power and become the new king of gods.

However, in the face of such temptation, the current Athena seemed uninterested.

"It's no longer necessary. I only seek revenge. As for his power, although it can make me stronger, it can't be compared with staying by your side. Even that Pandora is already stronger than Zeus and the others!"

Athena replied with some frustration. Accepting this power was merely for the sake of power and authority.

But she no longer needed the authority. As for power, she would gain more by following Asahi, after all, just look at Pandora for an example.

Pandora is not a god in mythology, but just an existence created by the gods. To put it bluntly, she's just a pawn in a scheme.

But in this world, Pandora has not only become a god, but also a god who controls the reincarnation of Campione. And as far as strength is concerned, Pandora can't beat the major gods, and even some subordinate gods.

However, the current Pandora has absolute strength and is capable of easily overpowering even chief gods like Zeus.

Athena is not stupid, and she naturally knew what to choose. Being a king of gods is not something she is interested in.

By following Asahi, she could easily trample the entire Olympus under her feet in the future, so why would she become a 'mere' king of gods?

"I see, that's a smart choice, then just wait here. It just so happens that I need to absorb some divine power. The ability of the Campione is indeed quite good, so I should also take over the reincarnation ritual for Campione from the Netherworld!"

Asahi thought it was better to take away the ritual of the Campione's reincarnation to avoid unnecessary chaos.

Although he can basically modify the characteristics of the Campione and make the gods' authorities entirely their own, making it impossible for gods to reclaim it, it would be too cumbersome to do so individually. So taking the ritual of the Campione's reincarnation in one go will solve the problem.

As for the Campione in this world, there was no need to bother with them anymore. As in the future, all Campione would be under his control.

"Athena, why did you bring this mortal here?"

The first one to arrive was Hera, the goddess of marriage and Zeus's wife. After knowing that Zeus is dead, Hera isn't particularly saddened by his demise, as she is well aware of Zeus's philandering ways.

After all, Zeus had constantly been unfaithful, bringing many children back home, which greatly annoyed her.

She might be petty, but she was, after all, not just a goddess but also a woman, and Zeus is undoubtedly the worst scumbag among the scumbags, so Zeus's demise brought her joy rather than sorrow.

If it hadn't been for Zeus being the king of gods, Hera would have likely acted against him long ago.

But now, upon arriving at the scene and seeing Athena with a mortal, and most importantly, Athena not accepting Zeus's authority of thunder and lightning, Hera is completely puzzled.

In her opinion, Athena should be the most eager to take back the position of the king of gods. However, Athena was simply standing there without any intention of absorbing the power. This left Hera utterly confused, as she couldn't understand why Athena was acting this way.

"Hera? If you want to absorb Zeus's power, just go ahead… I have no need for it!"

As she said that, Athena also showed a somewhat disgusting expression, which further perplexed Hera. Of course, since Athena didn't want it, then she had no hesitation in taking it for herself.

In this mythology, she had no conflicts with Athena, and there was no need for a confrontation between them over Zeus's authority.

Although Athena's enemy is Zeus, Hera, despite being Zeus's wife, is not the target of Athena's revenge. Athena wanted to take revenge because she had the wrongdoer and the debtor, so naturally she would not take action against Hera.

But she will take action against other people, such as a certain god who has arrived here now.

"Hera, that divine authority is not something you can touch!"

Just when Hera was about to directly absorb Zeus's power, a dark aura surged from beneath the ground. Compared to Poseidon who is coming from the sea, Hades is significantly faster. It's because the Underworld and Olympus were connected.

"It seems that Hades is here!"

After Asahi saw Hades, he immediately took action.

Just as Hades emerged, Asahi delivered a punch to his head.


Hades' body crashed through the gates of the temple and was sent flying. Asahi didn't use any force for this punch, but it was enough to give Hades quite a beating.

"Hahahaha, Hades, you actually flew out from inside. What happened?"

Poseidon had also arrived at this moment, but suddenly witnessed Hades being thrown out of the temple, which he found it quite amusing.

Although they are known as brothers, their relationship in Olympus was more about power and politics than brotherly affection. In Olympus, relationships, be it siblinghood or even family ties, are quite fragile. Therefore, in Olympus, the main driving force is often the pursuit of power and authority.

Now that Hades had suffered a setback, Poseidon naturally found it entertaining.

Hades quickly stabilized his body, and then flew back inside once again.

He looked at Asahi, who had just punched him, with a gloomy expression.

He is the ruler of the Underworld, one of the twelve major gods of Olympus, but he had been sent flying by a mortal's punch.

No, he felt that Asahi shouldn't be called a mortal, after all, a mortal wouldn't have such terrifying power that can send him flying directly.

Fueled by anger, Hades unleashed the power of death from the Underworld. Seeing this, Asahi's eyes lit up. This was what he had been waiting for, the divine power. Otherwise, he would have dealt with these gods long ago.