Rolf Enters Helstia

"The front gate is off-limits now." Rolf sighed seeing the massive blockade going on around Helstia. It made his life much harder trying to get in.

"There will be another way in. A gap in the wall or something." The old warrior said, getting a nod from the two. "It's quite dark and they have their hands full focusing on any movements going on in sieging force right now."

"We make a move now then."

"I don't see any other option." The Old warrior sighed as he pulled the hood of his cloak over his head. The other two followed along and finally came out of their hiding place, quickly running to the wall.

They pushed themselves up next to it and caught their breath again. Rolf crouched down and tried to dig his hand under the wooden wall. He wobbled along like a penguin trying to get a good feel and shook his head. "It's deep. We ain't getting in underneath unless we are lucky."