Chapter 576 A Reward For Courage

When encountering bank robbers, Kuroko naturally can't just sit still.

These robbers are all people who use Upper Level.

Upper Level is something that Kiyama Harumi to save her former students. In fact, as long as she is given a little time, once these things spread widely enough and she obtained enough computational power, she would stop this thing by herself.

And as long as those unconscious people weren't left undiscovered and starving to death, it wouldn't be too big of a problem, as they could still live well.

It can be said that Asahi does not hate the way Harumi does this thing. Although in order to achieve her goal, she certainly used some means. This wasn't for her own benefit. It can only be said that the darkness in Academy City is indeed too excessive.

However, such excessive behavior doesn't really concern many people, after all, for those in higher positions, it's just a drop in the bucket. They are only interested in their own interests, and they don't care about other aspects.

To put it bluntly, the Academy City itself is a massive experimental ground. It's just that most people are unaware of it.

Kuroko and her opponent fought, but there was no suspense. After all, Espers with teleportation abilities are quite formidable both in terms of offensive power and escaping. Of course, if they were to engage in a prolonged battle, Kuroko might find herself at a disadvantage.

It all depends on the situation, and now, these individuals are clearly no match for Kuroko. In the presence of an Esper with teleportation ability, these individuals with fire-based abilities are essentially of little use.

The current situation seems to be heading in the anime direction. For example, a robber directly attacked the child, and Ruiko, who did not appear in the original manga, was being attacked in the anime while trying to protect a child.

The current scenario is similar to the original plot. However, before the robber could act, Asahi already slapped them, making them rolled dozens of times on the ground. It is clear that such individuals do not deserve any sympathy.

As for the other robbers, they tried to escape with a car, but unfortunately, they ran into Mikoto. She fired her Railgun directly at the car, causing it to go flying. It's safe to say that it was quite a tragic scene.

But as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibilities. Since they end up robbing banks, then they deserve to spend a lifetime in prison.

"It's finally done… We obviously came out to play, but who would've thought we'd run into something like this!"

Kuroko was also a little speechless, it was supposed to be a break for them, but it turned into this.

"This also indirectly shows one thing, and that's that the security in Academy City is indeed very lacking!"

Asahi interjected, immediately makes Kuroko turned silent. She also felt that even with superpowers, it seemed that some people couldn't resist the temptation to engage in criminal activities, despite the city's strict regulations.

Especially those with strong abilities and those who have just become stronger like these robbers. They tend to get a big head, and with inflated egos, they start acting recklessly. So, even though security here is well-managed, there are still many who can't resist the temptation to commit crimes.

"By the way, Ruiko was really brave just now. I saw that!"

Kuroko then directly changed the subject, acknowledging Saten Ruiko's commendable actions.

"It's not a big deal, really. I am an Esper without any ability. If I have any ability, I can be of help, but who would have thought I'd end up causing more trouble in the end!"

Ruiko expressed her frustration, but there was nothing she could do. After all, she's just an ordinary young girl.

"Well, don't think that way. Even without abilities, you're still amazing!"

Kuroko felt a sense of helplessness. Many powerless individuals who turn to a life of crime do so because they can't awaken their abilities, which eventually leads to a twisted personality to commit crimes.

Although Ruiko didn't seem like that kind of person, one never knows what might happen before someone becomes corrupt.

"That's right, you're really impressive, not to mention, your big heart is worthy of respect. Speaking of which, I have something special here, maybe it can grant you the ability you've always dreamed of. It's yours now!"

As he said that, Asahi produced another fruit. This fruit is the Wind Logia Fruit, which is the same kind as the one he had given to Mikoto…

"What kind of fruit is this? It looks really unusual. Where did you get it from?"

Ruiko asked, as her curiosity piqued by this strange fruit.

"Ruiko, go ahead and take a bite. You're in for a pleasant surprise!"

Mikoto suddenly spoke up, prompting the others to cast curious glances at her.

"I've had this fruit before, and it brings a tremendous surprise to me!"

Mikoto also understood Asahi's intentions, so she encouraged Ruiko to eat the fruit quickly.

"Surprise? What kind of surprise… Ueghh!"

Ruiko, who is filled with anticipation, quickly took a bite. However, her face turned green at the next instant, then shifted to purple, and even veered toward black. After struggling to regain her composure, she couldn't help but retched.

"This taste is absolutely disgusting! How can something taste so awful exist!"

Ruiko was nearly in tears from how awful it tasted. It was truly an unpleasant experience for her, and Mikoto, who had gone through the same ordeal, couldn't help but show a mischievous grin. She remembered how she, too, started doubting life after trying it.

"Is it really that bad?"

Seeing Ruiko's reaction, the other two couldn't help but shudder, finding it somewhat horrifying.

"Ruiko, think carefully, did something new pop into your mind?"

At this time, Mikoto reminded her, and it was only then that Ruiko realized there were indeed new things in her mind.

"What is this…!"

Ruiko immediately activated her ability, and her target was none other than Kazari, who had both a cautious and curious expression.


The word 'strawberries' suddenly popped into the minds of the others, and then a cry of distress echoed. There was also a sizable bump on Ruiko's head at the next moment.

"Come on, Ruiko, when are you going to change? There are other people around!"

Kazari blushed, looking at Ruiko with a mix of shyness and frustration.

"Sorry sorry, it won't happen again. I suddenly got the ability, so I use it subconsciously. I won't do it anymore!"

Ruiko, who was holding his head, said in a cute manner. In this regard, Kazari, who was used to her antics, quickly forgave her. However, the focus of everyone's attention shifted to Ruiko's ability.

"Ruiko, can you tell us more about the specific nature of your acquired ability? Is it wind?"

Mikoto asked curiously. Her own ability was related to lightning, and Ruiko's seemed to be related to wind.

Her ability seemed quite impressive as well, especially if it involved controlling wind. After all, wind is also a part of natural disasters that cannot be underestimated.