Chapter 10: Instinct things

“Shall we leave?” Levi asks me, “I think we’ve been here long enough, don’t you?”

I nod, finishing my drink and feeling just slightly dizzy. I'm far from drunk, but after a few glasses of wine and champagne I start to feel my skin warm and my inhibitions distant.

Smiling, I let Levi escort me out. Except for the incident we had at the beginning of the evening with Sebastian, the rest of the night has been peaceful; a few rumors and curious glances, but nothing I haven't gotten used to by now.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow's local news headline talked about what happened. But I also realize, to my surprise, that I don’t care. Levi has shown himself to be able to take care of me, and it's something I'm grateful for.

He has demonstrated a new side of his personality. Unfortunately, so has Sebastian, I think. The way he has tried to publicly humiliate me shows that he really doesn't care about me. In fact, perhaps he never really did.