Chapter 574 Urban Legends

During this period, there were recurring incidents of Graviton Bombings that left several Judgement's members injured. On this day, Asahi was not in his manga shop, but had gone out. As for the reason, it was because of Mikoto's invitation.

She said that she met new friends through Kuroko, and thought it would be a good idea for everyone to get to know each other, especially since they all had some differences in their perspectives on manga and anime.

So, Asahi was persuaded to join them. This marked the first time that these four people from Railgun Quartet gathered together. And it's worth mentioning that everyone in this group was quite famous and influential.

One is the perverted Kuroko, another is a Level 5 Esper, one is the guardian of the internet, and the last one had a particularly grand reputation as the 'Upskirting Maniac', Saten Ruiko. Despite being a Level 0 Esper, she had mastered this skill to perfection.

"Don't be too formal, just treat me as if I'm invisible. But you guys sure are generous. Even though there are four 14-year-old girls going shopping, you had to bring me, a grown man, with you!"

Asahi was a little speechless, after all, he is the only man in this small group. So, after the introduction, the atmosphere got a bit awkward. In the end, Asahi was the first to break the silence.

"Don't worry. If I didn't know what kind of person you are, I wouldn't have invited you. Saten, Uiharu, this guy has a very good personality, so you don't need to be too formal!"

Mikoto had also taken on a mediator role. As for Kuroko, there was no need to mention it further, after all, in her eyes, Asahi's status is similar to Mikoto's, so she didn't say anything.

"I know, I haven't forgotten it. Asahi-san is the one who helped out in the post office incident!"

Kazari hadn't forgotten about Asahi either. Strictly speaking, only Ruiko hadn't had any interaction with Asahi before.

"Uiharu also know him? You guys should have said something earlier. You've left me feeling like I couldn't even speak!"

After seeing that everyone else knew Asahi, Ruiko knew that Asahi couldn't be a bad person and immediately felt at ease. After all, she was someone who is naturally friendly and outgoing.

As a Level 0 Esper, she dared to venture into places frequented by delinquents. It seemed like only Ruiko had the courage to do that. She was indeed quite extraordinary, especially when it came to having a big heart, as it's something that the others couldn't match.

Once Ruiko, the stranger in the group, became comfortable, the others naturally did as well.

"That's right, I almost forgot to ask, Asahi…Well, I'll just call you Asahi-senpai, as you seem to be a little older than us. Which school did you go to? And what is your ability?"

Ruiko is very eager to acquire an ability, but she has already let go about it. After all, she can't forcibly gain an ability. But even so, she is still very curious about Asahi's ability.

"Well… it seems a little unclear!"

Mikoto suddenly discovered that Asahi's ability is too mysterious. Some time ago, she noticed that Misaki had been bothering her less, but her eyes had turned red in the process.

Those eyes were all too familiar for her, after all, as a regular in Asahi's manga shop, how can she not know about Mangekyo Sharingan?

After that, Misaka also learned that this ability originated from Asahi, however, she still didn't know what abilities Asahi truly possessed. After all, Asahi's ability is too weird.

Moreover, she had also read One Piece and knew the existence of Rumble-Rumble Fruit. But she also knows that she is not affected by the so-called seawater weakness. This Rumble-Rumble Fruit has been modified, and didn't have any after-effects or vulnerabilities. In short, she doesn't know to what extent Asahi's ability is.

"My ability? I have quite a few of it. As for the specifics, you'll find out in the future!"

Asahi didn't lie either, as he indeed had an abundance of abilities. Just the powers he had acquired using the Migeiko were numerous, and listing them all would probably take more than a day and night. After all, there were simply too many to mention.

"How could you have many abilities? While it's true that Academy City's urban legends do have the concept of 'multi-talented Espers', they're mostly just legends!"

Ruiko expressed her disbelief, but her mention of Academy City's urban legends piqued Mikoto's interest.

"Urban legends? What are those?"

Mikoto inquired curiously.

"Onee-sama, you don't need to pay attention to those strange things. They're nothing more than rumors that circulate online. It's just that Saten is indeed quite interested in this kind of stuff!"

Kuroko shook her head directly. She has never believed about those things. Since it is a legend, it is simply a form of special rumors and stories with no concrete evidence. She had no interest in such things, as many of them were obviously false.

"It's not possible that all of them are false. These things are likely to have been recorded because they might have actually happened."

Hearing Kuroko's words, Ruiko argued. After all, where there's smoke, there's often fire.

 "How could it be real? Take, for example, the one about the man who can nullify all abilities. If such an ability really existed, what would Academy City become?"

Kuroko rolled her eyes, and Mikoto was very curious when she heard this. This time, because of the butterfly effect, Mikoto hadn't crossed paths with Touma.

Because of Asahi's advice, the current Mikoto had reduced her habit of finding troubles with the delinquents on the streets, and her chance of encountering the 'Hedgehog Head' had lessened.

However, she was an inherently restless person, so upon hearing such rumors, her interest was immediately piqued.

"Onee-sama, you're just like Saten in this regard. You both enjoy these odd and curious things!"

In response to this, Kuroko couldn't help but rolled her eyes again.

"In fact, the urban legends you're talking about are indeed real. About the man you mentioned just now, who can nullify abilities, I've encountered him before!"

Asahi suddenly affirmed. Although these urban legends look unbelievable at first glance, some of them are indeed true, and they had some connections with the people here.

"Are you sure someone like that hasn't been taken by those research institutions for dissection?"

Kuroko was shocked. She wondered if this is really true, or Asahi was just joking with them. After all, eliminating others' abilities would make that person virtually invincible. It was completely inconceivable.

"It is true. I met this guy in my manga shop. His name is Kamijou Touma, a Hedgehog Head."

"His right hand has the power to negate any ability that only exists in the realm of imagination, that is to say, he can neutralize any Esper or person with supernatural abilities, and all abilities will be nullified the moment he touches them with his right hand."

Asahi provided a brief explanation.