Chapter 559 Entering A Certain Magical Index World Carefully

"Is it time for disbandment? Although the Demon Slayer Corps' mission has been accomplished, why does it feel so uncomfortable!" It can be said that every member of the Demon Slayer Corps had been looking forward to the day when the corps would be disbanded. It's because the disbandment meant that the world no longer had demons.

But when the time to disband came, they found it hard to let go. But this is normal, after all, they have gained a lot here.

In order to kill demons, they have been fighting continuously, and even if their relatives and friends have been resurrected, they are still feeling lost right now.

"You don't need to disband, actually., The Demon Slayer Corps can continue to exist. Since you managed to complete the task from me, I can now reveal some real truths to you. First and foremost is my true appearance!"

After saying that, Asahi dispersed the black aura surrounding him, and his true appearance became visible to everyone.

However, upon seeing Asahi's true form, all the women were left blushing with surprise, and even the men couldn't help but be awed.

It's not Asahi is bragging, but his current appearance could truly be described as that of an exiled immortal, approaching a perfect state.

It's all because of the changes in his life level, which has been constantly pushing his body towards perfection. So, his appearance has become more perfected, and people can't take their eyes off when they see him.

"Wow… So handsome… There can actually be such a handsome person in this world, such a perfect person!"

The group of girls blushed intensely, and it's not that they're too infatuated. It's just that Asahi is indeed too perfect now.

"Is this the appearance of Lord God? No wonder he hid it. In this condition, wherever he goes, he'll attract countless gazes!"

Kagaya also couldn't help but sigh. It was indeed too exaggerated, and he couldn't think of other adjectives other than perfection.

"Previously, you called me Lord God, and to you, I'm almost like a god. But, I am not the god of this world."

"Even the scenes of god fighting I showed you earlier are not the gods of this world, or rather, this world lacks the existence of gods, as this world is too weak to give birth to gods…"

As Asahi explained, he also shared information about the existence of different worlds and other things with them.

Following this, the members of the Demon Slayer Corps were deeply moved, and Asahi also expressed his intention to bring them under his command. In this regard, Kagaya did not refuse at all.

He isn't a fool, and he understood that opportunities like this were rare. Moreover, there was no reason to decline, as joining Asahi would mean that the Demon Slayer Corps wouldn't need to disband.

He himself didn't want to disband either, but he had to… Because the Demon Slayer Corps wasn't meant to exist for personal desires.

The Demon Slayer Corps was created solely to combat demons, and it was a commitment of the Ubuyashiki Family. However, after joining Asahi, this problem was no longer relevant, as they have the reason to continue to exist.

Fortunately, the Demon Slayer Corps didn't have to disband, so everyone was overjoyed. They were now reunited with their loved ones and could continue their mission without separating from their comrades.

In the end, this world was also opened up by Asahi to allow his people to take over.

Although the level of technology in this world at this time is really unsightly and didn't meet his standards, this world has valuable resources, and that was what they needed.

As for governing this world, they could easily find someone for the job.

The members of the Demon Slayer Corps were then incorporated into his command, starting their training and giving them the Energy Source to make them even more stronger.

After that, Asahi began to contemplate whether he should enter the A Certain Magical Index World. With a portion of Whis's power, he could perfectly conceal his aura and strength, making it impossible for the Magic Gods to directly detect him.

And even if the Magic Gods were to discover him, he could easily escape. Once the Magic Gods left that world, despite being so powerful, they would ultimately fall under him.

In fact, Asahi could continue to go into seclusion, but considering the ongoing plot in the other world, who knew where it had progressed? It is fortunate that the plot in the Demon Slayer World had not gone too far, and he had even preemptively ended it.

In the A Certain Magical Index World, if he allowed the plot to end prematurely due to his seclusion, he would be losing a lot.

After all, he plans to intervene in the Misaka Sisters incident, as doesn't want to miss these classic characters.

So after Asahi made up his mind, he quietly entered the A Certain Magical Index World, yes, quietly.

The world channel is now in a hidden state. And after Asahi sneaked in, it was impossible to see the existence of the world channel with the naked eye.

Unless it was discovered by someone, but since the situation in the Campione World, Asahi had learned to be cautious and concealed the presence of the channel, only revealing it when needed.

After arriving in this world, Asahi confirmed that he hadn't been detected, which made him breathe a sigh of relief. After all, he didn't want to immediately engage in a fight with the Magic God upon entering.

Even though he was no pushover even if he faced against the Magic Gods now, confronting them would restrict his freedom to move around in this world. he will not be able to swagger into this world afterwards.

In this world, his current strength can't match the Magic God's, so he chose to avoid any unnecessary confrontation.

Although the Magic God is not his opponent when he leaves this world, it's better not to provoke them unnecessarily.

Since the Magic God doesn't detect Asahi, Asahi decided to leave the area and went directly into the Academy City.

Asahi's power covers the entire world, allowing him to find out the timeline of this world.

He then noticed that due to his recent period of seclusion and his visit to the Demon Slayer World, the plot in this world was about to start.

At this point, it's less than a year before the plot started and Kamijou Touma met Mikoto Misaka.

However, it seemed that he hadn't encountered Shokuhou Misaki yet, and Touma's encounter with Misaki occurred in August of the year before the main plot unfolded.

And now, the time has not yet arrived. As for the situation with the Misaka Sisters, it appeared that some of them had already been eliminated. As this plan must have been set into motion quite some time ago.

Otherwise, the tens of thousands of Misaka Sisters are tested outside in the later stage, but the tens of thousands of Misaka Sisters were killed in the early stage. If only one or two are killed a day, it would be reasonable to say that Accelerator would not have enough time to kill them.

In Asahi's perception, this plan was already underway.

"I'm a bit late to the party, but it's not a major issue. Their souls are still intact. Although they're just artificial beings, they do possess souls!"

Asahi couldn't help but shook his head. He realized that even though the Misaka Sisters are clones and artificial humans, they still possessed souls.

However, due to their short lifespan, emotions, and other factors, their development might not have been as complete as that of natural-born individuals.