Chapter 561 The Purpose of Opening A Manga Shop

Regarding Asahi's request to take away all the Misaka Sisters, in fact, Aleister didn't think much of it.

The price for this was quite small. At this stage, he intends to use Misaka Sisters to expand his influence, but Misaka Sisters wasn't the only way, and it just happened that the Misaka Sisters had already been created, so he decided to make use of them.

Now that they are taken by Asahi, Aleister could easily find another solution.

It was nothing more than exerting some effort, and it wasn't a big deal. In this way, Misaka Sisters were smoothly transferred to Asahi's side.

If Heaven Canceller and Amai Ao knew about it, they would probably blow up directly.

Being used as pawns was one thing, but shuffling them around like this is too much.

However, these scientists, and even that supposed 'supercomputer', had some serious issues with their judgment, and it was hard to believe they were serious.

Of course, Aleister may had intervened from behind the scenes, leading to such a ludicrous experiment.

As for Ao and his team, they are complete buffoons. Sending a level 100 character to fight level 1 monsters, expecting it to level up after killing two thousand of them, was simply absurd. Even in video games, such a thing would be unthinkable, and yet, these so-called scientists actually believed in it.

This reminded Asahi of those so-called experts and scholars who seemed to have bricks for brains in his previous life.

Soon, the identity that Aleister helped him create is ready. As for his residence and shop's location, he naturally chose it himself. Without a second thought, Asahi decided to place his shop next to Tokiwadai Middle School.

As for why, does it need to be said? Of course it is to kidnap… No, it is to fish out Mikoto. What are Mikoto's habits of the cannon? Her habits at school mostly revolve around a few things, teasing delinquents, play video games, and, well, kicking that unfortunate vending machine. The last thing on the list is… reading manga for free.

As a Level 5 with an abundance of allowance, she could easily afford to buy some manga. Still, she simply enjoys reading them for free. Asahi couldn't help but find it utterly baffling.

Therefore, the purpose of this manga shop is naturally to attract a certain freeloader, Misaka Mikoto. Asahi believed that the manga here can definitely keep Mikoto's eyes glued, as he's brought all the manga from his previous life over.

For him, creating it directly based on his memory is a piece of cake. Whis' ability is more inclined towards creation, and he can easily accomplish tasks like resurrection with little effort.

There's no need for a physical body, as he can simply create it. It can be said that Whis is truly impressive in this regard.

He and the God of Destruction seem like specialists in different areas, one excelling in creation and the other in destruction. Of course, Whis is definitely stronger than Beerus, and when it comes to destruction, Whis is too lazy to do it, otherwise, he'll be even more terrifying.

As for Supreme Kai, sorry who? These 'Supreme' titles are just a joke for them, and it is unknown why they can be compared to the God of Destruction. They are nothing but a big scam, as when Supreme Kai dies, the God of Destruction will die too.

Beerus can be said to be quite reckless. There are so many Supreme Kai before, but they are almost completely wiped out by Buu.

But Beerus didn't worry too much because there is still the old Supreme Kai sealed inside the Z Sword. As long as this old man doesn't die, Beerus probably won't either.

Of course, all those things don't really matter. What's important is that Asahi has now opened his manga shop. In this city, most people are students, so this store quickly became popular.

Regarding this, Aleister also couldn't understand why Asahi wants to open a manga shop here. While it's true that these manga and their stories are quite good, it's difficult to fathom why such a powerful being would choose to do this? Aleister, who couldn't figure it out, is too lazy to think about it.

As for his surveillance through the UNDER_LINE, he couldn't do it near Asahi, and he does not dare to monitor the other party. After all, Asahi is the existence at the level of Magic God, and Aleister is not ready to provoke him.

One has to admit that Aleister is very ambitious, as he plans things on Earth that aim to surpass the Universe. Regardless of how you look at it, he is very weird. Although he's confident, it's all a bit too strange.

But what will happen afterward is unclear, as it will depend on the situation.

Asahi's manga shop has become famous, but to prevent too many people from bothering him, he restricts the daily entry to only one hundred individuals.

After the quota has been met, the others who come here will leave directly, just like using People-Clearing Field. So much so that his manga shop become part of urban legends in the city.

The legend tells of a unique manga shop hidden in the shadows, which only allows one hundred people to find it each day, and from it, they can obtain manga that is completely unobtainable in the outside world.

While people from other manga shops are extremely greedy of the manga produced here, the law protects them, so they don't dare to print and sell them without authorization, and they can only try to contact the owner of this shop.

However, Asahi directly blocked them completely, so they have no chance at all, which also made these people quite frustrated.

The shop owner, who is Asahi himself, was also rumored to possess a unique supernatural ability, allowing him to expel others, leading to a limit of only one hundred people finding this manga shop each day.

The reputation of this manga shop continues to grow, attracting Asahi's intended target.

Moreover, this shop is located near Tokiwadai Middle School. Didn't this just give her the chance?

After learning about this, Mikoto was drawn to it. Young girls often appreciate mysterious things, and this enigmatic manga shop naturally intrigued her.

Of course, what she cared most about was the manga circulating within, as each person is limited to purchasing only one book.

After that, they would have to wait until the next day to make another purchase, resulting in the circulated manga being incomplete.

This development couldn't be ignored by Mikoto. What she hated the most is cliffhangers. The manga available at the manga shop, while top-notch, were indeed cliffhanger types.

This made Mikoto very irritated by this situation, so upon receiving the news, she decisively came here to find the manga shop.

Since his fishing target arrived, Asahi naturally had no reason to turn away. Thus, Mikoto soon found the location of the manga shop.