Chapter 546 Kagaya's Decision

"Indeed, the notion of a God is astonishing, however, Sakonji-dono wouldn't say about such things lightly!" Kagaya replied after hearing the letter's contents.

After listening to the content, Kagaya fell into contemplation, and he was thinking about what Sakonji said.

Directly resurrecting people and transforming Nezuko, who had become a demon, back into a human—no matter how you looked at it, it was incredible. Even someone as open-minded and receptive as Kagaya found it hard to believe.

"The letter states that the 'God' has given us one month. Several days have already passed since then!"

Kagaya pointed out, and after pondering for a while, he finally made a decision.

"Amane, prepare a carriage. I will personally go to Mount Sagiri!"

Kagaya made the final decision.

"Wait… your body is already at its limit. If you travel long distances, you might not make it, and we also can't be certain if this is real or not. Perhaps it would be wiser to send someone to investigate first!" Amane suggested, a hint of concern in her voice.

"No, I will go directly. Time is running out, and excessive probing might anger the God if they truly exist."

Kagaya replied. He had considered many factors, but knew that there was not enough time. After all, his body is different from the rest of the Demon Slayer Corps' members.

While others could easily run to Mount Sagiri within a short time, he could only travel slowly because his body couldn't endure the strain. Therefore, he needed to go directly. If they sent someone back and forth to investigate, it would take too long. And he didn't think he deserved that much respect to keep a God waiting.

So, he decided to go directly, despite his frail body. He couldn't afford the time for more inquiries, and if the God is real, they might not appreciate too much scrutiny.

"Then, let's summon a few Hashira to escort you there. After all, you are the future of the Demon Slayer Corps!" Amane suggested.

However, Kaguya shook his head again.

"Just inform the Water Hashira, and that should be enough. We don't need the others. Also, don't mention the God's matter to Giyu. Just say that I intend to visit Sakonji-dono, otherwise, even Giyu might not let me go."

"As for the other Hashira, they might go cause trouble if they find out too soon. But Sakonji-dono will not lie casually. Even if there's some exaggeration, it shows the other party is not to be taken lightly."

"This is our chance to defeat Kibutsuji Muzan, so let's prepare now, the sooner the better. As for the Giyu, tell him to wait for us halfway!" Kagaya instructed.

Kagaya is determined to go. This time, he didn't care about other things and planned to go directly to him.

Seeing this, Amane had no choice but to prepare a carriage for him, and then had some of Demon Slayer Corps' members escort Kagaya to Mount Sagiri.

Tomioka Giyu, who got the news, didn't know the situation yet. He only knew that his lord suddenly wanted to go to visit Sakonji. He is obviously not in good health, but still wanted to go.

But it's hard for him to say anything. After all, Kagaya is the lord, and Giyu himself talks very little and doesn't like to talk too much.

Knowing that Kagaya was going to find his master, he could only silently escort his lord there.

This escort lasted for more than twenty days. Kagaya's health was not good, so the speed was very slow, but they managed to arrive at Mount Sagiri with three days left.

At this moment, Giyu's eyes couldn't help but widened, and he looked at the young man standing in front of him with a disbelief expression.

"Giyu, have you forgotten me already now that you've become a Water Hashira?"

The young man with an obvious scar on his face looked at Giyu with a smile.

"Sab… Sabito, you… weren't you already dead? This…what the hell is going on here?"

Giyu couldn't keep calm this time, and staring at Sabito in front of him in disbelief.

"As you can see, I've been resurrected. As for how it happened…"

Sabito then explained his experiences, leaving Giyu bewildered. It was hard for him to understand it, but he couldn't deny the reality.

But he couldn't just believe it so easily. He thought about other possibility, that is, Sabito faked his death. After all, it was impossible to find a person's corpse if they had been devoured by demons, making it to fake death.

But soon, Giyu quickly dismissed this thought. It can't be helped, the appearance of Sabito hadn't changed at all, looking exactly the same as he had years ago. It was evident that he hadn't aged, and Giyu realized there was an age gap between them.

Therefore, Giyu knew that Sabito is telling the truth. While still trying to wrap his head around it, he knew he couldn't doubt Sabito's words. This encounter left Giyu in a mix of shock and confusion.

Meanwhile, Kagaya listened to their conversation, and was relieved that the journey hadn't been in vain.

His already frail body had endured the strain of travel, and he had used up some of his precious remaining time. If it had turned out to be a deception, it would have been a great loss.

His son is only about eight years old now. Although he can carry the banner even at this time, he is still a bit too young.

"My lord, that person has left for today. We can only wait until tomorrow. Would you like to stay here for the night?"

Sakonji said, and Kagaya didn't object to the idea of staying the night, as it wasn't a significant issue for him.

"Giyu, you are already a Water Hashira, so how about having a sparring match with me?"

Sabito said, and this request left Giyu feeling somewhat helpless, but since Sabito had already proposed it, Giyu could only agree.

"By the way, you should stop wearing that attire. Half of them represent me, right? To be honest, neither your sister nor I want you to live in the past. After this is all over, consider changing your clothes!"

Looking at the clothing that covered Giyu's body, Sabito had mixed feelings.

Giyu's attire seemed to be a combination of two different pieces, with one half representing Sabito and the other half symbolizing Giyu's sister. Giyu's sister had played a significant role in Giyu's survival, and the attire was a testament to his gratitude for her.

But this time, Giyu agreed. If the god is really true, then there is a possibility that his sister could also be resurrected. Moreover, Sabito has been resurrected, so this clothes should indeed be changed, which would represent a new beginning for him.

Of course, that's what happened later, and now, there is still a battle between them.

But it's really hard to say in terms of victory or defeat in the upcoming battle. After all, during this period of time, Sabito and the others have been trained by Asahi. His training is very strict, and they had learned techniques that went beyond regular Breathing Techniques, making the outcome of the fight unpredictable.