Chapter 547 Sabito VS Giyu

In just one month, based on Sabito and the others' physical fitness, it is undoubtedly an impossible dream to learn Marine's Six Styles.

The Demon Slayer World seems to be very strong, as those demons can even destroy a street, but it can only be done by demons.

The Demon Slayer Corps relied on technique rather than brute force, and they were not exceptionally powerful in terms of physical strength. Their later training, such as moving a large boulder, was a testament to their improved physical capabilities, but they still fell short of the extraordinary feats seen in the One Piece World.

In the One Piece World, many elite Marines mastered the Marine's Six Styles, but regular Marine's soldiers didn't possess these abilities, as they don't have enough capabity to learn it.

Asahi had been assisting them all along, enhancing their physical abilities, so all four of them eventually learned the Marine's Six Styles, with Nezuko being the most proficient.

Even if Asahi removes Muzan's blood for her, she still seems to have become stronger. Tanjiro came next, followed by Sabito, and then Makomo.

Tanjiro had grown significantly stronger after his and Nezuko's memories were awakened by Asahi. He had acquired the Sun Breathing, enhancing his abilities considerably. Nezuko, despite her earlier hesitation, also decided to learn it.

Even Nidouzi followed to learn, but other people wanted to learn, but there was no way at all.

As for others who wished to learn it, they had no way to do so. Tanjiro's lineage, in truth, was exceptional. His ancestors had used these breathing techniques to do the Dance of the Fire God, and the knowledge had been passed down through the generations.

It can be said to be quite abnormal. It must be known that even the seasoned Demon Slayers could not learn the Sun Breathing, as it was exclusive to Tanjiro and Nezuko's bloodline.

The bodies of the two of them have adapted to this breathing method under the hard work of their ancestors for hundreds of years. Even if it is still difficult, they can learn it. And now that their physique has strengthen considerably, they can show the true power of Sun Breathing.

When he learned that Tanjiro and Nezuko were using Sun Breathing, Sakonji almost fainted, as it was too shocking.

Sakonji thought Tanjiro was just a boy introduced by Giyu to train, but he didn't expect him to be the inheritor of the Sun Breathing.

During the period, Sabito and the others didn't believe that they can't learn it, but the final result was that they really could not learn. The breath of the day was exclusive to Tanjiro and Nezuko, and others could not learn, as Yoriichi's obsession is still with Tanjiro and his family.

Even if the person is dead, his obsession remains until now. Asahi can easily remove this restraint and let others learn the Sun Breathing too, but it's unnecessary, as learning Marine's Six Styles is already enough for them to unleash their abilities.

Although Marine's Six Styles does not have sword techniques, with their enhanced physical abilities, they don't even need swords.

Giyu soon started sparring with Sabito, but in order to prevent it from hurting Sabito, Giyu did not dare to use sword skills at all, and could only use a wooden sword to attack. And even if it was just a wooden sword, he did not dare to attack too hard.

"Giyu, don't worry about hurting me. If you hold back, you'll lose for sure! Soru!"

After saying that, Sabito suddenly disappeared from Giyu's vision, and when Sabito appeared again, he is already right in front of Giyu, and the wooden sword in his hand directly hit Giyu's abdomen.

"Ugh… what was that just now?"

Giyu was shocked by Sabito's move. Even Amane was the same, but Kagaya couldn't see anything at all, so he could only know what happened by relying on the narration of the person next to him.

"Sakonji-dono, how did Sabito do that?"

Under curiosity, Kagaya asked. He is very curious how Sabito suddenly disappeared, and appeared in front of the enemy who is some distance away.

"This is a martial art that the Lord God taught them. By continuously stepping on the ground, a huge impact can be released, allowing the body to move quickly, but the physical fitness requirements are extremely high, and I can't achieve it."

"If I were younger, I might have been able to do it. Their bodies have also been strengthened by Lord God, and the speed they showed is somewhat similar to the speed in the Thunder Breathing."

"But it is much stronger than just speed, as this martial art includes various defensive and offensive techniques!"

After Sakonji explained it for a while, Kagaya finally understood.

Meanwhile, Giyu also started to get more serious. Now that he knew that Sabito had grown stronger, Giyu couldn't afford to hold back.

"Water Breathing First Form: Water Surface Slash!"

Even though Giyu used a wooden sword for the attack, the power behind it is still terrifying and not something just anyone could casually defend against.

However, in the face of Giyu's slash, Kato simply stood there without moving.


With a resounding shout, Sabito's muscles tightened rapidly. As for Giyu, he was startled when he saw that Sabito wasn't dodging his strike.

However, the slash was already unleashed, and it was impossible to retract it. As a result, the blow directly hit Sabito.


With a crisp sound, the wooden sword in Giyu's hand shattered directly. As for Sabito, he is unharmed.

"How is this possible?!"

Giyu was astonished once again. Even though he was using a wooden sword, he is a Water Hashira now, and a strike like this could easily slice through flesh and bone.

However, Sabito had stopped it as if it was nothing. Although Giyu's strike had sliced through Sabito's clothes, it couldn't penetrate his skin.

On the contrary, it was as if he hit a iron wall, causing the wooden sword in his hand to shatter directly.

"Don't be shocked, Giyu. That technique is called 'Iron Body'. And as the name suggests, it hardens the body to be as tough as iron. But I've only just scratched the surface of it." (T/N: Tekkai means Iron Body.)

"If it was Tanjiro, it would undoubtedly be much more powerful, especially Tanjiro's head! He's known as 'Iron Head' and might even become the 'Head Hashira' if he becomes a Hashira in this generation."

Sabito explained, while also teasing Tanjiro a bit. After all, Tanjiro's head had a reputation for being incredibly resilient.

"That kind of body technique is quite powerful!"

In the end, Giyu had to admit that he was impressed. There was nothing he could do about it. After all, this technique was taught to them by a God.

The Demon Slayer Corps was at a disadvantage in this world. They are completely incomparable with the demons, and Muzan has a lot of demons under him. If Muzan was to release all those demons under him, he could easily wipe out the younger generation of Hashira.

Instead, he had allowed them to grow and become stronger, causing more trouble for himself. He could have severed their growth, but he didn't.