Lorenzo had disappeared to handle business in another city with Matteo when he returned to have a meeting with the table of six in his home. He has never done such before, but with the continuous threat all the members on the table have been getting, it was worth the risk.

The only safe space he knew was his home. And, no one would dare attack him there unless they wanted a free pass to death.

While away, he got a constant update on the activities at home from Sarah, including how Natasha was settling down. There was nothing off about her.

Just some clumsy girl who got everything wrong and shriek at the least presence of a cockroach. When he heard that, he laughed within. She might be a nobody after all. So, when he came back, during the meeting, he had caught her liking around the restricted area.

At first, he wanted to take her to an empty room to punish her for disobeying. But, she had a better idea.

With the last member of the table leaving, Lorenzo stepped out to finalize a new acquisition with Matteo in his office. This home was no longer safe, and he needed a safe house as soon as possible.

When he got back, he saw her in the sitting room, going through his clothes. Smiling, feeling, and drowning herself in his scent. Disobeying him twice on the same day?

Lorenzo left her without giving away his presence and went straight to where he knew she would end up at the end of the day.

The one place she always ran to hide whenever she was done. Lorenzo didn't know what to make out of the situation yet. Stupid or rational? He was yet to see.

"Hmm," he muttered, looking thoughtful as he watched her.

He leaned back against the sofa. His muscles were clear beneath his shirt, making him look big.

Natasha forced herself not to fidget, but it was hard. She couldn't show fear. Men like him fed on fear. They used it to their advantage.

His fingers tightened around the controller in his hand. His throat was wet with desire. His breathing quickened, and he couldn't help but claw his plan to hold his place.

Natasha's throat was heavy and dry. When she started to feel lightheaded, she realized she'd been holding her breath for too long. She let it out in a loud whoosh and then sucked in a deep breath again, but it was pointless.

His heated gaze traveled down her body. She was speechless and frozen where she stood. When her body started to warm up under his focus, she closed her eyes tightly. But the tingling didn't stop.

When he stood and walked toward her, she shrunk away. His dark presence filled the room, and she suddenly felt hot. Sweat beaded on her neck and between her breasts as he moved closer.

When he stopped before her, she shivered in fear, and her body tensed in alarm. Lorenzo stepped closer until they were half an inch apart, so close that her nose started to tingle with the scent of his cologne, and she could feel his breath next to my ear.

Her lips were suddenly dry. When she moistened them with her tongue, Lorenzo's eyes followed the movement.

Increasingly, his already lustful gaze became more heated.

He licked his lips too, making the action appear so deeply sensual that Natasha had to squeeze her legs together, trying to stop the sudden tingling between them.

What was happening to her? She wanted to fight off the desire, pull her head back in the game but, like a charmed Queen, she couldn't stop staring at her enchantment.

Lorenzo leaned his head forward until his lips were hovering over hers. Her body froze, and her mind went blank for a moment. Was he going to kiss her?

His hand came up and wrapped around her shirt. He tugged at it, but Natasha refused to let go of the fabric. He frowned and tugged harder. She swallowed in fear when his eyes changed, and he leveled her with a glare. The shirt fell from her grasp.

He took a step back and stared at her. Except for her black bra and panties, she was almost naked. Crossing her hand over her chest, she tried to hide my body from him.

"Move your hands," he ordered, his voice gruff.

Shaking her head wildly, she took a step back but came in contact with the wall. There was nowhere to hide. She was trapped as he moved closer.

Lorenzo crowded her space, and he wrapped his fingers around her wrists, tugging downward until she was no longer covering her chest.

He brought his hand right over her chest, but he didn't touch her. She shivered as her body warmed under his scrutinizing gaze. Even though he hadn't touched her yet, her body was already on fire.

When the tip of his finger made contact with her skin, she jumped and stared at him with wide eyes.

He kept his eyes on hers as he slowly dragged his finger down her chest, stopping between her breast.

Her chest heaved, and each time her breasts brushed against his shirt, the tingling sensation in her lower region increased. Her body tightened, hyper-aware of Lorenzo's touch.

He brought his other hand up and let it travel down her neck. She was sure he could feel her pulse throbbing in fear—and she hated to admit it, but in anticipation too.

Her body was reacting to his touch, eagerly awaiting his next move. No matter how hard she tried to stop her reactions, her body wouldn't listen.

"You have lovely skin. Smooth as silk," he muttered as he softly brushed his thumb over her throbbing vein. "So fucking beautiful." Then he frowned like he couldn't believe she was attractive to him. Or maybe he was surprised he'd said it.

His face became expressionless, but his heated gaze couldn't be misunderstood. It showed everything he felt. He wanted her, and her body was reacting accordingly. As he continued to look into her eyes, the hand that was over her chest moved to her right breast.

He was so captivated by his pale and vivid hazel eyes, he didn't notice when he moved the cup of her bra downward.

When Natasha felt the cold air on her skin, her eyes glanced to see her right breast bare. He followed her eyes to trail down, lingering at her pebbled nipples. He sucked in a shocked breath and softly moved his thumb over the tip.

Natasha's head snapped back as he was still looking at her, his gaze intensely on hers as he watched her reaction.

He rubbed his thumb over her nipple and she let out a gasp, her eyes slowly closing. When she heard a moan, her body tightened.

Her eyes snapped back open when she realized that it came from Lorenzo's lips tilted upward in a smirk, and then he took her nipple in between his thumb and forefinger. He pinched her nipple hard.

Gasping, Natasha shrank away from his touch with a whimper. He questioned his self-control as it kept withering with every second he spent close to her.

He felt himself growing harder and suddenly, she tried to escape his hold by shoving him hard on the chest.

"Shhh. Don't be scared, love. I'm not going to hurt you."

Was that true?