Beginning of the End

Leif looked into the distance, his eyes narrow slits. "What are you looking so annoyed about?" Torsten came up next to him and asked, the lanky man not even sparing him a look.

 "Sven's men. I sent them in, but I don't trust them." 

"What is it with you and this Jarl?"

Leif smirked, "I killed his son, and yet he looked me in the eyes and shook my hand. Tell me, dwarf, could you do that unless you had other motives."

"No." Torsten looked to the ground, "But it doesn't matter, Sven isn't here. He couldn't have told every man whatever plan he had, word would have spread by now."

"You're right." Leif gave an exaggerated sigh. "I told them to burn any food storage they could find, but the best outcome is if they burn along it. Just can't trust them."

"They will be a valuable fighting force in the coming siege."