Chapter 582 Level Upper Incident

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"My head hurts so much… Eh… Why am I in your house?"

Komoe, who had just barely regained her sobriety, looked at her best friend with a puzzled expression. As for what happened yesterday, someone who had been completely wasted wouldn't be expected to remember much.

"You have the nerve to ask? Last night, you got completely wasted on the street. If it wasn't because you met that kind-hearted person, who knows, someone might have found your lifeless body today. I've made up my mind. For the next period, I'm going to empty your home of cigarettes and alcohol. It's time for you to quit!"

Aiho stated her intentions directly. Of course, she knew it was impossible to get Komoe to quit entirely. The most she could hope for was to gradually reduce the amount she consumed.

"Ehh, how can you do that? Please, you mustn't do this. I'll die without those things!"

Komoe was shocked by her own actions from last night but then realized that if those things were cut off, it might cost her life. So she insisted that it couldn't be done.

But she also understood her best friend's determination. Once Aiho made up her mind about something, there was very little anyone could do to change it. So, now that Aiho was serious, Komoe was in for some trouble.

As someone who was a super tobacco and alcohol lover, she simply couldn't live without those things.

So at this moment, Komoe directly knelt on the ground, almost in a begging position.

"Don't even think about it. I won't be swayed by your pleas. Remember, when you get back home, clean up your place. I'll conduct a surprise inspection tonight, and then I'll find time to visit. If I catch you drinking and smoking…"

Aiho's words were accompanied by a sudden and terrifying surge of energy, the kind of aura that could knock a Level 3 Esper to the ground in an instant.

"I… I understand!"

Komoe's face directly turned bitter, and Aiho found it both amusing and exasperating.

Cutting her off from her habits was clearly unrealistic, and she knew that Komoe secretly continue to indulge in smoking and drinking. Aiho was only teasing her, at the very least, it can keep her from going out and getting into trouble next time.

"By the way, I also got the contact information of that kind-hearted person who helped you. At the very least, you should treat him to a meal. And just so you know, he's a really handsome guy!"

Aiho mentioned, and Komoe's eyes immediately brightened. However, her enthusiasm quickly faded.

"Even if he's handsome, what's the use? With my appearance, everyone would just treat me like a kid!"

Komoe felt extremely distressed. People with typical orientations wouldn't be interested in her, and as for those lolicon, she didn't dare present herself that way. This created a frustrating loop, and here she was, at twenty-eight, still single.

"Anyway… expressing your gratitude is a must. You can contact him later, for now, go back and clean up!"

After saying that, Aiho promptly escorted Komoe out. Komoe was left with no choice but to accept her friend's stern advice.

However, even though she had the weekend as a teacher, Aiho, being part of the Anti-Skill, couldn't enjoy such leisure. So she had to take a cab back, marking a temporary end to the situation.

After that, although Komoe wanted to thank Asahi for helping her, she was too embarrassed to make the call, so she kept dragging it.

On the other hand, the case of Level Upper is constantly fermenting. And a week later, Asahi suddenly received a call, and when the call ended, Asahi left the manga shop.

Asahi came to a place in an instant, and it was a little chaotic at this moment. There, he saw a massive, grotesque creature known as the AIM Burst (Illusion Beast), and the current AIM Burst seems to be bigger than in the original work.

Regarding this, Asahi doesn't know what's going on, and Mikoto and the others are engaged in a battle against this monstrous creature. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they attacked or damaged the monster, it quickly regenerated.

"No, Tessou, get out of the way!"

The situation was dire, with countless tentacles on the monstrous AIM Burst causing chaos. While Mikoto and her friends tried to hold it back, the efforts of the surrounding Anti-Skill's members seemed futile, as bullets had no effect on the monster.

When Asahi arrived, he happened to witnessed some of the enormous tentacles lunging toward a girl named Tessou Tsuzuri. In response to this, Asahi was speechless and cut off those tentacles directly.

In truth, the name of this girl and the work she was involved in was completely incompatible with his personality.

"It's you! Thank you for saving Tessou! But things are getting quite troublesome here. While your abilities might be stronger, it's better for you to leave this place now!"

Aiho was also taken aback after seeing Asahi, as she didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here. But as a member of the Anti-Skill, she also didn't want Asahi to get involved.

"That's not possible. I came here after receiving the news, and to put it bluntly, your weapons are completely useless against that big creature!"

Asahi shook his head and said. Then, from the car next to him, a person emerged, which is none other than Kazari.

While she had acquired a Power Fruit from Asahi as well, that Fruit's ability wasn't suited for use in this battle. The other three were engaged in restraining the creature, and Kazari's role was to contact Asahi.

"Uiharu, where is Kiyama Harumi?"

Asahi asked as he didn't see Harumi nearby. He wondered if there was another butterfly effect at play. After all, Harumi should have handed over the Level Upper's treatment program to Kazari in this situation.

"Doctor Kiyama has fainted because of the strain from Level Upper, which now carries the computation capabilities of fifty thousand people. Her body couldn't handle it, so she passed out, and that's when this thing appeared!"

Kazari explained. This time, she was not kidnapped by Harumi, but they eventually caught up to her.

Unlike the original work where it had the computation capabilities of ten thousand people, this time, it was fifty thousand people, a fivefold increase.

With only ten thousand people, Harumi could go head-to-head with Mikoto, but this time, with fifty thousand people, she lost control of her power almost immediately.

And she fainted as well, without a chance to hand over the Level Upper's treatment program to Kazari.

"Fifty thousand people… She's really going all-out this time. Leave this guy to me, its recovery ability isn't something that you guys can handle!"

Asahi was a little speechless at the situation. He is also quite puzzled by the butterfly effect, as the jump from ten thousand to fifty thousand people was very significant.