Chapter 578 Graviton Bombings Case

Time flew by, and a few days had passed. On this day, the Railgun Quartet gathered together once again, and instead of looking for Asahi to go out, they went directly to the manga shop. On their way there, they ran into Misaki.

"Isn't this Misaka-san? There are also Shirai-san and Uiharu-san. Oh, there is a new face. Allow me to introduce myself. Misaka-san and I go to the same school. I'm Shokuhou Misaki!"

After Misaki met the Railgun Quartet, she greeted them and started making small talk.

Just as Misaki had said before, she had no intention of becoming friends with Mikoto, but she was open to getting to know Mikoto's friends.

Misaki wasn't trying to steal Mikoto's friends, as she simply wanted to make new friends. Well, watching Mikoto's frustrated expression also brought her great satisfaction. That's why she had already established good relationships with Kuroko and Kazari before.

As for Ruiko, this is the first time they meet.

"Shokuhou Misaki, one of the Level 5 Espers, right? Hello, I am Saten Ruiko!"

Keiko noticed how both Kuroko and Kazari were chatting and smiling with Misaki, and assumed she might be as easy to get along with as Mikoto. So without further ado, she introduced herself.

As for the other party's ability, Ruiko's easygoing nature made her unconcerned about it. Furthermore, since Kuroko and Kazari didn't mind, why should she?

Regarding this, Misaki is also a little speechless.

Sure enough, just as Asahi had said, the people around Mikoto don't care about her ability. And as long as she is not actively invading other people's heads, no one will care about her ability, so these friends are genuinely great to have, at least Misaki thinks so. Because of that, she sincerely wants to make friends with these people.

In this regard, Mikoto just snorted in response and didn't say anything more. After all, in her view, Misaki wasn't just trying to annoy her. Instead, it seemed like she genuinely considered these people as friends, which was why she didn't interfere.

"Ara, it looks like Misaka-san isn't feeling too well. By the way, what are you all doing here today, reading manga?"

Misaki asked with a hint of curiosity, as the presence of these people together here felt a bit odd.

"Your interruption almost made me forget why we're here. Let's go, we need to find him!"

After saying this, Mikoto smacked her own forehead, realizing that she had forgotten the most important thing.

They came here for the purpose of asking Asahi about something. Because Asahi showed that he knew a lot of things before, they came here for the Graviton Bombing Case this time.

Originally, today, they were supposed to go shopping in the Seventh Mist, but they had to put that plan on hold because of this matter.

The butterfly effect has once again come into play. Since they know that when they're in a dilemma, they can turn to Asahi.

Misaki is very curious about what they're doing, so the others let her know about their purpose this time.

"Graviton Bombing huh? That sounds interesting. If possible, let me join in. My ability should be able to help!"

Misaki spoke up, and the others suddenly realized that her ability could directly access memories, and it will be a valuable asset, especially when dealing with criminals. While casually accessing someone's memories is not a good practice, it might be justified when dealing with criminals.

After agreeing to Misaki, they reached the manga shop not long after, and Ruiko was very surprised at this moment.

"So this is the manga shop in the urban legend where only a hundred people can enter each day. It turns out it's run by Asahi-senpai. It's not such a big deal after knowing the reason."

Ruiko was delighted because she was quite curious about this place. She had been searching for the source of some widely circulated manga, and she hadn't been able to find it until now. Unexpectedly, it was right here. This place might become a regular hangout for her, and most importantly, Asahi is here too.

She is very grateful to Asahi, after all, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be able to gain an ability.

"The Graviton Bombing Case? Do you still not have any leads even now?"

Asahi asked a little speechlessly. His reaction is not surprising, after all, this case wasn't that difficult to solve, especially with Mikoto and Kazari present. Just by checking the surrounding surveillance footage, they could easily track down the culprit, Kaitabi Hatsuya, and apprehend him.

While he was committing a crime, he had to be physically there, otherwise, there would be no way to commit the crime. Therefore, as long as they check the surrounding monitoring, they can easily find this guy.

"We've put in a lot of effort already, and we did find a suspect, but his ability level is far from meeting the standards. As for the ones who did meet the standards, they're already unconscious!"

With a sense of helplessness, they had to explain the situation over the past few days. In this regard, Asahi's evaluation of them was that they had dug themselves into a dead end and hadn't thought through the situation carefully.

"You're oversimplifying it. Have you forgotten about Level Upper? I mentioned it to you before, didn't I?"

'So even if his recorded ability level doesn't meet the standards, what if he successfully used Level Upper? You guys are too naïve."

Asahi shook his head, unable to conceal his frustration.

"It's really him… But why is he often bullied by street thugs?"

They really can't understand it. With such a powerful ability, this guy should have no trouble dealing with a group of street thugs, yet he still got bullied. Even so, he dared to act on crazy criminal activities. This situation is very baffling.

"This person has some psychological issues, a classic case of being a pushover. He's afraid of confrontation and doesn't dare to resist anyone who treats him badly.

"Honestly, against those street thugs, if you're willing to go all out and fight, they won't dare to mess with you. In essence, this person is just too weak and has psychological issues."

"By the way, you can bring Misaki and let her help you for this case. After all, her ability is very useful in this area!"

Asahi pointed to Misaki, and she was momentarily surprised. Then, she cast a grateful look at Asahi.

She knows that Asahi is helping her at this time, helping herself to get closer to these people.

"Although I hate to admit it, having her around definitely makes things a lot simpler!"

Mikoto said somewhat helplessly. In times like these, Misaki's ability is indeed the most valuable. When it came to concealing information, in front of Misaki, there was nothing that could be hidden. It is too easy for Misaki to read these people's memories.

"Then, we're counting on you, Shokuho-san!"

Kazari immediately bowed at Misaki. This time, they really needed her assistance.