Chapter 594 Aureolus Turned Crazy

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Those students couldn't be left unattended, as it wasn't just a matter of the magic side this time, so Kuroko and Kazari quickly contacted the Judgement and the Anti-Skill.

There were over two thousand people from Misawa Cram School, and with such a small team, they couldn't handle the situation alone, so they also called the hospital for help.

Afterward, everyone left once again, including Kuroko and her group. Although they are part of the Judgement, the number of people here was too overwhelming for them to provide medical care, so they chose to leave and wait alongside the others.

Later, the group encountered Aisa at a stairwell. She had come to persuade Asahi and the others to leave.

"Leave this place. You are no match for him. If you continue going upstairs, you'll die!"

After seeing Aureolus's abilities, Aisa urged them not to proceed any further.

"Wait…, weren't you supposed to be imprisoned? Why can you move around freely like this?"

Kuroko was puzzled. According to Aisa's information, she should be imprisoned, but now, she had somehow emerged.

"She was not imprisoned, it was voluntary. After all, her constitution is a problem. Any vampire would be attracted to her, but those vampires, whether good or evil, would eventually die by her hand, or rather, by her blood."

"In this case, the barrier here can resist her ability and prevent it from attracting any vampires, that's why she chose to stay voluntarily!"

Asahi explained. Aisa had really drawn the short straw with her vampire-killing ability. It seemed this world wasn't too friendly to vampires and such. If such abilities could emerge, what couldn't?

'That's right, I'm here voluntarily. By staying here, I won't cause innocent vampires to die. You should leave quickly!"

Aisa didn't want to see these people go to their deaths, especially not for her sake.

"This time, we're looking for Aureolus not just because of you. Moreover, even if we want to leave right now, the upstairs won't allow it. Let's go, come with us, I have a way to handle your condition!"

After saying that, Asahi continued going upstairs, and the others quickly followed. As for Aisa, she didn't know what to say and wasn't sure about the situation. She gritted her teeth and decided to follow them. At this point, she didn't really have any other options, and she couldn't just stand by and watch these people go to their deaths.

And so, the group quickly arrived at Aureolus's office. At this moment, Aureolus was standing there, seemingly unperturbed, as he watched the group enter.

"We finally meet again, Index, but don't worry, this time, I'll cure you. I've found a way!" Aureolus spoke upon seeing Index.

"Aureolus, my memories have already been restored, and I won't need to have them wiped again in the future. While I'm grateful for your help, can you please stop now?"

Index was also feeling helpless. She is very grateful towards Aureolus for doing such thing to her, but she had already been cured of her condition!


Aureolus was completely dumbfounded upon hearing this.

"As you heard, Index has already recovered. Although I don't know what method you were planning to use, but it probably wasn't a good one, or else you wouldn't need the abilities of Vampire Killer!"

Stiyl said with a hint of helplessness. He is surprised that Aureolus would do all this thing just for Index.

"Remember? You remember me? That's impossible. How could it be possible? I've been racking my brain for so long, how could you suddenly be fine? No, my method must be used. Only my method is the best."

"And as long as you become a vampire, there will be no limit to your lifespan…"

Aureolus was losing it. It could be said that this person was no longer the Aureolus that Index had known. Asahi even contemplated that this guy had already changed so much, so they might as well clear out his personality and rebuild a new one.

At any rate, it wasn't too much of a problem, and later on, they could just blame it on his own Ars Magna. That would be much more convenient.

At this moment, after Aureolus went crazy for a few times, he simply took out a steel needle and stabbed it into his own neck.

"Index, get some sleep first. I'll deal with these people, only my method is useful!"

Aureolus said, and then activated his ability. At the next moment, Index suddenly felt a wave of drowsiness wash over her.

However, she was woken up by a snapping finger before she could fall asleep.

"What just happened? Why did I suddenly feel sleepy?"

Index looked at the others, highly puzzled, and the others shook their heads. For these people from science side, this was clearly something they didn't understand. However, Stiyl suddenly realized something.

"I see, Aureolus, you lunatic, you actually used the Gregorian Chant to complete your Ars Magna!"

Stiyl's expression showed his disbelief as he looked at Aureus.

"By using the Gregorian Chant, consisting of two thousand students here, a ritual that originally required four hundred years was completed in just seventy days. Moreover, through the interaction of the ritual and the spell, it was shortened to half a day. In this place, I am a God!"

Aureolus said with a maniacal expression.

"You damned lunatic!" Stiyl said with a dark face.

"Uh... what's Ars Magna?"

As they didn't understand, the science side's girls were all puzzled, including Aisa, as she is also a student of Academy City.

"Ars Magna isn't something that's hard to grasp, nor is it a secret. On the contrary, it's quite famous."

"It's said to allow one to twist reality according to their thoughts. For example, if I were to complete the Ars Magna and wanted a plate of food, then a plate of food would appear in front of me!"

Index provided an example, but it should be said that as expected of the gluttonous foodie, even her example didn't stray far from food.

"Isn't it too exaggerated to get everything you wish for? If I use such thing, wouldn't I be able to summon countless Gekotas?"

Mikoto seemed to envision a sea of Gekota waving at her.

"Onee-sama, you're so pure, always liking things like this. If it's me, can't I make people fall in love with me directly? In that case, Onee-sama, Onii-sama, hehehe… "

Suddenly, Kuroko turned into an idiot and laughed like a pervert, leaving the others speechless.

However, everyone has their own ideas upon hearing about Ars Magna, such as Aisa, to eliminate her own ability, while Misaki pondered resurrection and such.

Regarding Misaki's matter, Asahi actually would deal with it later. As he would wait until the incident with the Misaka Sisters erupted.