Chapter 291 : Spilled Tea


The minute we pulled into the driveway, I reluctantly slid back into my own seat. My face was burning bright red, no doubt, as I knew I’d have hickeys all along my neck in the morning. Giovani sent me a rather smug smile at that as I tried my best to pull my shirt up over the marks.

Giovani walked me to my room and I reluctantly parted with him.

“Goodnight, Olivia,” he said softly to me.

“Night,” I whispered as he shut the door. I wished for a moment that I could’ve invited him inside or followed him to his bedroom. He was warm and comforting and for some reason, I felt safer around him than alone.

But that was just a wishful thought.

I yawned as I shed my clothes, getting into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt I’d had for years as I climbed into bed. I made sure to plug in my phone and collapsed into the warm fluffiness of my pillows.

I sighed, relaxing as my exhaustion took over me. It took no time at all for my eyes to close and drift off to sleep.