Chapter 290 : Going Home


Tallon swung his arm around me as we headed back to the waiting room. Dahlia was sleeping peacefully, and my own exhaustion was beginning to catch up with me… or maybe it was the alcohol I had drank earlier.

Either way, I was about ready to crash. I leaned against Tallon as he maneuvered his way through the halls, practically dragging me along.

The moment we entered the waiting room, I felt Giovani’s gaze on me. As we made our way across the room, I felt the unusual mood of the group.

Gabriele was complacent as usual, but Giovani was more serious than normal. I noticed his eyes flickering to Tallon and frowned to myself. I couldn’t make out much from his face, his emotions cleverly hidden like they always were.

He was a wall of stone and cool as ice, even though I could clearly see the dark bags under his eyes and how tired he looked.