Chapter 385 : The Stand-Off


I already knew I loved Camilla. I was in love with her, there was no denying it. But I didn’t realize the true depths of what I felt for her until I saw Phil push the gun up against her head.

I knew in that instant I would do whatever it took to save her life. The only thing that mattered was her and protecting her.

Jaxon raised his hands and started trying to talk Phil down, and I knew instantly that he would fail. Jaxon was the center of his rage. There was nothing he was going to say to keep Phil from shooting Camilla. Additionally, I was certain, Jaxon just reminded him even more of the fact that his father was gone and wasn’t around to raise him. I wasn’t sure if that would make him more likely to hurt Jaxon or Camilla.

I could see either of them being the perfect target for him. I couldn’t allow either of them to be killed.