Chapter 573 Teitoku, Who Received Severe Beatdown By The Society

"Who are you? Why are you always following me?"

While Teitoku recognized Mikoto, the reverse wasn't true. After all, Mikoto has not been exposed to any dark side of Academy City, and interacted much with other Espers.

"It's understandable if you don't recognize me. After all, you, the Third Rank Level 5, have always lived in the light side of the world. Let me introduce myself. I am the Second-Ranked, Kakine Teitoku, and my ability is Dark Matter, but I still prefer it when people call me by my name."

"As for why I am following you, I am very interested in you. Your ability shouldn't include the power of flight, right!"

Teitoku's expression appeared somewhat deranged, after all, he is from the dark side, and he was a bit similar to Accelerator.

Of course, Accelerator is a rogue with a choice, whereas he is a hopeless one. He wasn't the Teitoku who had been replaced by the Dark Matter.

"Even if you're the second-ranked Level 5, what does my ability have to do with you?"

Mikoto was a little speechless. In the past, she might have started a fight right then and there, but after receiving lecture from Asahi, she had refrained from causing trouble. At most she would get into minor scuffles with local delinquents, nothing more.

"Of course it matters. Your ability exceeds the limits of what should be possible for you, and that's what makes it so interesting!"

Teitoku doesn't care about much else, as he just eagerly wants to know the reason behind Mikoto's transformation into lightning.

Upon hearing Teitoku's words, Mikoto frowned, and then, rather than dealing with him, she transformed into lightning and left.

She had no interest in getting entangled with someone like him, who seemed to be acting irrationally.

Although Mikoto was thoroughly annoyed, she is keen to avoid trouble, so she left the scene, but Teitoku wasn't as easy to deter, so he continued to pursue her. While his speed was somewhat slower, Misaka Mikoto couldn't easily shake him off.

"This seems to be a case of requiring a dose of society's beatdown. Since someone doesn't want you following them, you'd best not follow!"

Asahi pointed his finger, and ripples instantly formed in the surrounding space. Then, right in front of Teitoku, a finger suddenly appeared, startling her.

However, it was too late to apply the brakes. He collided with the outstretched finger head-on, and then a burst of flames erupted from it, forming a fireball that struck Teitoku directly.

Although he quickly used Dark Matter to shield himself, the fireball expanded instantly to the size of a person.

Immediately after that, a tremendous force acted on the Dark Matter, sending Teitoku flying without any pause.

A streak of flames flashed across the sky as the second-ranked Level 5 Esper was blasted out of Academy City, and the Dark Matter disintegrated.

However, Asahi spared his life and didn't kill him directly. As for Mikoto, she had lost her mood to play games and came to the manga shop, thinking that she had already left Teitoku behind.

On the other side, Aleister did not allow Teitoku to die like this, but ordered someone to rescue this guy and bring him back. After all, letting a Level 5 Esper dies like this wasn't a good idea.

So he decided to keep him around and make use of him. This time, Teitoku didn't suffer any life-threatening injuries, but his face was definitely ruined. After all, the power of Asahi's flame was not to be underestimated.

However, with the level of technology in Academy City, getting him a new face was a piece of cake, let alone a full recovery.

When he finally woke up, Teitoku was filled with a mixture of anger and terror. The anger is because he couldn't believe he had been beaten up like this. As for the terror, it's because the flames unleashed by that single finger had turned him into this monstrosity.

He was seething with anger and wished he could tear the person responsible to shreds, but he didn't dare to act on his anger because he didn't have the power to do so.

He knew had realized that there must be an incredibly formidable force standing behind Misaka Mikoto, or it wouldn't have been this terrifying.

As a Level 5 Esper with Dark Matter ability, he didn't even have time to react and was instantly overwhelmed. The nature of those flames was something his Dark Matter couldn't handle. In any case, he was grateful that he had survived, as it was truly a stroke of luck.

The members of 'School', who arrived at the scene were also curious about their leader's sudden transformation. However, they didn't dare to ask too many questions. After all, the current Teitoku was emitting an aura of darkness, and even though his face was covered in bandages, his gaze was enough to convey the message that anyone who dared to inquire about the incident would meet a grim fate. So, the others refrained from asking any questions.

What's more, the incident had occurred in the sky with no surveillance cameras around. So despite their curiosity and surprise, the other members didn't want to dig too deep.

In places like dark organization, it was not uncommon for comrades to disappear overnight if they crossed paths with a powerful member of their own group. It was a grim reality they had all come to accept

And Teitoku is a Level 5 Esper, so it is easy for him to clean up the others if they provoke him.

In front of Level 5, no matter what level of ability user they are, it is no use. So, it was best for everyone to keep a low profile and not provoke such powerful individuals.

This time, Teitoku suffered the loss of being of dumb, which can be regarded as a severe beating from the society. After all, these guys cannot be educated with normal education, and their ability to cause trouble is completely maxed.

After Teitoku was seriously injured, the days returned to calm again. Just like this, a few months passed in a flash.

In these months, Kuroko entered Tokiwadai and through some clever maneuvers, she secured the right to stay in the same dormitory as Mikoto.

Around this time, the perverted Kuroko finally made her debut, adding another layer of complexity to Mikoto's otherwise calm life.

And Kuroko also followed Mikoto to the manga shop during this period. After knowing that Asahi and her Onee-sama are good friends, she is even more excited.

After all, Asahi stole the limelight that should belong to Mikoto in the incident at the post office.

Although Mikoto still mixed with Kuroko afterwards, Asahi has also become one of the irreplaceable characters in her life.

So when she met Asahi, Kuroko was also very excited. According to her statement, she likes Mikoto, not because she has a problem with her orientation, but because she just likes Mikoto.

As for Asahi, she felt the same way. It can be said that he had left a significant mark, so now that Asahi and Mikoto were friends, Kuroko was very delighted.