The entourage was crazy. Over three vans and two BMWs with Lorenzo and Natasha sitting at the back of one of them which was bulletproof.

Matteo sat in front of Antonov driving. Lorenzo found it difficult to tear his gaze away from her. Her beauty was mesmerizing, and the silver choker stirred arousal within him.

Occasionally, Lorenzo checked his tablet, which had all the CCTV of the Casino connected. Things were going according to plan and the crowd was under security.

"Are you okay? You look tense," Natasha spoke, brushing his knuckles.

He pressed a button attached to Matteo's seat and a mini-fridge opened. Inside there were glasses and a variety of drinks. He took two glasses out and a bottle of wine, pouring for Natasha and himself.

Handing over the glass to her, "I am not tense. You are. I can hear your heart beating like crazy."