Chapter 558 Encircling Muzan

"Why? Why did Nakime's ability fail? What's going on?"

While avoiding the swords of the Demon Slayer Corps' Hashira, Muzan was in a state of incompetent fury. When the Demon Slayer Corps entered the Infinity Castle, he was genuinely panicked.

The other demons had vanished without a trace, and their connection with him had been severed. Didn't this mean they were defeated?

Now, he was hiding in the Infinity Castle, but these people just mysteriously appeared.

Muzan was bewildered. He doesn't even know how he got surrounded like this. Initially, he planned to hunker down in the Infinity Castle for a while, but suddenly, the Demon Slayer Corps popped up, and Nakime's ability failed, allowing several Hashira to surround him quickly.

At this point, Muzan was trapped inside the Infinity Castle, and he couldn't escape. This was the most awkward situation for him.

In desperation, Muzan had no choice but to fight with the other party. In this situation, he was much stronger than he was during the final battle in the original story.

Furthermore, he was significantly more formidable, after all, in the original work, he was greatly weakened by Tamayo just before the final showdown, resulting in him being unable to deal with the relentless assault from the Demon Slayer Corps. But now, both sides are the enhanced versions.

But the Demon Slayer Corps is undoubtedly better. After all, Asahi had given them so many enhancements. If they still encountered problems even after this, it would be unbelievable.

Muzan didn't possess any flashy Blood Demon Arts, instead, he had numerous tentacles on his body, and these tentacles had formidable offensive power. Muzan could easily use these tentacles to slice through a building, which is quite monstrous.

But this time, others didn't engage him in close combat. Instead, they unleashed the power of sun right in front of him, utilizing the strengthened Nichirin Swords to radiate sunlight within the Infinity Castle. The power of the sun eroded Muzan's body, leaving him in a state of extreme panic.

Muzan began to run incessantly, utilizing the various buildings within the Infinity Castle, which were like a maze of obstacles, to shield himself from the sunlight.

However, he quickly found himself cornered. With so many people shining light on him and strategically surrounding him, he had nowhere to run.

In the end, Muzan had no choice but to unleash his ultimate technique. Just like when he faced Yoriichi, his body split into countless small pieces and charged in all directions.

Unfortunately for him, the members of the Demon Slayer Corps had anticipated this move. When they joined forces, it was much more formidable than one Yoriichi. So the over one thousand pieces of him were slashed and obliterated.

In the end, Muzan met his demise in his own territory, and his soul was captured by Asahi as soon as he died.

Even though Muzan was dead, the consequences of his actions are far from over. Asahi would make sure that Muzan paid a sufficient price with his soul. And from now on, there was no escaping death easily for him.

It can be said that Muzan had lost even the privilege of death.

Back then, Yoriichi was just an individual, and even though he was exceptionally strong, there were still limits to his abilities, so the power of numbers prevailed, and at least this time, Muzan couldn't escape.

However, Asahi was somewhat curious about the group of Demon Slayers from four hundred years. They seemed to act like a bunch of dimwits, and it is probably driven by jealousy, just like Yoriichi's older brother.

The Breathing Techniques are created by Yoriichi. And without him, these people would have had to rely solely on brute force to battle the demons. At that time, let alone Upper Rank demons, they would have struggled against Lower Rank demon or even an abnormal demon.

Back then, the only one who had a chance to defeat Muzan was Yoriichi. However, they ended up driving him away for reasons unknown to me. They forced out the only existence that had a chance of killing Muzan, and yet, they thought they could still fight against Muzan.

At that time, the leader of that generation had just taken office, and he was just a little kid, and he was not as mature as the current leader, Kagaya.

This resulted in Yoriichi being expelled, and from what Asahi can see, those folks didn't really have a well-functioning brain.

The only generation that seems to have improved slightly is this current group of Demon Slayers. They don't seem to exhibit the same attitude as their predecessors, s the previous generations of Demon Slayers were not purely dedicated to the cause.

Muzan's death left Tamayo in a state of disbelief. She never expected that such a formidable opponent could meet such a straightforward end. She could only attribute Muzan's death to the truly terrifying capabilities of the current generation of Demon Slayers.

Muzan couldn't even cause any significant turmoil in their hands, which was quite terrifying.

"He's dead, he's finally dead. Thankfully, we were aware of his abilities from the beginning, otherwise I don't know how to deal with this guy. Everyone, let's double-check to ensure there are no more remnants of him!"

Just in case, Kagaya asked everyone to continue to check. Although Muzan is dead, they are still not completely certain, so everything must be ensured. Otherwise, this guy is too scary, and who knows whether he will recover again.

"No need to check anymore, Muzan is indeed dead. Congratulations, you have completed the task I gave you. Although the difficulty of this task is indeed very simple, I've always kept my word. Now, you have a chance to resurrect your loved ones, but it is limited to those close to you, and there is no limit to the number of people you can choose."

"But, if you choose to resurrect someone unrelated to you, then consider this opportunity forfeited!"

Asahi's words made everyone's eyes widened. Among the Demon Slayer Corps' members, hardly anyone didn't lose several loved ones and friends.

Even Mitsuri, who joined the Demon Slayer Corps due to her talent rather than vengeance, had friends and allies in her past, and without a doubt, they had all fallen victim to demons.

So everyone had someone they wanted to resurrect, except for Kagaya. As according to him, his father and ancestors had already found peace, and it was better not to disturb the departed.

As for the others, not surprisingly, Giyu resurrected his elder sister and some of his relatives, and Tanjiro and the others resurrected their own family, and each of them resurrected the people they loved and cared about the most.

Even Tamayo chose to resurrect her relatives. Although it has been a long time since they had died, the souls of Tamayo's relatives still exist, and they have been following Tamayo all this time, but some of the weaker souls have disappeared over the years.

The souls of the Demon Slayer Corps' members were mostly intact, and besides them, other souls were considered based on the strength of their lingering attachments, and only those with strong attachments could be resurrected, while those with weaker ones could not.

However, nearly 99% of the people chosen for resurrection were successfully brought back to life.

"Finally, after a thousand years, the menace caused by Muzan has come to an end. Then, it's time for the Demon Slayer Corps to disband!"

Kagaya knew very well that with the demons gone, it's time for Demon Slayer Corps to disappear too.