Chapter 579 Eternal Nightmare Hell

After identifying the killer, everyone naturally started to take action. With Mikoto and Kazari on the team, locating someone in Academy City was relatively simple, and soon, they found Kaitabi Hatsuya's current location.

He is actually near Seventh Mist at this moment, and he intended to carry out an explosion in the shopping mall.

Since Kazari and the others wasn't going to be there, he likely wouldn't take action against the mall. However, other individuals did go in their steads.

And as long as it is a member of the Judgement, they will be attacked by this guy. It can be said that this guy is genuinely twisted to the extreme in terms of psychology.

"I've found him. He's in the Seventh Mist, about to commit the crime. I'll go take down that scumbag!"

After saying that, Mikoto transformed into lightning and disappeared directly. In comparison, even Kuroko couldn't match her speed.

As for the others, they were taken by Ruiko. This time, Asahi also joined them.

Ruiko's ability has improved over the past few days, and at least now, using a hurricane to transport people was very easy to her.

When everyone arrived at the scene, they saw that Kaitabi Hatsuya had been knocked to the ground by Mikoto.

Against those stronger than him, Kaitabi Hatsuya didn't dare to do anything because he was afraid and afraid of being targeted.

"Let me go! I didn't do anything. I was just playing the claw machines here. If you want to arrest me, you'll need evidence!"

Kaitabi Hatsuya complained with an annoyed expression, still trying to argue his way out of the situation.

"There's no way I can let you go. As for evidence, this individual here is a Level 5 psychokinesis-type Esper. Do you think you can escape now?"

Even Mikoto couldn't help but chuckle this time. Besides, they didn't really need much evidence. Questioning this guy would reveal everything, and he was also carrying a lot of aluminum products with him, which were clearly the tools for committing the crime.

The interrogation itself was straightforward. Whether he was lying or not could be easily determined, moreover, they had Misaki with them this time.

Misaki didn't waste any time and directly took control of him, making him confess of his actions. With the evidence obtained and his admission, the group couldn't be more displeased with Kaitabi Hatsuya's actions.

Just because the Judgement's members arrived a little later, he went on a crazy rampage. But the funny part is, he didn't dare mess with those who bullied him. Showing how much of a coward he is.

Asahi was quite baffled by this guy, and then pointed out that the Judgement's members are not omnipotent. They would come when they received a report. During that time, those street thugs aren't involved in murder, and they only robbed people of their money and left.

And the most important point is that Kaitabi Hatsuya is not willing to be a witness, otherwise, arresting those street thugs would have been much simpler. He cared so little about the situation, and he expected the Judgement's members to fix everything?

In short, Kaitabi Hatsuya's thought process was indeed problematic, as only someone with twisted thinking would have such a reaction.

Looking at Kaitabi Hatsuya on the ground, Asahi decided to take matters into his own hands. This guy is indeed very disgusting, so he must be punished. After all, because of this guy, many people were injured.

Asahi hadn't intervened earlier because it wasn't his concern, but once it became related to him, he took action.

Now, Kaitabi Hatsuya would have to pay the price. Asahi made some adjustments to him, so once he fell unconscious, he would never wake up again, even if the Level Upper was fixed. He would be trapped him in the eternal nightmare hell.

Since this guy enjoyed seeking revenge on others, Asahi will let him face his worst fears, being targeted by countless street thugs every day.

Trapping him in his own dreams for a lifetime, never able to escape, it was so simple yet so scary.

In the end, because Misaki directly exposed this guy's situation, he was imprisoned. However, he was expected to fall unconscious soon, and the Kiyama Harumi's incident would then unfold, followed by Index's events.

"The Graviton Bombing Case is finally solved. By the way, since we're all here, should we go in and do some shopping?"

Ruiko suddenly pointed at the Seventh Mist building. This place can be said to be the shopping paradise for clothing.

"Since we're already here, let's buy some things to celebrate catching this guy. By the way, Asahi-senpai, you should come with us too!"

The girls extended invitation, and Asahi couldn't help but find it a bit perplexing. After all, these young girls were most likely going to shop in the women's clothing section, and Asahi is a grown man, so he shouldn't be there. Even so, he agreed to go along in the end. After all, enjoying the view of beautiful girls was sufficient motivation for doing so.

So, he played the role of the 'third wheel' for a while. Of course, these girls also asked him questions about clothing, like whether something looked good on them or not. The most exasperating part was the presence of Misaki and Kuroko, as both of them were like seasoned veterans, making Asahi quite speechless.

After finally escaping from the two of them, Asahi noticed that Mikoto is lingering in front of a piece of pajamas. This pajama set happened to be the same childlike style of pajamas she has in the original work.

Mikoto had a childlike and whimsical side to her, which led to her fondness for such things. She also had a peculiar affection for Gekota, a frog mascot, which was another one of her inexplicable hobbies. It's somewhat similar to someone named Ikaros, an angel who liked round and chubby objects, holding onto a watermelon without letting go.

"If you like it, just buy it, no one will make fun of you. you're really worried, you can keep it a secret. But the way you are now, it's pretty obvious that you like this pajama!"

Asahi said with a hint of amusement as he observed Mikoto. Mikoto is tsundere, a textbook example of it, and she had a strong desire to save her own reputation, which often led her to endure hardships rather than let others know her interests. But to be fair, what should be known has been known for a long time. After all, her acting skills are really bad.

"Ahhhhh… when did you come here?!"

Mikoto panicked. She felt her hobby was somewhat childish, so she had never dared to share it with anyone. Now that Asahi had found out, she suspected that her image in his mind has completely crumbled.

"I've been here since the moment you had that 'I want it' expression all over your face while staring at this pajama!"

Asahi scratched his face speechlessly. He knew that if there's no surprise, Mikoto is going crazy again.

Sure enough, at the next second, the textbook-style tsundere made her appearance.

The people who were already aware of such thing, besides Asahi, are Kuroko and Misaki. Both of them know Misaka Mikoto very well, so they know exactly what she likes. Whether she likes something or not, they can tell at a glance.