Chapter 593 Gregorian Chant

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"It's a shame I can't learn magic. I really wanted to learn some magic!"

The few young girls from the technological side were definitely looking forward to magic, but unfortunately, that's not possible now. However, it will be easier in the future when Asahi finished taking care of Magic Gods. Of course, their current abilities are no less than magic, so there's no need to envy.

"The layout here feels so familiar, like I've seen it somewhere before!"

Index suddenly said, as she felt that the layout here is too familiar, but it makes sense since the person here used to be her former companions.

"It's Aureolus, he's taken over this place!"

Stiyl didn't hide it this time and said Aureolus's name directly, and Index fell silent instantly.

"What's the matter? Do you know that guy named Aureolus?"

The five individuals from the scientific side were curious and perplexed. They wondered why Index fell silent when she heard this name.

"That guy was like us. He used to be Index's companions. But, for some special reasons, Index from back then would have her memories wiped once a year, so she forgot all of us."

"After meeting Asahi-sama, this problem was dealt with, and Index's memories are restored."

"That Aureulos is an alchemist, and he's exceptionally skilled at that. As for what he is doing here, I don't know. I only know about the Vampire Killer's matter. In any case, it's definitely not something good!"

Stiyl revealed Aureus's identity, and then everyone turned their attention to Index. Before, Index's identity wasn't explained, they only knew that Index is from the magic side.

But now, they finally learned something about her.

Index had her memories wiped every year in the past, and all things, even those related to friends and such would be completely forgotten.

They really couldn't imagine what it would be like to forget their friends completely, as just the thought of it was chilling.

So upon learning this, they all felt a bit sympathetic toward this, well, the 'gluttonous little nun', because her experiences were truly pitiful.

"Wait a minute... if he used to be Index's companion, and the current Index has her memory restored, can't we just go see him? If he's Index's companion, he can't be all that bad, right?"

Mikoto suddenly realized and said. After all, since he's a companion, it should be easy to handle.

"That's one way to put it, but for now, let's meet that guy first. Without seeing him, everything is futile. I don't even know why he's here right now. Who knows what kind of craziness he might come up with!"

Stiyl explained, as there were too many unpredictable individuals on the magic side, and even a minor confrontation would make them worse than ordinary people.

In terms of strength, regular people were like... leeks in front of them, but they are also weak, as even a regular person had a sturdier heart than them.

So whether Aureolus is still the same Aureolus as before or not? This is still a big question.

"Then, let's go meet that guy now!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he took the lead and started heading upstairs, with the others following immediately.

As they moved forward, they quickly encountered the students inside. However, these students seemed quite strange, with blank expressions on their faces, almost like robots…

"What's going on with these people? Why do they look so eerie?"

Several of them couldn't help but ask as they observed these lifeless-looking students.

"This is… the Gregorian Chant!!! That guy actually got a fake Gregorian Chant here!"

Stiyl was shocked, and even Index was very surprised.

"What is the Gregi… Gregorian Chant you're talking about? That name is so strange!"

Mikoto looked puzzled, stuttering when she said the name. Misaki and the others are also very curious.

Although Misaki knows a little bit about the magic side, that's only the basics. In terms of specific aspects, she is the same as Mikoto and others, a type of person who is blind and doesn't know anything.

"The Gregory chant team is a super magical team formed with 3,333 monks. If they go all out, they can even cast a massive forbidden spell from the Church to Academy City."

"The power of that, believe me, is no lower than any mushroom bombs. But the ones here are fakes, and these people should be controlled. What does that guy want to do?"

After learning what the Gregorian Chant is, the five individuals from the science side were shocked. It's like mobile mushroom bombs, but even worse, as they can strike from a distance. A sudden attack from them, even from far away, could be catastrophic.

In short, they now had some understanding of the magic side's vastness.

At this moment, a group of students suddenly stood up, and then turned their eyes to Asahi and the others.

"What is going on? Have they seen us? They shouldn't have, right?"

Kuroko asked with some doubts.

"Yes, because we have come from the back side to the front side, so right now, we are on the same side, that's why they can spot us. Plus, someone don't want us to just easily make our way up there and plan to block our way with the cannon fodder!"

Seeing the group of students have started chanting, Asahi snapped his fingers, and all the students collapsed to the ground instantly. As for those conjured... light spheres, they vanished in an instant.

"This… it's done just like that? But what were they doing just now?"

Seeing how effortlessly it was resolved, the others were left speechless and inquired further.

"Although it is just a replica, in actual combat, they still pack quite a punch. Those little light spheres they were conjuring just now, each one had the power of a hand grenade, which is not exactly weak."

"However, these students are not magicians, so they can't handle it well. They're probably going to suffer for a while!"

Asahi wasn't some saintly figure, and the people here, having been controlled by Aureolus for so long and constantly casting magic, had experienced significant depletion. Moreover, these were just ordinary folks, not magicians. So the exhaustion they had gone through during this period was likely to take a toll on their lives. However, this wasn't his concern.

He wouldn't casually kill people, but he also wouldn't go around saving people for no reason. He always had a purpose.

He might treat his own people well, but for outsiders, sorry, if they were doomed, they were doomed. Especially when they were a bunch of extras and not the type of characters he liked – they weren't worth his help.

As for Stiyl and Index, they didn't say much either. Two thousand people, even if they wanted to save them, there wasn't much they could do. All they could do was report it later and see how the higher-ups handled the situation.