Chapter 577 Everyone Gets A Share

Ruiko, who had acquired the ability of the Wind Logia Fruit, had finally solved her obsession.

She had always been cheerful and lively, but there was this one thing that troubled her. However, with Asahi's assistance, it was no longer a significant issue.

"I'm so envious of you, Ruiko. Onii-sama, can you give me one too?"

Kuroko's tone suddenly turned plaintive, and it made Asahi feel a bit uneasy.

In response to this, after some thought, since both Mikoto and Ruiko had obtained the abilities from these special fruits, Asahi decided that he might as well give the entire Railgun quartet a makeover.

Therefore, Asahi directly created an Op-Op Fruit to give to Kuroko. Of course, there is no so-called eternal youth operation.

Although Asahi is capable to make such things, it is too troublesome, so he decided to leave out the part about eternal youth and keep the other abilities intact, which is still a good ability.

As for Kazari, it is even simpler. He created a Temperature Fruit for her, and the upper limit of this fruit's power is exceptionally high.

This is mainly due to the various Sun powers that Asahi possesses.

His mastery of the Law of Fire has also developed to a certain extent, so with the right development, this special fruit can potentially attain the temperature of the core of the sun.

However, with Kazari's ability, it will take a long time to be able to reach this level.

"Go ahead and eat them. Both of these fruits are well-suited to your abilities, but remember not to use it randomly when you test it afterwards. While Academy City wouldn't be greatly troubled by a sudden influx of a few Level 5, it could still cause some inconvenience!"

Asahi then handed the two fruits to Kuroko and Kazari. As a result, they couldn't help but hesitated after receiving the fruits, looking at the fruits in their hands with some dread. If they remember correctly, the taste was a bit... well, 'unique'.

"Anyway, I've given them to you. Whether you eat them or not is your own decision!"

Asahi chuckled and said. Although he gave them abilities, they still have to pay a small price, like eating this fruit. As for the taste, Asahi has maintained his consistently terrible sense of humor by making it incredibly unpleasant.

"That… Isn't it just a bit unpalatable? I refuse to believe I can't handle it!"

Kuroko replied with determination. She then opened her mouth and took a bite. In this regard, Kazari followed suit, deciding to eat it together.

She is afraid that she would be completely unable to eat the fruit because of Kuroko's reaction, so now she plans to follow Kuroko's action.

"What a brave soul you are!"

At this moment, Ruiko and Mikoto, who had already experienced the taste, couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. After tasting it once, they had no desire to eat it a second time in their lifetimes. The impact was just too overwhelming.


After Kuroko and Kazari took a bite, both of them couldn't help but retched. As the taste was just too repulsive.

They now understand Ruiko's earlier reaction. It really was something beyond what an ordinary person could endure. The taste was simply too extreme, far worse than all the disgusting things they had ever eaten combined.

However, after a while of retching, they found their minds are filled with new information about their new abilities.

Kuroko realized that she could activate her ability without having to make elaborate hand gestures, and she could instantly create a space barrier and perform teleportation inside of it.

While her mobility still relied on having a target and wasn't as versatile as her original power, don't forget that she now has the Op-Op Fruit's abilities.

She can instantly teleport everyone here, and albeit it is somewhat less efficient than the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, Op-Op Fruit has a strong cutting ability, and there is no need to worry about someone being killed after cutting them, as even if the heart is taken out, the target won't die. That's the beauty of the Op-Op Fruit.

And the reason it's called the Op-Op Fruit is that its healing abilities are absolutely exceptional.

So Kuroko is very fond of this new ability. If she had a suitable weapon in her hand right now, she might have been tempted to slice up her surroundings, thanks to her newfound cutting power.

On the other hand, Kazari also experimented with her ability. Originally, her ability was quite lackluster, barely capable of providing a little heat or maintaining warmth. But now, things are different.

Upon activating her ability, the temperature began to rise continuously, causing everyone to move away from her because the heat was becoming too intense.

For the current Kazari, by relying on her enhanced computational skills, she could melt steel without harming herself. However, she had to be cautious about using her newfound ability because of its overwhelming strength.

"Amazing! You all have some incredible abilities, especially Kuroko's. It's so convenient!"

Each of the four had unique abilities with their own advantages, and they couldn't help but feel a bit envious of each other's powers. However, Asahi emphasized that they should be content with the upgrade and not seek further enhancement.

"When you go back, make sure to experiment with your new abilities, and be sure to be cautious. Except for Kuroko's, you two's new abilities have a lot of destructive power, so remember to find a deserted place for the experiment."

"In addition, because of the strength of your abilities, it is related to your mental power, you still have to continue to develop your Esper ability and strengthen your willpower and mental power. Consider the gap between Mikoto and yourselves. If you don't keep working hard, you won't catch up to her!"

Asahi cautioned them not to let their newfound powers inflate their egos, as it could lead to problems.

"We understand, Asahi-senpai. Thank you so much!"

Before leaving, they all expressed their gratitude to Asahi. Although the title 'senpai' felt a bit strange to Asahi, and he wasn't accustomed to being called by his name directly, they had gotten used to it, so he didn't say anything. As for calling him 'Onii-sama', only Kuroko is doing so, and it sent a shiver down his spine.

Considering the age difference, he accepted the title of 'senpai' and didn't mind what they called him. He didn't care what they could call him as long as it made them happy.

And so, the group quickly dispersed. After all, they all still have other matters to attend to. This particular incident had come to an end, and if Asahi is not mistaken, the next one would be the 'Graviton Bombings Case'.

The individual involved in that case is truly despicable, a classic bully who only dared to harm those weaker than himself and avoided confrontation with stronger opponents. Asahi had utter disdain for such individuals, considering them complete trash.

With his indiscriminate attacks and his willingness to harm anyone he chose, Asahi had no intention of letting this person off the hook. The crimes he had committed were enough to warrant severe punishment, and Asahi planned to deal with him accordingly.

Additionally, there was the matter with Touma. As after this incident, he would likely encounter Index for the first time.