Chapter 562 Depressed Mikoto

Mikoto found the manga shop. She used to be skeptical of urban legends, but when she arrived at the manga shop, her perspective changed considerably because she noticed a problem.

Upon entering the manga shop, she saw many people were wandering around, but as soon as they got there, they would turn around and leave.

Under Asahi's influence, the manga shop will randomly select 100 spots every day, and it's purely luck-based, not about arriving early. As for Mikoto, sorry, she's someone who got in through the back door.

Isn't it Asahi's purpose for opening a manga shop just for her? That's why Misaka Mikoto wasn't stopped from entering.

"Interesting… Is the ability of this shop owner the same as that star eye?"

Regarding the star eye, she is naturally talking about Misaki. Misaki possesses the ability to manipulate the memories of others, and her personality is completely different from Mikoto's.

However, the current situation in the manga shop makes Mikoto a little curious, and she wondered how the number of people affected by this ability is a bit too large.

Outside, there was a constant flow of people, but they just couldn't enter. As soon as they reached this point, they would leave. What's even more mysterious is that these people weren't being controlled, as they came with their companions, chatted and laughed right in front of Misaka Mikoto, and then suddenly turned and left.

It was as if they had no awareness of their own situation. The manga shop at this moment felt like an entity separate from the world.

With a heart full of curiosity, Mikoto walked into the manga shop, and then her eyes immediately widened, taking on a cat-eye shape.

As for why she became like this, it was naturally because of the manga inside. Some of them were familiar, but she had only read a little. Others were unfamiliar, and they weren't available outside. After all, these were works from another world.​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

At this moment, Mikoto felt like she had entered the heaven.

"Boss, your manga here…"

Mikoto had initially planned to ask the boss if she could read them directly, but when she suddenly saw Asahi appearance, she was stunned.

Asahi, without any disguise, did not look like an ordinary person at all. He gave off the feeling of being absolutely handsome.

Even though Mikoto considered herself not to be someone who swooned over others, she couldn't help but be awed by what she saw.

"As long as you have the time, you can read the manga here freely, but we close the store at midnight. Additionally, when you leave, you can take one book with you, just one!"

Asahi chuckled, noting that most people who saw him reacted similarly to Mikoto.

"Oh… Oh, okay, I got it!"

Still somewhat dazed, Mikoto mechanically replied and quickly averted her gaze.

Then, she focused on the manga and began her 'freeloading' session, turning into her usual freeloader state.

Of course, when she's here, it's impossible not to indulge, as she can't take the manga away or buy them.

Soon, Mikoto became immersed in the manga. Looking at the manga read by Mikoto, Asahi was a little speechless.

What she was reading a series from the previous world, 'Demon Slayer'. Asahi thought that reading this series might make Mikoto explode later. After all, 'Demon Slayer' was known for its ability to crush one's spirit and was among the most depressive manga series, leaving readers feeling quite down.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Misaka Mikoto, who was initially reading calmly, to start roaring. If Mikoto was in the school, she might have kept her emotions in check, but outside, there was no such thing as restraint. Her shouting also startled the people around her.

"Is she crazy? Do you need to get so worked up over a manga?"

Someone couldn't help but comment, wondering why reading a manga led to such a reaction.

"Hey, buddy, take a look at what she's reading first!"

Another person pointed to the manga Mikoto read, and after a glance, the person who made the comment fell silent.

"Okay, understandable, but it's a shame we don't know who that 'crocodile' author is. If I know, I will definitely track them down and give them a piece of my mind. This kind of person needed to be taught a lesson!" (T/N: Demon Slayer's author, Gotouge Koyoharu, used crocodile as his avatar, that's why this guy called them crocodile.)

After seeing what manga it was, this person started to get very agitated, much like Mikoto's current state.

'Demon Slayer' was relatively calm in the beginning, depicting the protagonist's growth journey. However, as it approached the final battle, it became a frenzy of deaths, shocking all the readers and even leading to playful renaming as 'Hashira Slayer' instead of 'Demon Slayer'.

It wasn't that everyone was being ridiculous, but this manga genuinely led to such a result. Most manga actually follow a pattern where sacrifices happen, but they are usually limited and serve as a trigger for the protagonist.

However, 'Demon Slayer' took things to an extreme level. Asahi even remembered how he had felt frustrated about a certain 'crocodile' at the time. He had wished he could drag them out and give them a piece of his mind, but unfortunately, he couldn't do that. And now, these people couldn't either.

"Boss, do you know where the author of this manga is?"

Mikoto slammed the manga on the table, and asked with unhappy face. The further she read, the more it made her feel depressed.

Actually, Asahi didn't even know what the original ending of 'Demon Slayer'. After all, he came to Naruto World before the manga could end.

But according to public expectations, the ending should involve Tanjiro forcing Muzan out of his body and ultimately defeating him.

However, with the manga's unpredictable nature, it was uncertain whether Tanjiro would manage to force Muzan out, and even if he did, it might result in the deaths of many people. So, the situation was quite awkward.

So Asahi decided to help by adding a more straightforward ending to this manga, which is according to its nature.

It could be considered a twisted sense of humor. Instead of a more uplifting ending, so Asahi decided to add an even more depressing conclusion.

In his ending, Tanjiro killed everyone else and simply left, that's it. It was brutally straightforward. Readers would probably have spewed out their drinks upon seeing this ending, as it was not something to be taken lightly.

When Mikoto saw this ending, she nearly unleashed a lightning bolt that could have leveled the manga shop. (T/N: I don't understand how someone could finish reading Demon Slayer so quickly…)

"I don't know who the author is. I'm only responsible for bringing these books out. And even if I did know, you won't have your turn to trouble him, as I would have rub their face on the ground!"

Asahi waved his hand dismissively, speaking nonchalantly. Since they weren't in the same world, there wasn't much that could be done.

In this regard, Mikoto could only sigh in frustration and admit that the manga was good but way too depressing. Right now, she needed a more soothing series to uplift her spirits, otherwise, she'd end up seriously depressed.