Natasha let out another whimper when he rolled her nipple around his fingers, teasing the tip until she was shaking her head, her stomach clenching as she moaned again.

Lorenzo leaned closer until his mouth was next to her ear. He blew on her skin and then bit down on her earlobe. "You like the bliss this is bringing to your body," he whispered harshly in her ears, saying the same words that he had when they first met.

"What…what…what are you doing?" she stumbled over her words, her voice hoarse.

He let out a laugh and pulled back. "What do you think I'm doing? From your reaction, I think it's pretty obvious."

Natasha shook her head and stared at him mutely. No, it was not obvious. He was playing with her. But why? She tried to pull away, but Lorenzo wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his body.

Her breasts pressed hard against his chest. When her sensitive nipples brushed against the roughness of his shirt, she couldn't keep from moaning. 'Oh, God. No. Save me from this,' she internalized.

"Plea…please don't hurt me."

His body shook with silent laughter.

"Darling, hurting you would only make me sad unless it is one where you're screaming my name." Lorenzo leaned forward, and slowly licked down her neck. "Don't you know? The best pleasure comes from pain," he whispered roughly against her skin.

No. She knew pain. She was accustomed to pain and felt it every day when she had to fight to survive everything that was thrown her way and, especially, that memory she had long buried. The one where that monster tried to take her. It was vivid now. Fresh, like it had just happened yesterday.

Her body froze, and then she started to struggle against his hold. "Let me go. Please. Please let me go," she begged as her eyes filled with unshed tears. She was wrong to think she was safe. He was just like him that tried to take advantage of a young, innocent girl. He would take what he wanted and then leave her bleeding and scarred.

"Stop struggling," he ordered harshly.

"No. No. No. Please." she shook her head and pushed hard against his chest, but it was like pushing a wall. He didn't even move a step.


She whimpered and shrank away. He let go of her, and she scrambled back to the wall, plastering herself against it.

Lorenzo stared at her blankly. Her harsh breathing filled the room, and she was trembling. Her legs were barely holding her up. He stepped forward, but when she let out a cry, he stopped.

"You fear me," he said, "but act all tough?"

Natasha swallowed but didn't say anything. What could she say? He already had her figured out.

"But you also enjoy my touch," he continued. Her body went still, and this time she shook my head.

His eyes became hard and he walked closer.

"Don't lie to me. If you didn't know already, then let me enlighten you," he said through gritted teeth. "I always know when someone lies. So, you'd be better off if you don't."

She didn't answer. She couldn't. Her throat was dry, and her tongue felt heavy in her mouth.

Lorenzo moved his hand to her hair and twisted it around his fist. Even though his hold was firm, he gently tilted her head up, making sure he didn't hurt her. "Now answer me, Natasha. Did you like it when I touched you?"

She thought of lying again, but what would it bring her? It wouldn't help her situation. She nodded. It was so small that it would have been easy for him to miss it. But he didn't. Lorenzo Lizzo never missed anything.

At her nod, he smiled, and it took her breath away. It was the first real smile that she saw from him. His lips stretched wide, and she noticed a dent in his left cheek. The smile changed his face completely. He didn't look so scary anymore. He looked gentle.

Her heart constricted. How can someone be so monstrous, yet beautiful, at the same time?

"Now, that's out of the way. Let's talk about why I'm here," he said, losing the smile. She couldn't breathe again. Nervously, she nodded again. She tried to move away, but his fingers tightened in her hair. When he seemed sure she wouldn't move, he let go. He placed both his palms flat on each side of the wall behind her, caging her into his body.

"I didn't get you because you will make a good maid. Other than being my maid, you're my bartender and stripper. My personal stripper. I got you, Natasha, to fulfill my desires. My craving. I want you," he said without any hesitation.

Natasha couldn't believe her ears. She was disgusted. However, her body had a different opinion. Her legs weakened, and her panties instantly became wet. Her abdomen pulsed, and she had to bite down on her lower lips to tame the moan that wanted to embarrass her.

"What?" she asked, my voice shaking.

Lorenzo leaned forward until his lips were hovering over hers. She saw his tongue slip out, and he gently licked her lips. Her body twisted in shock.

"Exactly what I said. I want to fuck you."

She didn't want to admit it, but she could see herself doing whatever he wanted her to do. He knew how to play with his words and how to play with her body. The only fear she had was that he might hurt her. She suddenly felt sick. She wanted to fight her way out of his hold.

"What if I don't want it?" she asked, trying to remain coherent as she felt her knees begin to buckle.

Lorenzo smirked. "Oh, Natasha. You want me. It won't be long before you beg me to take you. I can see it." He was filled with so much confidence and arrogance. She hated it. He licked her neck again, then bit down. She moaned as he sucked on her tortured skin. "I can feel it," he murmured against her skin.

Shaking her head, she tried to move away, but it was no use.

"I can smell it."

He wouldn't let her go. She was feeling dizzy and giddy. It was surreal. She wanted him, but at the same time, she wanted to sink and cry.

He stepped away slightly but not too much, still crowding her space.

"I will never take a woman against her will," he said as he stared into her eyes. At his words, her heart started to calm down. Against her will? It was against his.