When Liz came back with the last box, I thought she was finally finished. After all, who needed four more trips after a moving van had delivered all the furniture and bigger boxes? Yet, out came Liz looking ready for more.
"You have way too much stuff, Liz. Have you ever thought about purging some of it down?" I asked, only half kidding.
Liz stuck her tongue out at me. We’d had this discussion more than once, but now it was affecting me more than it ever had.
"You knew who I was when you asked me to move in. I think one more trip should do it," she replied. She put her hands on her hips and took a couple of deep breaths. She looked a bit sweaty and tired. I didn’t really blame her: moving was a lot of work, even if you did have movers do a lot of the heavy lifting. But still, I chuckled at her.
"You can’t possibly have more stuff! I mean, I thought you brought it all with the movers!" I exclaimed, helping one of the kids open his juice box.