Chapter 581 Meeting Komoe

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"So, are you telling me that Touma's luck has now been transferred to me?"

Looking at another loli in front of him, Asahi was a little speechless. This loli, strictly speaking, couldn't be considered a loli, as she even held a bottle of alcohol in her hand. This girl is none other than Tsukuyomi Komoe-sensei, the homeroom teacher of Touma's class.

Moreover, she was a legal loli. Although her specific age is unknown, but if Asahi remembers it correctly, she should be about the same age as Yomikawa Aiho, so in all likelihood, Komoe was already approaching her thirties.

Of course, compared to Asahi, an old monster who is more than five thousand years old, she is still very young.

But Komoe was acting quite oddly now, as she had gotten herself completely wasted.

While she could handle her alcohol, the group of rather unsavory characters approaching her was a different story.

"Hey, you hoodlums over there, if you don't want trouble, you'd better leave right now, otherwise, be prepared for a minimum three-year sentence, or even the death penalty!"

Seeing the group of thugs closing in on Komoe, Asahi is very speechless, 'Were these hoodlums so far gone that they had reached this level? And this place seemed to be Academy City no matter what. While darkness did exist here, those who played in the dark needed some powerful backing. And these people clearly lacked any significant backing.'

"What are you? Why should I listen… Big brother, I was wrong!"

The few thugs, who were initially being loud, suddenly saw Asahi stomp the ground around them into smithereens and immediately dropped to their knees.

These kinds of wild thugs were known for their bullying tactics. When they encountered strong resistance, they would quickly yield, the perfect example of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

So, seeing Asahi's action just now, they knelt decisively. As for their pride and dignity, don't joke around, is pride more important or life is more important?

If they accidentally provoked someone like Asahi, then it could lead to a tragic outcome.

While they might not end up dead, spending some time bedridden in the hospital was almost guaranteed. After all, Asahi's show of strength just now makes him seemed to be a physical-type Esper. Such an existence is quite ruthless, so they didn't dare to provoke him.

"You're lucky I'm not in the mood, just scram!"

Asahi was a little amused. He didn't care about these people, so he just let them go.

Afterward, these thugs hurriedly fled the scene. Seeing this, those with impure intentions in the vicinity didn't dare to say a word and also left, as they didn't want to get involved in such matters.

"Drink… Have a drink!"

At the moment, Komoe was still acting out due to the alcohol. Asahi was truly at a loss and decided to take her phone directly.

If it is normal situation, he'd be happy to have a conversation with her, but this time, just forget it.

This drinking loli was already heavily intoxicated. And back when Asahi had no power, the last person he wanted to deal with was someone wasted.

And while he could handle them now, there was no need for that. This was a perfect opportunity to stir up some trouble with Aiho.

Even when her phone was taken away, Komoe doesn't seem to care. It was evident that she was heavily intoxicated. This smoking and drinking loli was quite an extraordinary super master regarding smoking and drinking.

Soon, Asahi dialed Aiho's phone number. And it must be said that she wasn't someone to be underestimated either.

After all, she is someone who could easily bring down Level 3 Esper with a shield in her hand.

She is also a member of the Anti-Skill, and while she didn't have any powerful abilities, she is a master of hand-to-hand combat.

But to be reasonable, some Esper, even if they reach Level 4, are still a group of trash. Just take Kaitabi Hatsuya, who was taken away earlier, for example. He is a Level 4 Esper, but in situations where he couldn't find any props, he had no advantage over an ordinary person.

Many Esper are like this, as they have too many drawbacks. Another example is Kuroko. She is also a Level 4 Esper, but her attacks are limited to her own power and the ability to transfer objects into an opponent's body. However, this method can be quite risky, as it might inadvertently hit the opponent's vital arteries or organs.

Therefore, Kuroko's offensive capabilities are somewhat lacking because she's hesitant to use her ability recklessly, but now, with Op-Op Fruit, this issue is no longer a concern.

After the call went through, Asahi explained the situation here, and then heard Aiho's thanking him. Then, about half an hour later, a woman on a motorcycle arrived.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, this Komoe has gone too far this time, hasn't she!"

Aiho looked at her best friend with a headache. Smoking and drinking were one thing, but getting completely wasted on the street this time was a bit much. If she hadn't encountered someone kind-hearted like Asahi, she might have already been left for dead.

However, Ayuha could understand Komoe's state of mind. After all, maintaining the appearance of a twelve-year-old for so long could be a significant blow, making it difficult to find a boyfriend in the future. Who would dare to try and get past that psychological barrier?

So Komoe resorting to smoking and drinking as a way to cope is quite normal.

"Is she your sister or…?"

Asahi didn't directly reveal that he knew about the relationship between Komoe and Aiho.

"She is my friend. Although she looks like twelve, she's nearly thirty. Because of an experiment in the past, her body remains in this state. Anyway, thank you for your help this time!"

After explaining, Aiho expressed her gratitude once again.

"It's okay, but it's really incredible. Then, I'll leave her to you!"

Asahi didn't say much more and handed Tomoe's phone over to Aiho. After that, Aiho didn't overthink it but instead asked for Asahi's phone number, planning to treat him to a nice meal as a thank-you later.

After all, Asahi had genuinely helped Komoe a lot this time.

Asahi did not refuse this, and after exchanging phone numbers, he left. As for Aiho, she directly brought Komoe back home.

Time flew by, and it was already the next day. To be honest, Aiho felt somewhat helpless regarding Komoe. After a night of drinking and acting out, Aiho believed it was necessary to help her best friend cut back on her smoking and drinking.

It was one thing before, but this time, getting completely wasted on the street was a serious problem, so it is important to control her, otherwise, who knew when something might go terribly wrong?

After all, it's not every time she would encounter a kind-hearted person like Asahi.