Chapter 560 Meeting Aleister

"Aleister indeed leave people speechless!"

Regarding Aleister, Asahi doesn't know what kind of mindset this guy has. Why does he want to use the Misaka Network to expand his influence? Couldn't he just operate normally? Instead, he complicates things unnecessarily.

To be honest, he doesn't need the troublesome prelude he's engaged in. He could just privately create some Misaka Sisters. Who would know, and who would give him trouble at that time?

Even though he and the Magic Side are enemies, but at this time, would the people from the Magic Side really believe that a mere several thousand artificial humans could pose a threat to them?

Moreover, if Aleister wants to act secretly, he doesn't need to spend too much time, and there is no need to deal with Misaka Sisters' affairs like that.

And then there's Accelerator, who claims to be an evil person. He's quite baffling as well. His participation in this brain experiment shows that he's sentimental, so when he gets obsessed with something, it's quite troublesome.

Accelerator is entirely of this type, and it seems that only Touma's friendship punch can knock some sense into him.

Without directly taking away the Misaka Sisters, Asahi went directly to the Windowless Building, which is Aleister's base. He came here to meet Aleister and get a reasonable identity along the way.

As for the presence of Aiwass here, although powerful, in its current state, it can't fully exert its power and needs a medium to function properly. Furthermore, even if Aiwass exerted all its power, Asahi is not inferior to it.

"Stranger from the outside, what is your purpose in coming here?"

The moment Asahi entered the Academy City, he was already detected by Aleister.

After all, this guy was a crazy peeping tom, so when Asahi first appeared in the Academy City, he saw it through the UNDER_LINE.

It's not that Asahi couldn't shield himself from such things, but it's because Asahi did not want to hide.

So he appeared in front of them in a straightforward manner and was discovered.

After being discovered, Asahi came directly to Aleister. Since he would be staying in the Academy City, he needed Aleister to provide him a better identity. He believed that Aleister would definitely agree, as Aleister didn't want a trouble or enemies.

"My purpose is very simple. I plan to live in the Academy City for a while, so I came here. Could you please help me prepare an identity? Oh, by the way, don't give me a student identity. I don't want to be a student. I'm already too old for that!"

Asahi stated calmly. Although with his appearance, he can easily disguise himself as a student, it is not necessary, given that he is thousands of years old.

"Is this a trade?"

Aleister asked curiously. The intentions of the other party seemed straightforward, but with the capabilities the other party had shown, it was quite troublesome for him.

Although the other party said that he just wanted to stay here, who knows whether the other party will trouble him later, which could affect his plan, so Aleister is a bit cautious now.

"Well, it can be considered as such. Since I plan to reside in Academy City, I will naturally provide sufficient compensation. In addition, I might get involved in the events happening in Academy City. Just remember not to bother me!"

"As for the compensation, if a Magic God causes you trouble, I can help you out. How about that?"

Asahi said with a smile. Although he seemed to be putting himself in harm's way for Aleister, he's actually just getting things without giving anything.

After all, it might take a while for a Magic God to come and trouble Aleister, and when the other party appeared, Asahi would definitely be on the Magic God's radar.

When that happened, the Magic God would inevitably confront him, and he couldn't just stand by and watch. Therefore, he was using this as a reason to strike a deal, which allowed him to get what he wanted without paying anything.

"Although I don't know how you know all these things, you should also be aware of the terrifyingness of a Magic God, right?"

Aleister was somewhat speechless. He didn't expect that someone would say that he would help him deal with a Magic God.

However, he hasn't seen a result yet, and who knows if the other party could really stand up to a Magic God when the time came? Now, this person suddenly appeared and claimed he could help him deal with a Magic God. How can Aleister really so easily deceived?

"I naturally know how terrifying a Magic God is, otherwise, I wouldn't have use such thing a bargaining chip. As for whether I can contend with a Magic God or not, you can simply ask Aiwass for that."

Asahi didn't actively release his presence, as he was afraid that releasing too much would directly provoke the Magic God. But because he's right in front of it now, then Aiwass can see through his strength.

"You even know about Aiwass?"

The corner of Aleister's mouth twitched again. He really couldn't keep calm anymore. After all, Aiwass is his trump card, the very essence of his confrontation with the Magic God.

However, this time, Aleister merely commented and didn't speak further. It's because he had already heard Aiwass's voice. And according to Aiwass, it couldn't see through Asahi at all.

Unable to see through meant that the person in front of him had likely reached the level of a Magic God, so Aiwass's words really shocked Aleister.

However, Alerista quickly regained his composure this time. He knew that the entity before him was not a Magic God. Otherwise, he would have been in big trouble.

Although the Magic Gods might be aware of his plans, they probably wouldn't pay much attention to him. However, Magic Gods are usually quite idle and would welcome some entertainment, so they might come to him later.

Now, with the promise of such a powerful individual like Asahi, Aleister feels that it is enough. After all, compared to providing an identity or the other party be involved in some unimportant plans, the promise of such a powerful individual is more valuable.

"I understand, then the deal is concluded. However, you mustn't interfere too much. If it impacts my most critical plans, I'll inform you. Otherwise, feel free to do whatever you want!"

Aleister agreed directly. As long as Asahi doesn't cause major disruptions that could jeopardize his plans, the promise of such a powerful individual was more than satisfactory.

This is how Asahi's empty glove white wolf plan is completed. If Aleister knows that Asahi couldn't truly avoid the Magic Gods and is using the empty glove white wolf method on him, he'd probably be quite agitated. (T/N: Empty glove white wolf means pay a small price for big rewards in return.)

"Very well, then remember to directly give me the identity of a manga shop owner. That's it for now, I will go first. By the way, I almost forgot to say it. I will take away the Misaka Sisters. You'll have to find other ways to expand your position. Farewell!"

After saying that, Asahi left.

As for Aleister, the corners of his mouth twitched once again.